Allenda, Isabel | Camus, Albert | Chandler, Raymond | Dickinson, Emily | Dinesen,Isak (Karen Blixen) | Grass, Gunter | Greene, Graham | Hardy, Thomas | Hesse, Hermann | Jansson, Tove | Lawrence, D.H. | le Carre, John | Lessing, Doris | Lewis, C.S. | |Mann, Thomas | Marquez, Gabriel Garcia | Murdoch, Iris | Neruda, Pablo | Orwell, George | Pamuk, Orhan | Paz, Octavio | Rilke, Rainer Maria | Singer, Isaac Bashevis | Vargas Llosa, Mario | Wilde, Oscar | 三毛 | 宮澤賢治 | 川端康成 | 大江健三郎 | 朱天文 | 吉本芭娜娜 | 村上春樹 | 妹尾河童 | 夏目漱石 | 高行健 | 張大春 | 張愛玲 | 黃永玉 | 賈平凹 | 楊絳 | 錢鍾書 | 章詒和 | Others
- Allenda, Isabel
- The House of the Spirits (Trans. by Magda Bogin, London: Black Swan, 1985, 1992)
- 精靈之屋 (張定綺、羅若蘋等譯,台北:時報文化,1994)
- Eva Luna (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, New York: Bantam Book, 1987, 1989)
- The Infinite Plan (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, London: Harper Collins, 1991, 1993)
- Paula (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, New York: Harper Collins, 1995)
- Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, London: Harper Perennial, 1999)
- 春膳 (張定綺譯,台北:時報文化,1999)
- Daughter of Fortune (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, New York: Harper Collins, 1999)
- Portrait in Sepia (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, New York: Harper Collins, 2001)
- My Invented Country: A Memoir (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, London: Flamingo, 2003)
- The Sum of Our Days (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, New York: Harper Collins, 2008)
- Camus, Albert
- Youthful Writings
- The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays (Trans. by Justin O'Brien, New York: Vintage Books, 1955.)
- The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt (Trans. by Anthony Bower, New York: Vintage Books, 1956.)
- The Plague (Trans. by Stuart Gilbert, New York: Penguin, 1969.)
- Caligula and 3 Other Plays (The Misunderstanding / State of Siege / The Just Assassins) (Trans. by Stuart Gilbert, New York: Vintage Books, 1962.)
- The Outsider (Trans. by Stuart Gilbert, New York: Penguin, 1966.)
- Chandler, Raymond
- 湖中女子 (林俊穎譯,台北:麥田,1943,1998)
- 找麻煩是我的職業 (林淑琴譯,台北:麥田,1950,1998)
- 漫長的告別 (宋碧雲譯,台北:麥田,1953,1998)
- 重播 (葉美瑤譯,台北:麥田,1958,1998)
- Dickinson, Emily
- Final Harvest: Emily Dickinson's Poems (Ed. by Thomas H. Johnson, Boston: Back Bay Books, 1962)
- Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (Ed. Mabel Loomis Todd & T.W. Higginson, New York: Gramercy Books, 1890, 1982)
- The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Ed. by R.W. Franklin, Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press, 1998)
- Emily Dickinson: Selected Letters (Ed. by Thomas H. Johnson, Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press, 1998)
- 遇見詩人艾蜜莉 (游紫玲譯,台北:玉山社,2000)
- 愛蜜麗‧花之歌 (台北:格林文化,1998)
- The Life of Emily Dickinson (Richard B. Sewall, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1974, 1998)
- The Passion of Emily Dickinson (Judith Farr, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1994)
- Dinesen, Isak (Karen Blixen)
- Seven Gothic Tales (London: Penguin Books, 1934, 1963)
- Out of Africa (Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1937, 1986)
- Winter's Tales (London: Penguin Books, 1942, 1983)
