看山‧餞花‧釀美酒 (2)

horrifying | some basic facts about Daya Bay | more notes | 歐陽奮強 | 官商議員鐵三角 | 農曆年探昌哥、琴姐 (1) | 農曆年探昌哥、琴姐 (2) | 自從蘇軾......... | 踏入亞洲廢核第二年, 一月開會 (1) | 踏入亞洲廢核第二年, 一月開會 (2) | 值得一看 | 讀書會 - 誠邀參加 | 黑心明周 | 關於校園與電磁輻射問題----也可轉交教協環境小組關注 | 工作展望:福島營不搞了 | 若不認真看待全球化,本土關懷易變引狼入室----病中囈語 | TCM | traditional wisdom | Re: | chemo and other things (1) | chemo and other things (2) | 順其自然 | less veggie tmw | 努力加油 | are HK people out on the street too? | 好無奈﹗﹗ | 好無良﹗﹗ | 燈泡的迷思 | Leak Found in Steel Tank for Contaminated Water at Fukushima |土法治療 |土法治療(2) |土法治療(3) |土法治療(4) |有何偏方? |雜談(4) |化療也會引致麻痺 | 土法治療(5) | Re: 燈泡的迷思 (more) | Increase in Parkinson's disease | Not NN news, but very important | 土法使用報告 | 雜談(5) | 食甚麼?做甚麼? | 無謂問題 | Calcium supplement linked to heart attack | ray of hope再生能源滿足全義用電 | 風水怪談 | 如此美國(優質)食品 | 手尾長 | 怎樣才能反核?(Fwd: Uranium Project Nixed: GOOD NEWS from Quebec) | 正常與反常 | 不解的...... |雜談(7) | 筆記 | 攻擊核設施的電腦病毒 | 文明不文明 | 斷續之間 | parcel from Fukushima - update | 薑黃素及其它 | 收到朝頭早 | 誰的菜譜 | 古今中港 | 楊絳《一百歲感言》 | 分類學 | 小病不小 | 繼續筆記 | Dr Mecola on防蚊 掛念 | "低劑量輻射" | 化療準備 | 有誰關心香港兒童牙齒?...... | 新菜期 | 夏日長發酵 | 是可以做到的 | 圖文並茂 | 發夢 | 反對樽裝水,不飲樽裝水------ | 癲狂世界 | 生蛇? | are you ok? | 道德全無的世界 | 道德全無的世界(2) | 民間治療簡報 | what's in our water? | 某種生活......... | 雜談(15) | 好可怕! 值得省思 the story of Man | 一個月了 | 兩個月了 | 補遺 | 請教 | 竟然踏入第6周 | relaxing music | 無題 | A Letter to All Young Athletes from Hirose | 過日子 | 請轉交宇生 | 舒緩神經疼痛 運動可減促進因子 | 針炙查詢 | update on GMOs | 邀請反核之眾撰寫《福島誓言》一書之書介 | 秋高氣爽了 | 天天學習 | 生日快樂! | 試試枇杷葉?? | 馬紹爾-糖尿病 | 狗屎教育 | | | |…… 待續 ……













2011年3月12日 下午6:15

i am worried about the situation of the nuclear reactors of the power plants in NE Japan - local news says the cooling system has stopped working because electricity was cut off during the earthquake. that can be very dangerous - the so-called China Syndrome (core meltdown) is a possibility. the report also says that the "protective wall" does not work - it actually has collapsed...... so radiation cannot be contained.

so on and so forth.

all these "accidents" are not accidental. those of us who are against nuclear power plants have always tried to alert people of these real dangers but the anti-nuclear movement has not gathered momentum here. so many (i have lost count) reactors have been built in Daya Bay since the campaign ended in 1987, and more are coming. ironically the pro-building camp have used the advanced technology of the Japanese model as a "strong" argument against our query.

natural forces are powerful indeed but human folly, greed, and apathy are even more horrifying.

Si Wai

some basic facts about Daya Bay

2011年3月15日 下午10:40

Just want to share my notes (March 15) with you:

It's very misleading to mention Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant as if it is just the two nuclear reactors of 900 megawatts PWR designed by Framatome in France. No, since those days (1986) when HK people protested against the construction of these two reactors, 4 more reactors have been built in its vicinity - Ling Ao station (1 km to the east of DB), and more are on the way. All these belong to the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant family.

Unlike the first two Daya Bay reactors which use two pressurized water reactors imported from France and Britain, part of the Ling Ao station's equipment was made in China. Li Peng, who attended the opening ceremony of the first Ling Ao reactor on February 6, 1994 as premier, said 30 percent of the equipment at Ling Ao is to be produced locally. Needless to say, its operation is a "Chinese internal affair", only to be monitored by the toothless International Atomic Energy Agency.

In reading about this, i also recall when the French experts left Daya Bay after the period of their stationing there for transfering of operation and management skills related to the first two reactors was over, a SCMP report said they are very frustrated about being constantly complained by their Chinese counterparts as "making the procedures too tedious for the Chinese".

Technology-wise, the first two nuclear reactors of Ling Ao are 938 MWe PWR based on the French 900 MWe three cooling loop design, while the third and fourth ones are being constructed in conjunction with Areva, based on the French three cooling loop design. The third Ling Ao reactor is China’s first domestic CPR-1000 nuclear power plant.

Ownership-wise, except for the first two reactors, which the CLP Group in Hong Kong (so-called Hong Kong Nuclear Investment Company) holds a 25% equity, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Company (CGNPC) is the sole shareholder. CGNPC of course has no obligation whatsoever to respond to any doubt or query of the HK populace.

CLP of HK, on the other hand, has continued to score success in the nuclear power plant business in China. Its most recent investment is to own 17% of the 6,000 MW Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station with six 1,000 MW PWR unit. Yangjiang, Guangdong is approximately 220 kilometres west of Hong Kong.

Chan Siu Hung, Director of CLP Nuclear Investment Company Limited, says "the Yangjiang project reinforces CLP's ongoing commitment towards low carbon generation to meet the interim target of increasing our non-carbon-emitting generating capacity to 20 percent by 2020, as set out in our Climate Vision 2050. This investment also supports the Central Government's announcement to cut 40 percent to 45 percent of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP in China by 2020 from its 2005 level, whilst contributing to the sustainable development of the Pearl River Delta region."

How awfully hypocritical! So this is CLP - which conducts charity work such as running the "environmentally friendly" Kadoorie Farm and Botannical Gardens to greenwash its corporate image!!! So this is what the BUSINESS of "low carbon" and "sustainable development" is about!!!

While we care about what's happening in Daya Bay, we should also act against the Yangjiang conspiracy - even though the place is a bit farther away from us. Afterall, CLP is a HK corporation.

Si Wai

more notes

2011年3月16日 下午7:01

(March 16)

Also already undergoing construction in Guangdong are two reactors at Tai Shan. The following brief info about it is taken from Wikipedia. European countries (and Canada too, which has been very unethical in its nuclear business deal with China, by lowering the safety standard that is required by the same plant model when built on Canadian soil) have been extremely active in selling their nuclear power plant technology to China and other developing countries. The reason is simple - the no-nukes movement of these "developed" countries is putting up hurdles for business expansion back home, while business, according to Lenin's analysis on imperialism more than a century ago as well as the recent discussions on globalization, just has to expand (to less developed countries). The production of a whole lot of educated people to become apologetic technological experts or unreflective consumers of such dangerous technologies is an indivisable part of this grand business expansion scheme, of course.

Another part of this well-concerted (dirty) business expansion drama is played by the globalized environmental NGOs, which often hold very dubious position (if you are careful in reading their actions and inactions). One example is Greenpeace (China), which has been very vocal, since the beginning of this frightening nuclear "accident" of Japan, in attacking the HK Govt's recent attempt to shift to a higher percentage of nuclear power, while it is still dead silent over all these nuclear power plants that are (and will be) built in Guangdong and all over the mainland. Campaign strategy? Organization interest?

In a nutshell, people should have their own no-nukes movement.


About Tai Shan's, please read the following.

Two units at the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant are under construction in Chixizhen, Taishan, Guangdong province, China. It is planned to go online in 2013 and will be the third site to house Areva's 1,700 megawatt (MW) European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) units. The project is owned by Guangdong Taishan Nuclear Power Joint Venture Company Limited (TNPC), a joint venture, which is 70% owned by China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPC) and 30% by Électricité de France (EDF).

On August 26, 2008, excavation work began. The first concrete for the first unit was poured in October 2009.[4] Construction of each unit is planned to take 46 months, significantly faster and cheaper than the first two EPRs in Finland and France

Si Wai



Pao Yu has written a new article. Not his best, but he is really much more than a pretty face. Though pretty face is important too - in his case. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ab2f8360102ducu.html

Si Wai




立會「環境事務委員會」已將我們聯署者和市民大大出賣, 我們應如何表示憤怒? 另, 此會已淪為陸副隨從 (理由以下列出), 而陸則為中電等利益集團的隨從, 故我們亦同時要考慮如何向這條無恥綠褲示威。

上回本是「環境事務委員會」約同「經濟事務委員會」成員一齊開其12月會議, 講電費結構, 其實已好可疑, 點解自我降格, 唔可以有環境的獨立角度? 我們的信發出後, 「經」會本周一開了自己的會, 蘋果報導昨天已寄了給大家, 當然是無恥黃男綠女會上自大廢up。而與此同時, 「環」會竟然取消講電費結構議程, 說「經」會已討論過, 剩下來主要是處理政府主導的議題, 包括無恥綠褲一向以來私人生意中力推的兩大項目----噉都得!!!


(1) 核生意------「環」會建議成立subcom, 專注無恥綠褲上任便宣稱要大搞的空氣污染 (另再加上噪音污染和地球之友最鍾意搞的光污染)。[大家留意, 沒有輻射污染不特止, 空氣污染排頭位完全是無恥綠褲及賣核集團的長期至愛-----減煤增核的代名詞是也。見昨日蘋果, quote "(陸)指市民應「睇闊啲」。她指煤電增加空氣污染,天然氣價錢昂貴,市民應多了解核電,而非一味恐懼。"]

(2) 支援買賣碳生意------ 無恥綠褲一向在中港之間大推用香港人d 錢 (立會批的九千萬/5年) 津貼港人在大陸開的廠, 以改善空氣方面的排污, 由此替「大陸」 (包括d廠自己!)賺取減碳 credit (所謂Certified Emission Reduction,在香港此稱「清潔生產伙伴計劃」)。這其實是令企業提高污染然後兩頭收水的全球性無良生意。 現時正值要立會批新的一輪津貼 (二千萬/2年), 就由「環」會先來蓋橡皮圖章-----當然也會裝模作樣同時撥些少給香港蚊型行業如噴漆業去改善改善...........

「環」會是甚麼東西?與陸 (及其所代表的利益集團) 親密成咁?mud 佢地唔係有好些人民選出的代表在其中嗎?單是其何秀蘭主席, 我們至少託兩個熟悉她的人先後和她解釋過我們信中的立場, 居然連封信給擺上其收到文件網頁的機會都無, 而這段期那頁已加了很多有關由甚麼廠商會等呈交的有關「清潔生產伙伴計劃」的文件, 簡直與「經」會掉轉角色 (「經」會則擺了我們的信), 奇哉!