- Shawdows on the Grass (New York: Random House, 1961)
- Carnival: Entertainments and Posthumous Tales (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977)
- On Modern Marriage and Other Observations (Trans. by Anne Born, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977, 1986)
- Daguerreotypes and Other Essays (Trans. by P.M. Mitchell & W.D. Paden, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979)
- Letters from Africa: 1914-1931 (Ed. by Frans Lasson, Trans. by Anne Born, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981)
- Isak Dinesen: The Life of Karen Blixen (Judith Thurman, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1982, 1986)
- Grass, Gunter
- The Danzig Trilogy: Tin Drum, Cat and Mouse, Dog Years
- The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising: A German Tragedy (1966)
- Four Plays (Flood/Mister, Mister/Only Ten Minutes to Buffalo/The Wicked Cooks)
- Speak Out! -- speeches, open letters, commentaries (1968, 1969)
- Local Anaesthetic (1969)
- Max: A Play (1970, 1972)
- From the Diary of a Snail (1972)
- Inmarypraise (1973)
- The Flounder (1977)
- 格拉斯文集:與烏托邦賽跑 (林笳、陳巍等譯,上海:上海譯文,1978, 2005)
- The Meeting at Telgte (1979)
- Headbirths or The Germans Are Dying Out (Trans. by Ralph Manheim, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980, 1982)
- 消逝的德國人 (張筱雲譯,台北:時報文化,2003)
- On Writing and Politics: 1967-1983
- The Rat (Trans. by Ralph Manheim, Orlando, Fl: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986, 1987)
- Show Your Tongue (1988, 1989)
- Two States--One Nation? (1990)
- The Call of the Toad (1992)
- novemberland: selected poems 1956-1993
- Too Far Afield (1995)
- 我的世紀 (蔡鴻君譯,台北:時報文化,1999, 2000)
- Greene, Graham
- The Power and the Glory
- Travels with my Aunt
- The End of the Affair
- The Heart of the Matter (NY: Viking, 1948, 1981)
- Our Man in Havana (Middlesex: Penguin, 1958, 1981)
- A Burnt-Out Case (Middlesex: Penguin, 1960, 1975)
- The Comedians (Middlesex: Penguin, 1965, 1976)
- Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The Bomb Party (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1980)
- The Captain and the Enemy (Middlesex: Penguin, 1988, 1989)
- May We Borrow Your Husband? and Other Comedies of the Sexual Life (NY: Viking, 1957, 1967)
- A Sort of Life
- Ways of Escape
- Hardy, Thomas
- Far From the Madding Crowd (Ed. by Ronald Blythe, London: Penguin Books, 1874, 1985)
- The Return of the Native
- 還鄉 (王守仁譯,南京:譯林,1997)
- The Mayor of Casterbridge
- Tess of the d'Urbervilles
- 德伯家的苔絲 (張谷若譯,北京:人民文學,1980)
- Jude the Obscure
- Wessex Tales (Wordsworth Editions, 1995)
- Selected Short Stories (Wordsworth Editions, 1996)
- Hesse, Hermann
- Autobiographical Writings (Ed. by Theodore Ziolkowski, Trans. by Denver Lindley, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973.)
- Jansson, Tove
- The Summer Book (trans. by Thomas Teal, London: Sort Of Books, 2003.)
- The Winter Book: Selected Stories (trans. by Silvester Mazzarella, David McDuff and Kingsley Hart, London: Sort Of Books, 2006.)
- Fair Play (trans. by Thomas Teal, London: Sort Of Books, 2007.)
- The True Deceiver (trans. by Thomas Teal, London: Sort Of Books, 2009.)
- Travelling Light (trans. by Silvester Mazzarella, London: Sort Of Books, 2010.)
- Lawrence, D.H.
- Sons and Lovers (1913, 1979)
- The Plumed Serpent (1926,1985)
- Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928, 1977)
- Love Among the Haystacks (1930, 1965)
- The Virgin and the Gipsy (1930, 1972)
- Apocalypse (1931, 1980)
- Women in Love (1933, 1969)
- The Lost Girl (1981)
- The White Peacock (1985)
- Selected Essays (1950, 1969)
- 查泰萊夫人的情人 (岡田櫻子譯,香港:泛亞堂)
- 小瓢蟲 (程騏譯,台中:草可堂,1998)
- 狐 (易林譯,台中:草可堂,1998)
- 少女與吉普賽人 (彭小玲譯,台中:草可堂,1998)
- 死去的男人 (程騏譯,台中:草可堂,1998)
- 戀愛中的女人 (李翔譯,台中:草可堂,1998)
- le Carre, John
- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (London: Pan Books, 1963, 1965)
- Absolute Friends
- 冷戰諜魂 (宋瑛堂譯,台北:木馬文化,2004)
- Smiley's People (London: Bantam, 1979, 1980)
- The Little Drummer Girl (London: Pan Books, 1983, 1984)
- Single & Single (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1999)
- 完美的間諜 (李靜宜譯,台北:木馬文化,2005)
- 摯友 (張定綺譯,台北:木馬文化,2004)
- Lessing, Doris
- The Grass is Singing
- The Golden Notebook
- 金色筆記
- The Summer Before the Dark (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973)
- The Memoirs of a Survivor (Ontario: Octagon Press, 1974, 1976)
- The Good Terrorist
- The Real Thing: Stories and Sketches (NY: Harper Collins, 1987, 1992)
- Mara and Dann: An Adventure (NY: Harper Collins, 1999)
- The Habit of Loving (NY: Ballantine Books, 1957, 1965)
- Winter In July (Herts: Panther Books, 1966, 1974)
- A Man and Two Women and Other Stories (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1958,1984)
- The Sweetest Dream (NY: Harper Collins, 2002)
- A Proper Mirriage (Book Two) (NY: New American Library, 1952, 1970)
- A Ripple from the Storm (Book Three) (Herts: Panther Books, 1964, 1976)
- Landlocked (Book Four) (London: Panther Books, 1965, 1969)
- The Four-Gated City (Book Five)
- 貓語錄 (台北:時報,2002)
- Going Home (Herts: Panther Books, 1957, 1977)
- Prisons We Choose to Live Inside
- African Laughter
- Under My Skin: Volume I of My Autobiography
- Walking in the Shade: Volume II of My Autobiography (1949 to 1962) (NY: Harper Collins, 1997)
- Lewis, C.S.
- Studies in Words (London: Cambridge University, 1960, 1967)
- The Discarded Image: An Introductionto Medieval and Renaissance Literature (London: Cambridge University, 1964, 1967)
- Till We Have Faces: A Myth Untold (Glasgow: Collins, 1956, 1985)
- The Inspirational Writings of C.S. Lewis (Surprised by Joy/Reflections on the Psalms/The Four Loves/The Business of Heaven) (Inspirational Press, 1987)
- The Collected Works of C.S. Lewis (The Pilgrim's Regress/Christian REflections/God in the Dock) (New York: Inspirational Press, 1996)
- The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics (Mere Christianity/The Screwtape Letters/Miracles/The Great Divorce/The Problem of Pain/A Grief Observed/The Abolition of Man) (HarperSanFrancisco, 2002)
- Letters of C.S. Lewis (Ed. by W.H. Lewis, New York: Harvest/HBJ Books, 1966)
- Letters to Children (Ed. by Lyle W. Drsett & Marjorie Lamp Mead, New York: Macmillan, 1985)
- The Chronicles of Narnia (New York: Harper Trophy, 1956, 1994)
- C.S. Lewis: A Biography (A.N. Wilson, London: Flamingo, 1991)
- 路益師的心靈世界 (David Dai etc., 彭海瑩編,台北:雅歌,1989)
- Mann, Thomas
- Stories of Three Decades (Trans. by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1936.)
- Thomas Mann: A Life (by Donald Prater, Oxford: Oxford Univ, 1995)
- Unwritten Memories (by Katia Mann, Ed. by Elisabeth Plessen & Michael Mann. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975.)
- Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
- One Hundred Years of Solitude (Trans. by Gregory Rabassa, New York, Avon Books, 1967, 1971)
- The Autumn of the Patriarch (Trans. by Gregory Rabassa, New York, Avon Books, 1975, 1977)
- 獨裁者的秋天 (楊耐冬譯,台北:志文,1989)
- The Emperor of the Amazon (Trans. by Thomas Colchie, New York, Avon Books, 1977, 1980)
- 愛在瘟疫蔓延時 (姜鳳光、蔣宗曹譯,台北:允晨文化,1985, 1995)
- 迷宮中的將軍 (尹承東、蔣宗曹、申寶樓譯,台北:允晨文化,1989, 1995)
- Of Love and Other Demons (Trans. by Edith Grossman, London: Penguin Books, 1994, 1996)
- Collected Stories ((Trans. by Gregory Rabassa & J.S. Bernstein, London: Penguin Books, 2008)
- 馬奎斯小說傑作集 (楊耐冬譯,台北:志文,2001)
- 異鄉客 (宋碧雲譯,台北:時報文化,1994)
- Living to Tell the Tale (Trans. by Edith Grossman, New York: Vintage International, 2002, 2004)
- Murdoch, Iris
- Unofficial Rose
- Flight from the Enchanter
- The Bell
- 大海‧大海
- 夢境 (何欣譯,台北:大林,1970)
- Elegy for Iris (John Bayley, New York: Picador USA, 1999)
- Iris and Her Friends: A Memoir of Memory and Desire (John Bayley, New York: W.W. Norton, 2000)
- Widower's House (John Bayley, 2002)
- Neruda, Pablo
- twenty love poems and a song of despair (Trans. by W.S. Merwin, London: Jonathan Cape, 1969, 2001)
- Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, Berkeley, LA: University of California, 1990)
- The Captain's Verses (Trans. by Donald D. Walsh, New York: New Directions Books, 1952, 1972)
- Fully Empowered (Trans. by Alastair Reid, New York: New Directions Books, 1967, 1995)
- Extravagaria (Trans. by Alastair Reid, Austin: University of Texas, 1969, 1996)
- The Hands of Day (Trans. by William O'Daly. Washington: Copper Canyon Press, 2008.)
- 聶魯達詩精選集 (陳黎、張芳齡譯,台北:桂冠,1997)
- Memoirs (Trans. by Hardie St. Martin, London: Penguin Books, 1977, 1978)
- Orwell, George
- Animal Farm
- 1984 (1949)
- Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1954)
- Homage to Catalonia (1959)
- Orwell and the Dispossessed (London: Penguin Books, 2001)
- A collection of essays (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1946, 1953)
- The Orwell Reader: Fiction, Essays, and Reporage by George Orwell (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1956)
- The War Commentaries (Ed. by W.J. West, New York: Pentheon Books, 1985)
- 戰時日記 (孫宜學譯,桂林:廣西師範大學,2003)
- 奧威爾書信集 (甘險峰譯,貴陽:貴州人民,2001)
- Pamuk, Orhan
- My Name is Red (Trans. by Erdag M. Goknar, NY: Vintage, 2001.)
- Istanbul: Memories and the City (Trans. by Maureen Freely, London: Faber and Faber, 2005.)
- Other Colors: Essays and a Story (Trans. by Maureen Freely, NY: Vintage, 2008.)
- Paz, Octavio
- Configurations (Trans. by G. Aroul, etc, NY: New Directions, 1971.)
- The Labyrinth of Solitude and Other Writings (Trans. by Lysander Kemp, Yara Milos & Rachel Phillips Belash, NY: Grove Press, 1985.)
- Sor Juana, Or, The Traps of Faith (Trans. by Margaret Sayers Peden, Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press, 1988.)
- The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz: 1957-1987 (Ed. by Eliot Weinberger, New York: New Directions Books, 1991.)
- Itinerary: an interllectual journey (Trans. by Jason Wilson, New York: Harcourt, 1999.)
- In praise of hands: Comtemporary Crafts of the World (Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society & the World Crafts Council, 1974.)
- 雙重火焰--愛情與愛欲的幾何學 (蔣顯璟、真漫亞譯,台北:邊城,2004。)
- Rilke, Rainer Maria
- Letters to a Young Poet (Trans. by M. D. Herter Norton, 1934, 1993)
- Selected Poems (Trans. by J. B. Leishman, 1964)
- Uncollected Poems (Trans. by Edward Snow, 1996)
- Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke (Ed. and trans. by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)
- 里爾克散文選 (綠原、張黎、錢春綺譯, 2001)
- 關於上帝的故事:里爾克寫給童心未泯的人 (黃瑞華譯, 2000)
- Diaries of a Young Poet (Trans. by Edward Snow and Michael Winkler, 1942, 1997)
- Two Stories of Prague (Trans. by Angela Esterhammer, 1994)
- A Ringing Glass: The Life of Rainer Maria Rilke (by Donald Prater, 1986)
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis
- Vargas Llosa, Mario
- 綠房子 (孫家孟譯,昆明:雲南人民,1996。)
- The War of the End of the World (London: Faber & Faber, 1996.)
- Three Plays: The Young Lady from Tacna / Kathie and the Hippopotamus / La Chunga (Trans. by David Graham-Young. London: Faber and Faber, 1990.)