如何撕破出賣人民的議員, 目中無人的黃陸, 及其背後的利益集團的偽綠色真黑金面貌?是反核所包括的課題。否則核謊言大家永遠不會知道。


另,下星期誰來繼續在中電門口嘈佢? 持續發揮令它十分討厭的功能-------會陸續加強令它無癮的橫額。目前為止最成功 (令出入的人陰陰笑)的是Kadoorie, Eat your own nuclear waste. Don't nuke our place。快來接力。

Si Wai

農曆年探昌哥、琴姐 (1)


初步定初三、初四兩天作周年探訪。有機農場成假日娛樂場所的趨勢下, 田租要加了, 地主要租給搵大錢的有(商)機娛樂農場了........


按時間表農曆年那星期是停送菜的, 大家就到現場購買吧。


昌哥被地主收回種了多年, 種到極靚的土地, 一再加租給他都堅決要收 (又不肯透露用來轉搞甚麼), 又因昌哥其它租來之地就在旁邊, 故這邊搞破壞、旁邊那有生態之完卵? 故他亦要放棄。或可重新找地, 但開地工夫很龐大....... 我想大家有錢出錢有力出力兩樣都無就從旁打氣, 看看是否開地有得搞。香港如失昌哥田, 就是豎立走向滅亡的一塊里程碑-------這是我的看法, 因為種有機田就是種田、不搞任何gimmicks (或美稱副業) 的人在香港是一個非常稀有的品種(琴、昌之外, 大概一隻手的指頭都不足),彼等是作了回到生活之本的選擇, 能這樣選擇是人權。

至於我們可能沒有他的菜吃, 則是活生生地說明城市人是多麼脆弱, 你認得一個可靠的農民是個莫大的福氣, 但對其遭遇我們又很難飛身幫助.......... 這次希望做到點甚麼吧。

Si Wai

農曆年探昌哥、琴姐 (2)


年初四探訪昌哥時, 大家可實地看看正在發生的事。

昌哥說他田附近至少已有兩處高價租給「郊區娛樂事業」, 地主們知種田維生者不會出得起這價錢, 所以都懶得再向昌哥這類租戶提加租, 收回算數。現昌哥因已種了下造的作物, 所以要求四月才交回土地, 不然血本無歸。

香港劃作永久農地用地之地不多, 最可惡是根本沒有永久, 個個心知肚明既有補地價之惡法就無永久用途可言-------要不然琴姐所在的鶴藪是全港最大片永久農地, 何以地主們不種不用更絕不肯賣, 琴姐種的果樹都常被地主砍掉---------就是大家在等。之前爆出大浪西的醜聞, 賣給發展商原來又十分便宜 (我們多些人科款其實也買得起佢整條村), 何解? 根本就是我們沒法知悉的秘密條件在銀碼之外。

其實琴姐鶴藪與錦田昌哥那邊一樣, 前年我們拜訪琴姐時又去旁邊的「有機」士多啤利園見識這「大型娛樂場所」, 嘩竟然不防蟲咬、無鳥來食(對比琴姐之士多啤利田上佈陣森嚴依然被「分嚐」到七彩, 已心知是甚麼回事, 但這些志不在種得老實種好生態的大租戶偏就是把田租節節推高, 令認真的小農不能不玩完......... 錦田昌哥的鄰居 Larry, 另一個低調老實無gimmicks 有機農民旁邊的田, 已租價高達$10000/ 斗地 / 年 (不要以為那不算貴, 因為以生產有機農產品來說一定不能回本, 搞娛樂或分租給假日「農民」或藉個農字申請種種名目的 funding才可以)。

當然可以叫昌哥琴姐Larry 變身做那樣的事但相信不是她/他們的職志, 對生態保育來說當然更是向下流走去。


(1) 大與小 ----------有機農耕由企業來搞不單趕絕小民自足生活, 更不會是來真的, 偽有機農耕是怎樣的Michael Pollens 本The Omnivore's Dilemma已用真實事例講得好清楚。有點像講再生能源如果由大企業來做一樣壟斷民生兼不會環保。

(2) 生活品位問題---------- 如果大眾永遠被官商發放訊息教育(洗腦) 為「打造農產成為品牌、趣味消費, 才是農業的出路」, 其實就是為上述那種最終由「大」全面取締「小」的方向鋪路; 今時甚至給你fundings 玩增值, 玩親子, 玩環保, 玩社區/社企 (而那個「社」卻往往不包括那位農民生產者在內, 或只以組織者和消費者的利益為中心)........ 明天真正認識那一片一片獨特水土生態如何與那些那些作物長久共存的一個一個小農, 就要完蛋。現時就是這個情況的反映, 即大家在愈炒作有機農耕為「食物生產以外」的玩意/創意之際, 大滅小及 fit 曬地產規格的趨勢已漸形成。有機農業立於此附庸或比附庸更不堪的位置 (其實總是商品化異化), 就是人的生活品位的進一步後退。

我們暫時能做的是一方面安定這些小農持續耕種的機會(失去有關的知識和人物, 是日後難以挽回的損失),但揭露有機耕種異化的各方面也重要, 娛樂消費是廸士尼, 不是農業, 這個訊息要清楚。怎樣幫昌哥渡過難關, 我嘗試繼續 co-ordinate一下。