- The Storyteller (Trans. by Helen Lane. New York: Penguin, 1990.)
- In Praise of the Stepmpother (Trans. by Helen Lane. London: Faber & Faber, 1992.)
- Letters to a Young Novelist (Trans. by Natasha Wimmer. New York: Picador, 2003.)
- The Language of Passion: Selected Commentary (Trans. by Natasha Wimmer. New York: Picador, 2004.)
- Wilde, Oscar
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (London: Penguin Books, 1891, 1994)
- 德瑞安‧葛雷的畫像 (上、下) (向日葵工作室譯,台北:萬象,1998)
- The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays (London: Penguin Books, 1954, 1986)
- 溫夫人的扇子 (余光中譯,台北:大地,1992)
- 不可兒戲 (余光中譯,台北:大地,1996)
- 人面獅身的女子 (Illustrated by Cristina Rinaldi, 賴慈芸譯,台北:格林,2000)
- 愛,要不要靈魂--生命中最大的交易 (Illustrated by Germano Ovani, 劉清彥譯,台北:格林,2000)
- 獄中記 (孫宜學譯,桂林:廣西師範大學,2000)
- Oscar Wilde (Richard Ellmann, New York: Vintage Books, 1988)
- 三毛
- 雨季不再來 (台北:皇冠,1976, 1978)
- 稻草人手記 (三毛流浪記之二) (台北:皇冠,1977)
- 溫柔的夜 (三毛流浪記之四) (台北:皇冠,1979)
- 背影 (香港:吳興記書報社,1980)
- 夢裡落花知多少 (香港:吳興記書報社,1980)
- 宮澤賢治 (Kenji, Miyazawa)
- 《貓咪事務所》 (滕若榕譯,台北:麥田,1998。)
- 《孿生星子》 (郭美惠譯,台北:麥田,1999。)
- 《銀河鐵道之夜》 (台北:麥田)
- 《風又三郎》 (台北:麥田)
- 《宮澤賢治童話文集1-3》 (周龍梅譯,上海:少年兒童出版社,2003。)
- Kenji’s Sketches on the Kitakami and Its Outskirts: English-Beach and Other Stories (trans. by Takahashi Teiko, 東京:郁朋社, 2005.)
- Strong in the Rain: Selected Poems (Trans. by Roger Pulvers, Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books, 2007.)
- 川端康成 (Kawabata, Yasunari)
- 山之音 (葉渭渠譯,台北:木馬文化,2002)
- 雪國 (喬遷譯,台北:三民,1970)
- 雪鄉‧千羽鶴 (環華館編譯,台北:環華百科)
- 美麗與悲哀 (金溟若譯,台北:志文,1969,1982)
- 掌中小說 (葉渭渠譯,台北:木馬文化,2002)
- 川端康成、三島由紀夫往來書簡集 (許金龍譯,北京:昆侖,2000)
- 大江健三郎 (Oe, Kenzaburo)
- 萬延元年的足球隊 (1996)
- 靜靜的生活 (1999)
- 為什麼孩子要上學 (2002)
- 被偷換的孩子 (2004)
- 給新新人類 (2005)
- 再見,我的書﹗(2008)
- 大江健三郎自選隨筆集 (北京:光明日報,2000)
- 大江健三郎散文集 (王新新譯,香港:天地,2002)
- 朱天文
- 小畢的故事 (電影VCD,導演:陳坤厚,1983)
- 戲夢人生 (編劇:吳念真、朱天文,電影VCD,導演:侯孝賢,1983)
- 炎夏之都 (台北:時報文化,1987)
- 戀戀風塵 (編劇:吳念真、朱天文,電影VCD,導演:侯孝賢,1987)
- 悲情城市 (編劇:吳念真、朱天文,電影劇本,導演:侯孝賢,台北: 三三書坊,1989)
- 荒人手記 (台北:時報文化,1994)
- 千禧曼波 (電影劇本,導演:侯孝賢,2002)
- 紅氣球的旅行—侯孝賢電影記錄續編 (濟南:山東畫報出版社,2009)
- 菩薩低眉 (香港:明報月刊,2009)
- 吉本芭娜娜 (Banana Yoshimoto)
- 白河夜船 (葉偉然譯,香港:博益,1996)
- 蜥蜴 (葉偉然譯,香港:博益,1996)
- 鶇 (葉偉然譯,香港:博益,1996)
- 哀愁的預感 (吳繼文譯,香港:博益,1997)
- 原來如此的對話 (與河合隼雄合著,銀色快手、黃心寧譯,時報,2004)
- 村上春樹 (Haruki Murakami)
- 聽風的歌 (賴明珠譯,台北:時報,1988)
- 1973年的彈珠玩具 (賴明珠譯,台北:時報,1995)
- 發條鳥年代記 (第一部:鵲賊篇‧第二部:預言鳥篇) (賴明珠譯,香港:博益,1995)
- 舞、舞、舞吧 (上、下) (葉蕙譯,香港:博益,1994)
- 看袋鼠的好日子 (賴明珠譯,香港:博益,1997)
- 地下鐵事件 (賴明珠譯,台北:時報,1998)
- 爵士群像(與和田誠合著,賴明珠譯,台北:時報,1998)
- 電視人 (張致斌譯,台北:時報,2000)
- 象工場的Happy End (張致斌譯,台北:時報,2000)
- 遠方的大鼓聲 (上、下) (賴明珠譯,香港:博益,2001)
- 妹尾河童 (Kappa Senoo)
- 少年H (上、下) (1998)
- 窺看印度 (2002)
- 廁所大不同 (2002)
- 工作大不同 (2003)
- 窺看河童 (2004)
- 邊走邊啃醃蘿蔔 (2005)
- 河童旅行素描本 (2006)
- 窺看日本 (2006)
- 窺看舞台 (2008)
- 夏目漱石 (Natsume, Soseki)
- 礦工
- 我是貓 (于雷譯,南京:譯林,1962, 1993)
- 夢十夜
- 少爺的時代 (1-5) (關川夏英、谷口治郎著,方承易譯,台北:尖端,2000)
- 高行健
- 給我老爺買魚竿
- 靈山
- 一個人的聖經
- 八月雪
- 絕對信號
- 山海經傳
- 文學的理由
- 另一種美學:水墨畫作品集
- 張大春
- 公寓導遊 (1986)
- 四喜憂國 (1988)
- 歡喜賊 (1989)
- 大說謊家 (1989)
- 本事 (1998)
- 病變 (1990)
- 雞翎圖 (1990)
- 化身博士 : 危言爽聽 (1991)
- 少年大頭春的生活週記 (1992)
- 異言不合 (1992)
- 我妹妹 (1993)
- 沒人寫信給上校 (1994)
- 野孩子 (1996)
- 撒謊的信徒 (1996)
- 小說稗類 (1998)
- 城邦暴力團 (1999-2000)
- 聆聽父親 (2003)
- 春燈公子 (2005)
- 戰夏陽 (2006)
- 認得幾個字 (2007)
- 張愛玲
- 秧歌
- 赤地之戀 (皇冠,1998)
- 怨女 (皇冠,1977)
- 第一爐香 (短篇小說集之二)
- 半生緣 (皇冠,1992)
- 紅樓甍魘 (皇冠,2004)
- 海上花開 (皇冠,1992)
- 海上花落(皇冠,1992)
- 惘然記 (皇冠,2007)
- 傾城之戀 (香港:女神)
- 張愛玲短篇小說集 (台北:皇冠,1968, 1977)
- 張愛玲散文 (來鳳儀選編,杭州:浙江文藝,2000)
- 張愛玲文集‧補遺 (子通、亦清編,北京:中國華僑,2002)
- 同學少年都不賤 (天津:天津人民,2004)
- 小團圓 (香港:皇冠,2009)
- 對照記 (香港:皇冠,2010)
- 私語錄 (香港:皇冠,2010)
- 黃永玉
- 罐齋雜記 (永玉六記之一) (1983)
- 力求嚴肅認眞思考的札記 (永玉六記之二)
- 芥末居雜記 (永玉六記之三) (1983)
- 往日,故鄉的情話 (永玉六記之四)
- 太陽下的風景 (1983)
- 花衣吹笛人 (1988)
- 永玉三記 (1990)
- 沿著塞納河到翡冷翠 (1992)
- 這些憂鬱的碎屑 (1993)
- 汗珠裏的沙漠: (永玉六記之五) (1993)
- 斗室的散步: (永玉六記之六) (1993)
- 詩意 (1995)
- 水滸人物 (1995)
- 流光五十年: 黃永玉的繪畫 (1998)
- 給藝術兩小時:余光中、黃永玉談文學與藝術 (2000)
- 書畫人生: 黃永玉自選集 (2002)
- 比我老的老頭 (2003)
- 黃永玉的柒柒捌捌 (聶玫、石磊編著,長沙:湖南美術,2004)
- 永不回來的風景 (2006)
- 賈平凹
- 浮躁 (1989)
- 廢都 (1993)
- 油月亮 (1993)
- 高老庄 (1998)
- 懷念狼 (2000)
- 我是農民 (2000)
- 商州人‧男人篇 (2001)
- 秦腔 (2006)
- 賈平凹 (香港:明報,1999)
- 楊絳
- 幹校六記 (1981)
- 記錢鍾書與《圍城》(香港:三聯,1987)
- 從丙午到"流亡" (北京:中國青年,2000)
- 雜憶與雜寫 (香港:三聯,1994)
- 我們仨 (北京:三聯,2003)
- 楊絳散文 (杭州:淅江文藝,1994)
- 楊絳小說集 (海口:南海,2001)
- 走到人生邊上--自問自答 (台北:時報,2007)
- 聽楊絳談往事 (北京:三聯,2008)
- 譯作:
- 小癩子 ("La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes",台北:書林,1993)
- 堂吉訶德 (上、下) ([西班牙]塞萬提斯著,北京:人民文學,2000)
- 斐多 (柏拉圖對話錄,香港:天地,2000)
- 錢鍾書
- 宋詩選註