Si Wai



電腦常被入侵, 索性關機度歲求清淨, 反核資訊緩緩收送, 一月再來行動, 現專讀蘇東坡, 旁及宋詩及宋史。

誠如錢鍾書言 (意思), 詩不必強分唐或宋, 詩人按本身氣質屬唐屬宋可也。然身為宋人, 自有其歷史時代之召喚, 將唐詩之未發發之;在後世來看, 則自是鹹魚青菜, 各有所愛。我則一向視唐詩為清風明月, 是生活的一部分, 甚至是無須意識其存在之必須品, 今讀多一點東坡與其同及後輩之作, 自覺與宋詩氣味甚貼, 尤其大蘇, 雖被袁子才等抑為「有才無情」, 卻甚是我杯茶。

再認識之下, 原來宋詩與哲學關係非淺, 可謂唐(及更早前)之大力接收、發揚道釋之義理後, 儒學精神之重歸------ 卻是協帶著道佛而重歸-----的呈現, 又喜歡大講道理(悶煞一些人)。依吉川幸次郎之說, 宋詩終結了唐詩中的絕望情緒(與相關之浪漫), 重展了生命的(也是詩經<雅>中的)樂觀精神--------- 當然不是說宋代詩人生活愉快, 而是彼等愈慘澹則愈戰愈勇, 大蘇當然是表表者了, 而他又終生與僧道為友, 絕對知道人生如寄........... 不過他總是好好過活。

一個原因是宋代再沒有貴族階層, 這些士人即使做過高官甚麼也好, 都畢竟出自農家, 遇到困難能自己解決。大蘇無食即開地種稻, 無餸則種菜, 放牛釀酒煮飯做墨丸(不是墨魚丸, 是寫字用的)皆能, 還有個懂得治牛病、又識接種黑牡丹的老婆, 令他大讚不已。到了海南, 當地不種稻而搞經濟作物他惟有吃入口米便因此不開心!

再說宋代情況, 千多年前的這個階段, 是個走向近代起碼是個已脫離古代的世界, 文治遠勝武功-------- 好處是人文精神大大擡頭, 未能處理的是怎樣做到更平等, 這也許是個千古難題但梁山泊並非全為fiction 民間疾苦之深宋詩中講及的亦多不勝算, 另有個壞處是鄰國來侵這更是伏下大亂之機, 連(戰)馬都不夠, 怎抗北敵? 養了好多的騾子呢, 供運輸用甚好但不是作戰用的。那麼怎樣才是好統治?在現今更難, 廢核或不廢核呢?想深一層其實比宋朝時易決, 甚至比廣島長岐之前易決, 因為全球生命毀滅是最大的惡, 我先來廢也沒有執輸可言的...........

文治的宋代過去了, 有人說中國地上自此大氣已失, 士大夫轉愛淫巧, 民間苦中又苦那裏還開得出文化奇葩?話雖如此, 如東坡老兄之遺愛人間, 知識份子草根階層沾其清露總有慰藉, 想起他被趕到天涯海角還被趕出宿舍尚能自建居所每日田間找人談天說地............. 這麼一個死後被追憶為「直將和氣接兒童」的人, 有溫暖的胸懷------ 至大的胸懷, 足夠令後人都不會盡發愁, 又不易氣餒。


Si Wai

踏入亞洲廢核第二年, 一月開會 (1)


如訂在 12 / 1 / 2013 pm, 大家能來嗎?

Quebec 最後一座反應爐都關了, 才27 年, 已是退役時份, 否則要大修, 執政黨選擇關了它安樂。大亞灣22 年, 都夠了, 大家真的玩不起, 請各位努力。

議程: 1. 討論反核之眾是否社團登記, 以便於開戶口 etc.
2. 三月福島二周年, 論壇及其它活動 -- 嘉賓, 人手, funding 等
3. 財政現況
4. 新一年工作 -- 人手????

新年新氣象, 至少見個面, 我預備好茶。有些團體或朋友近一年都沒影蹤呢。

Si Wai

踏入亞洲廢核第二年, 一月開會 (2)


Quebec 最後一座反應爐都關了, 慶祝會( http://tinyurl.com/dxhurdv ) 好像很少Québecois 參加, 唔緊要啦, 人少, 也持續做, 令核電的黑暗面人人都知, 起碼都知道官商是講大話, 生命最重要, 就不會不同意廢爐的了。反核運動, 及反核上街之not sexy, 世界各地同例, 去年311的 guests 都給我們類似的"鼓勵", 她/他們也很能自我安慰, Gordon Edwards 就這樣描述Quebec這"盛事" ----- This historic event marks the first time that any political jurisdiction in North America has phased out nuclear power completely.

阿政之外, 我亦有數字障礙, 不是看錯讀錯就是打錯, Quebec 那個Gentilly-2 Nuclear Reactor是29年而不是27 年就關門, 不過不重要啦, 愈早關愈少核廢 (尤其那些乏燃料棒----高階核廢)留給後代, 退役費也平些

[資料提供: Workers will have to discharge the reactor's fuel, treat heavy water and deactivate several systems. The fuel and contaminated water will be transferred to holding pools for seven years.

After these steps, Gentilly-2 will undergo a "sleeping" stage for 40 years. By 2062, the used fuel rods will be removed from the location and the plant will be completely taken apart.

The plant's closure is expected to cost $1.8 billion over a period of more than 50 years.]

注意除役的treat heavy water 工序, 據Lily資料提供, 處理heavy water即 處理tritium 那些東西。 嘿, 大核這些壓水式而非重水式就更巴閉, 平日不用處理已把tritium 等排曬出去, 大家食海產都吸收唔少-------- 怎可以讓這些情況繼續?????

如果說中國需要核電廠來提供核武材料, 那麼你又怎樣回答這"觀點"? 明年三月的講者也會和大家探討這些, 請密切留意, 幫手和付年費。(目前只有文彥覆會來開會, 我和她對影成5人也好像冷清了些少。)

預祝 新年新景象!

Si Wai





另鄙人在中大有個 <所謂「核輻射安全水平」— 探討一段「專家知識」如何暴虐人民與生態的血淚史> talk, 資料涉及七十三年全球核武/電科技X政治, 獨力講唔曬, 請大家來一起討論加把聲。

香港中文大學陳國本樓 CKB109室

Si Wai

讀書會 - 誠邀參加


核能輻射研究會 之 新春讀書會

Rosalie Bertell: *No Immediate danger? Prognosis for a radioactive earth*

日期:17/2(part 1-2),24/2(part 3-4)
時間:下午 4-6 pm
地點:城市大學學生飯堂City Express(5/F Academic 1)

Dr. Rosalie Bertell 1980年中期著作, 見識甚廣, 流水不腐, 絕不過時, 將核科學與核政治解釋得同樣鞭辟清楚, 尖銳卻絕對是深情之作 ——否則怎會花如許心血去寫一本沒有大出版社會出版的大厚書, 得不到名和利, 還惹人訕笑: 這個修女是瘋的, 竟然對核能這個「先進的必然」, 引用這麼多資料去論證其反理性! 她早又指面對此科技及背後的全球勢力, 議會民主已是疲弱無力, 只任肆虐者橫行, 何等先見!

不錯, 與她一起「瘋狂」的另一位科學家 Ursula Franklin 在去年追悼她的聚會上說:

「Rosalie 不生在這世間內, 卻是這個世間的;
對她而言, 只有做合乎道德的事, 才是實際的。」

她對世間事挑通眼眉, 著書做事卻自闢途徑, 不會混水摸魚, 所以我們能夠看到她留下了紮實好事 ——如與「國際原子能機構」打對台辦講真話的人民法庭, 帶來被壓迫的專家作證人, 以審訊要掩埋Chernobyl 慘劇的國際強權; 又遺下了好書, 讓我們不斷被啟發。



Si Wai



黑心明周(2013年3月23日Book B)





但由此大幫了一把日本政府、東京電力集團的忙----將輻射正常化,不賠償當地居民,讓她們無力遷離又要面對三百年以上的核災難,還被訕笑為「輻射恐懼病」、「不夠正能量」(去重建),就是全靠這些港式「風格消費」幫忙消毒。大家其實經已腦死地不去思考如此消費訊息由誰人贊助?總之就是I don't care?








就這樣地,戴口罩的人漸漸減少,或許大家已習慣輻射污染下的生活吧。直至半年前或一年前有很多母親懷著同樣的心情,大家都非常擔心子女的健康,假如情況許可,也很想帶子女離開,有些特別擔心的家長早已帶子女離開。本來跟我一樣非常擔心並敢於開口談論的母親們,慢慢開始有所避忌,有一名曾與我面對同樣困擾的朋友有天對我這麼說,是最近一個月前的事,她叫我不要再跟其他人談論輻射問題,既然大家決定留在郡山這塊土地上生活下去,在這裏培育子女的話,便需要放開一點,不要凡事過敏,以免被孤立哦,我因為擔心你才跟你這樣講。連她也這樣叫我不要對外談論這些話題,以後我真不知道究竟可以跟人講甚麼,因此我曾苦惱過,今次我有機會參加 [帶小孩到香這暫避輻射的]活動,作為一個母親,能夠跟其他母親們交流,感到非常鼓舞,而又令我察覺到自己的信念曾經動搖過,所以能夠參加這次活動感到非常欣慰。







(1) 美國環境醫學會提出對學校的Wifi設施與學童健康的關注,列出幾項醫學研究


(2) 香港科技大學與電訊商輸送利益下犧牲校園低級職員健康大裝電話接收天線,懷疑引致癌症一律抵賴。


(3) 同樣官方輸送利益會出現在香港學校採用電子書的大計下。英國有科學家組織對研究不足家長不知實情下在學校廣設wifi的做法要求立即停止。


"We are fully supportive of the use of computers in schools and wish schools to be able to provide excellent information and communication technology facilities, but not at the expense of the health of their pupils and staff. We support the application of the precautionary principle until better long-term health studies have been carried out. "






1. 認識到全球化消費主義作為推動核能(和平及戰爭----其實沒有和平)使用的暗藏的角色,所以避免營辦得有消費主義色彩。

2. 反核,和理解日政、商消息隱瞞及對人民的殘害,參加福島營工作不是因為「哈日」或同情地震海嘯災禍中的小朋友。

3. 小朋友受輻射殘害身體,休養期應得到比在日本更好營養的食物、水、用品、空氣......但香港人慣信本地政府訂定的「安全標準」----游水池中的氯、飲食中含毒標準、西藥霸權的恐怖等等,所以招待他人,自己先要有較高的對自己社會現狀的認識與批判。






但如果要搞,這點我們想堅持(請參考以下一段我覆某人問為何我們不讓迪士尼大送Duffy Bear給小朋友的答問):


記者問:不給小朋友每人一個Duffy Bear的原因是什麼?不想他們物欲過盛?物欲過盛與核能的因果關系,有興趣聽聽文博士進一步闡釋。

msw答:Duffy Bear是那一期迪士尼在日本推得很紅的,這些一浪接一浪的消費潮流應該是先攻陷城市再向其他地方蔓延。而城市對鄉郊的剝削就是以這樣的「消費意識特別先進」來進行的,鄉郊永遠在後面追趕,而沒有反省到自己最基本上已成為城市的犧牲品----例如建在福島的核電廠就完全為供應東京五光十色生活之用,福島人民是一瓦電也用不上的,出事時身家性命財產毀諸一旦的就是鄉郊。所以如果每個小朋友帶一隻Duffy Bear回福島,令身旁的小朋友對大城市的五光十色更多幻想,我覺得是加倍地殘忍,令大家對自己作為城市的犧牲品的自覺意識更模糊。