- 談藝錄
- 七綴集
- 圍城; 人‧獸‧鬼
- 槐聚詩存
- 章詒和
- 一陣風,留下了千古絕唱 (香港:牛津,2005)
- 伶人往事—寫給不看戲的人看 (長沙:湖南文藝,2006)
- Others
- A Sor Juana Anthology (Trans. by Alan S. Trueblood, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, 1988)
- Antonio Machado: Selected Poems (Trans. by Alan S. Trueblood, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, 1982)
- Blood of Requited Love (Manuel Puig, trans. by Jan L. Grayson, London: Faber & Faber, 1984)
- English Prose Style (Herbert Read, Boston: Beacon Press, 1952)
- Essays and Essayists (Compiled and Edited by Henry Newbolt, London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1925, 1935)
- Heartbreak House: A Fantasia in the Russian Manner on English Themes (Bernard Shaw, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1919, 1976)
- The Kalevala or Poems of the Kaleva District (Compiled by Elias Lonnrot, Trans. by Francis Peabody Magoun, Jr., Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1963,1999)
- Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin: A Short Residence in Sweden and Memoirs of the Author of 'The Rights of Woman' (Ed. by Richard Holmes, London: Penguin Books, 1796/1798, 1987)
- Path of Resistance: The Art and Craft of The Political Novel (Isabel Allende / Charles McCarry / Marge Piercy / Robert Stone / Gore Vidal) (Ed. by William Zinsser, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989.)
- Pygmalion: A Romance in Five Acts (Bernard Shaw, London: Longmas, Green and Co, 1957)
- Saint Joan: A Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue (Bernard Shaw, London: Penguin Books, 1923, 1957)
- Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self (Claire Tomalin, London: Penguin Books, 2003)
- Seven pillars of wisdom; a triumph (T.E. Lawrence, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1926, 1964)
- W.H. Auden: Selected Poems (Ed. by Edward Mendelson, London: Faber & Faber, 1979)
- 當代法國短篇小說選 (鄭臻‧梁秉鈞合譯,台北:晨鐘出版社,1970。)
- 二十世紀法國四十詩人 (Bernard Pokojski編,王人德、金義端譯,開益出版社,2004)
- 尼伯龍人之歌 ([德]佚名著,南京:譯林,2000)
- 香水與香頌:法國詩歌欣賞 (莫渝譯著,台北:書林,1997)
- 莫泊桑中短篇小說選集 (上、下) (李青崖譯,上海:上海譯文,1978)
- 慾望金字塔 (Ismail Kadare, 譚寶璇譯, 台北:先覺, 2001)
- 對橡樹說話的少年 (Simon and the Oaks. Marianne Fredriksson, 俞智敏譯, 台北:時報, 2001)