當然還有是迪士尼,這是個擺到明的美式消費主義全球化最大符號,而日本當年接受美國輸入「原子能和平使用」還成為世界第三大核電國,其中在民眾洗腦一環節中就是用上了美式消費主義(happy easy comfortable life)作為中介。所以迪士尼的意義在今時今日核電之夢忽然爆破的日本人民來說,應該更不是一個遊樂場那麼簡單。



另外就是由日本政府、東電、與各財團兩年以來發出的鋪天蓋地謊話,讓福島「核災」隱形失蹤,讓「重建」成為福島人的責任,這些宣傳洗腦鋪排之細密,真是愈知道愈驚心,福島人(大人、小孩)至今不知核電廠爆炸令她們家園成了高輻射區,課堂繼續宣傳核電清潔便宜,又大量製造輿論壓力,令福島人之間不敢提出質疑......在香港,大幅宣傳紙水低遊日本甚至遊東北(其實遊日本那裏都不會知道身處在甚麼環境-----那天野口女士不是說福島的食品大幅被北海道及沖繩這些人們印象中距離福島較遠的地方所購入?遊客吃得至滋味呢)。此外,日食在港全方位蔓延,香港人又參與日本政府一手設計的東北福島重建宣傳......如此一個大環境中(還有更荒謬的,可參考 http://ex-skf.blogspot.hk/2013/03/a-major-japanese-trading-company-to-buy.html),我們透過福島慘案來清楚向港人解釋核能是怎樣的一種大陰謀,根本甚難做到。



且不要提那些來「搞亂」的某方面人士----如每晚來befriend幾個福島成人飲得醉醺醺塞些「核電必須」新聞給她們那些在港日人,即使基本上與我們同行的朋友我們其實也沒有花得足夠時間去一起探討問題。例如,令我們十分感激、思想也沒有大分歧,並且十分尊重我們主辦者的香港日本人教會,我們對他們真是不應有甚麼批評的了。不過後來看照片,知道他們帶了小孩去(本應是最知識性、「中立」又好玩的)Science Museum參觀----但香港Science Museum的大堆頭exhibit就在那裏宣傳核電----就是這些主流的擁核意識在全球大包圍下,我們與日本人教會就出現了這方面的溝通不足。但真是沒有那麼多的精力去從每個角落對抗全球的核宣傳啊。












早前閱讀德國綠黨的Heinrich Boell Foundation的研究報告,指出用核電之絕不經濟,已成全球之通識,騙不了人了,當然國家津貼名為核電實搞核武,令問題更加清楚,反戰和參與全球和平運動是邏輯之必然出路。在此情況下,Heinrich Boell 報告指出,全球核集團只剩下兩劑神丹去令發展核能變得「經濟」,並且「必須」:(1)無限期延長現有核電廠的壽命----報告指出過去幾十年核廠平均壽命是24年,但你看兩年前中電大筆一揮就將已是20年的廠extend多20年(GP的張韻琪還提過60年才關掉),當然視人命如草芥的這些言行還帶了哭哭啼啼的溫情面孔,就是全球擁核集團現時自救的第二粒神丹----(2)地球氣候改變,遍地哀號,定要靠核能減碳。

對第二點,在全球與本地所出現過的詭異行徑,我們實在知得太少,從科學道理駁倒核能減碳一點我們的刊物與聲明都講過七千幾次,不過學校不用,傳媒繼續做擁核派鸚鵡猛話核能減碳,我們也沒有辦法。但對於global-local的賣碳(順便賣核)生意,一般都認識得比較少----氣候改變講了好久,但堂堂前美國副總統Al Gore又寫書又拍片山崩海動餓死北極熊的嚇人場面在美國及全世界高調播放,與此同時,「京都議定書」這份神聖文件先為已發展國家再為第三世界國家以核減碳開路,大家當是fine print看不到嗎?香港方面,陸恭蕙買賣碳(兼賣核)生意,大家都漸漸知道了,但大把進步社會賢達都在搞這一套,如樂施會前高層、公民黨黎廣德、黃英奇、林超英等個個綠到痺人士的參與其事,大家又知道嗎?





Si Wai



Dr Chow talked about chinese medicine today --

Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek brought the best traditional chinese medicine doctors to Taiwan in 1949. The team has been very serious in following traditional method in turning each useful raw ingredient into medicine. Thus, in taiwan, there has never been people sent to hospital for taking TCM.

On the other hand, HK govt never finds TCM of any worth to call for real professsional treatment. Hence, the medicine we find in the market (mostly from mainland) may not have been treated properly (accordingly strictly traditional method). That's why HK people are subjected to danger of poisoning etc., and the western medical establishment is so happy to see that happen.

talk more when i feel better.

BTW the QM western doctor said to me today if i have one more year to live, it's best to spend half a year on taking a chemo course and live on (with the side effects??) for the second half. i asked her - you call that quality of life? and she said sure, everybody will make such a choice!!!!!!!

Si Wai

traditional wisdom


the design for modern life - esp lying down to give birth and flush toilet (which you have to sit up to poo) - are the epitome of anti-science. What a waste of the great force of gravity.

i have many health problems of my own to solve, but thinking about these things annoys me somewhat (only slightly, so no worries).

further (and comprehensively) colonizing the world in terms of changing third world people's life habit by globalizing such stupid (and money making, at least eventually) practice is very unethical.

Si Wai



>> 人生活目的為何?

i have to think about this question more rigorously than ever before, now that i have almost made up my mind to do a course of chemo. Dr Chow said his chinese medicine cannot catch up with the deterioration rate of my blood, so i need to buy time - hence this is his advice too. My heart also can't sustain my current physical condition for very long.

But why should i want to live longer - and even willing to pay such heavy price as to harm my vital body parts to buy more time? what should i do with the rest of my life? Dr Chow seems to have the confidence of minimizing the harmful side effects of the chemo course, but the future is really unclear. So is how i am to walk the road after chemo and respond to Mr. Wong's question.

some suggest i should relax and enjoy the world more from now on, some think i can still work for worthy causes. but this choice is not just my subjective wish. what if i can no longer contribute anything............ does that mean doing chemo prolong a worthless life?

for all those who have been taking care of me esp the daily meals and domestic affairs which sustain my life in this period, i don't know why i deserve such kindness and have such good fortune. OK you owe my something in the past llfe right? haha!!

And in future i will continue to need such support too - ohhhhhhhhhhhh - now i know what i should do for the rest of my life (if there is such a period when i can recover) - i should be engaged in some support work so that at least one or two people will suffer less despite their misfortune of living in this increasingly cruel and bureaucratic world (dominated by hospitals and schools and..............).

Si Wai

chemo and other things (1)


thank you for all of your caring words or deeds, kindnesses and love since i was taken ill.

the details of daily life are not unimportant, esp if you have a weak immune system, live under a bad social system, and face a not so certain future posed by the kind of health conditions that seem so unfamiliar. But again, let us be more playful than stressful in handling them. now i say this and seem light-hearted, but that would never have been posible without your support.

chemo - what i dreaded, found theoretically unsound, practically dangerous for the patient's future health - has been accepted by myself as part of the treatment of my current illness. i could only blame myself for being so careless as to forget my AM A CANCER PATIENT recently, thus allowing myself to be cornered like this at the end of the day. anyway, as the treatment has already begun, i can only do my best in health maintanence and hope there is minimal discomfort.

the symptoms of my illness are not all gone yet, and those brought about by chemo have slowly unfolded (not too serious so far). so there is a double-dose of discomfort. but what bother me most is still the leg numbness, spasms, cramps etc (which link to rounds and rounds of pain in the heart). i realize it is due to damage of the nerves and cannot be easily and promptly cured (despite what the doctors say when they sell me chemo to me)........ Well, in face of that i have to accept, among other things, that my sleeping quality will be extremely low in the future, and there is no way to improve.

That's life - and sickness.......... and the 茉莉 at home are blossoming like crazy.

Lily and i went to the park at D Bay this morning. afterwards when we returned home i walked up the gentle hill for quite a long distance without being breathless. i have been unable to walk for quite some time so this came as a very pleasant surprise morning gift for me - sent by all of you!!!

Si Wai

chemo and other things (2)


今天到附近找好氣場的樹卻被大雨所困,全(乾)身回家聊堪告慰。d bay的樹遠不及動植公園的,昨天輸血後去尋找大自然"外援"一下,只有時間探訪公園一邊,發現最有力量的是那棵東方紫檀,在樹下站著人都震動,大松柏樟等都很好氣,百年古木真是充滿育養性。


Si Wai



收件人: msw




收件人: hrx



less veggie tmw


due to recent downpours, 昌哥called to say for tomorrow a 5-catty subscriber will get about 4 catties (others will get approximately the same ratio). He also anticipates the possibility of no veggie in the following week - but that's not certain yet.

he apologized. i said that is not necessary.

Si Wai



收件人: grace

dear Grace,

i'm not in the best condition but the discomforts are tolerable. no complaints.

it's just that the extent of 霸道 and complacency of western medical establishment IN HK that surprises me. i would advise every friend who plans to spend his/her aging years in HK to get prepared for some alternatives. Otherwise, they will most probably be subjected to some very humiliated treatment when they are old and weak, and can't defend themselves. One way of course is to be rich enough to avoid getting in touch with public hospitals.

i underwent chemo and immunity was expected to be weakened. however, they kept adding beds for pneumonia patients beside my bed. when i asked them to stop, they say, this is public hospital and you have to bear the risk.

i am not uncomfortable about the treatment i received so far. i feel very sorry for the population of HK. Sigh!

Si Wai

are HK people out on the street too?


Today, in hundreds of cities across the US and Canada, and in at least 60 other countries, people are marching against agri-business and chemical giant Monsanto.

If you still don't know why the march is happening and how Monsanto is trying to control the food supply, here is a brief look, via the trailer for the film "The World According to Monsanto."

Share this with your friends.

Video (3:20):



On the 10th day after undergoing chemo, today, i consult Dr Chow.

Since the chemo is not working in reducing my astronomical IgM number, which can cause heart trouble and stroke, Dr Chow took it as his first (and only) mission to do that. I had a 大瀉this afternoon after taking his medicine, and am expected to have many more of such in future. (three times a day, he said.)

Dr Chow will concentrate on this aspect, and has clearly indicated he will not do the 扶正that most chinese medical doctors do to "help" patients undergoing chemo. He is not the kind of 西醫附庸/ 變種中醫, he practices chinese medicine to HEAL.

we wonder if his medicine can make the chemo obsolete eventually, so that i don't have to undergo another or too many rounds of it. however, the drawback is the western doctors' attitude - almost sure they would not let me have blood tranfusion if i don't do chemo, so Dr Chow may not have the ample time that he has now to treat my IgM (血溶) problem. 走著瞧吧。

side effects of chemo continue to affect the whole body, and the mind too. not 好玩at all.

Si Wai




去年在太極五行班上, 遇到一位修習氣功的同學, 她一直練功, 後西醫要她化療, 拒絕化療, 沒有假紙, 便不能放假, 於是她低頭做人, 化療去也, 可是由於她一直練功, 奇怪, 結果化療後大瀉特瀉, 後來她再習氣功, 進展甚佳, 看來, 有得瀉走化療的不好的東西, 那就有救了, 是嗎?

加油, 告訴自己身體, 好的要留下, 要強壯, 不好的, 就通通瀉走…… 向大樹求氣, 向天地求氣, 靜心觀照, 氣場運轉……

活在此時此刻, 感謝身體疲累作戰, 疼她, 愛她, 感謝她……




dr chow indicated clearly he will NOT treat my chemo side effects, so the大瀉 is to get rid of the IgM and not the chemo toxins.

i have to figure out how to do the latter task myself.

not easy.... it seems to cause lots of damage, and esp. to my bone marrow, which is already in very bad shape.

i talk to my body from time to time, hoping it will forgive me for being too careless.... i forgot that once a cancer patient, one is a cancer patient for the whole life, and should be on full alert all the time.




Following your emails, I feel quite ashamed of not being able to come up with something sensible to say. As you are a keen Dong Po fans, I have been trying to look in "東坡易傳" on and off for something relevant in the context for your amusement during this very “唔 好玩" period.

When there is a little restful moment and you feel like it, perhaps a cursory look at the 觀卦 commentary by Dong Po might be interesting. Wonder if fragmentary quotes below may serve as flavor.








觀我生,進退 --- not easy already

觀我生,君子無咎; 觀其生,君子無咎 -- that's even more demanding. 東坡 is a die hard

Confucian, despite all his famous romantic encounters with Buddhism and Taoism. i cannot 望真項背。





我在計算:每個癌症病人要藉改善飲食及其他生活處境來重啟健康之門,必須有一個team的幫助。工作包括食療(選、購、煮etc)。清潔、打點藥物、及時覆診等安排、搜尋藥品食物資料、幫助病人與醫療霸權周旋....... 是起碼兩個人的工作量。那麼,全人口(還未扣除老少者)都不是病人, 就是照顧者(1/3 +2/3)。這是個甚麼世界?

但是又不能不作這種自療安排,否則癌症病人只能全集中在醫院任佢"舞", 會慘痛不堪;然作了這種人力安排,就是全民為癌而活,跟著個病轉........

應該有更好的世界,有更理性、仁愛&反省的情神,沒有理由不反核、反基改、食水加氟、1:99.......... 總之不可能讓1/3人口患癌!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, 本人又要入院,唯有挨延至明天(friday)早上報到。這樣進進出出,看來不知不覺連六四平反了,福島輻射填滿了太平洋,我還在虛耗歲月呢。



順帶一提KC:羅漢果水的確對化療下的飛滋 et al.有效,但周大師說不可煲超過20分鐘。















Si Wai




thanks KM and family for your CD and kind thoughts. I need good music these days as i have limited eyesight after 眼底出血, and my energy is limited so reading is restricted to some picture books. the sound of music is a good substitute for serious reading in the mean time.







「心慌」二字,完全囊括我晚近的感覺,也就是大家說的「過慮」,其實是心慌,大概接近panic attacks,事事都怕做不到,做不來,莫名地惶恐,每日黃昏六時後至天明一段,尤其無助,且一直自己也覺得怎麼變成這樣的人,還憂慮這樣子日後怎做人。


近世多注意pyschosomatic dimension,以生理病有心理根源,甚至解了心結生理病便復原;也許「以意念超越身體之苦」也借助了這潮流,但有時便忽略了另一面----生理因素令心理反應不由自主地出現,再大的心理「調校」,也難抵擋,[或許高僧/高比丘尼可以,我文某不能,唉,還請大家多多包涵。不過周大師既講到明他的藥引起心慌,那我就試試不那麼慌,起碼不那麼「慌」自此以後變或慌張不堪的人,因這中藥應不會有永久損害吧。]


Si Wai




果然很理智分析!病中都能不斷深層次思考,佩服佩服 :)






Dr Chow has kept my IgM level at 600-3000 in the past years (normal: 300). but today he says he aims at under 500 from now on, because anything above that will mean i have to live a non stressful life style.---- Obviously after this round he does not trust me for being able to lead a non stressful life. but i think i learnt the lesson already and will surprise him!







不過, 推動環保之餘, 取代鎢絲燈泡的慳電膽及LED燈膽, 一直被已停用鎢絲燈泡國家的醫學界及病人組織指有影響部份人的身體健康, 例如感到頭暈不適, 或皮膚敏感, 甚至有研究指會傷害視力, 或有機會導致皮膚癌。特區政府在計劃中並無立法強制生產商全面回收含有有毒金屬水銀的節能燈膽, 一隻慳電膽,含大約五毫克水銀。假如水銀在運送堆積區前泄漏, 或長埋堆積區,滲入地下之後會令周圍的土壤和水源受到污染。以環保之名鼓勵市場淘汰鎢絲燈泡,以慳電膽和LED燈膽取而代之的政策是否周全?節能照明燈膽對人體健康有何潛在風險?

編導: 葉婉虹




one wonders how can the world be so crazy to allow products to be out on the market long before their ill impacts are recognized and eliminated. and the governments are there to help promote them!!!???

in mass murdering our fellow humans whose genes do not allow them to be "fit enough" to survive this world of new products, we are in fact making our gene pool shrink. in the end the human species will be phased out from this planet, probably after a long and torturous process.

i don't particularly sympathize with this miserable, greedy species which i am a member of, not only because i am now sick with some illness that most probably originated from some "new" product of a certain era such as certain chemical or ionizing radiation. thinking about how my own species also brings great disaster to other species makes me so ashamed of my species actually.








Don't know if you can view this Dan Rather Report on bees. Hope you can. Otherwise can read the following comments bu Dr Mercola.

If you can see the program you can see how blatantly uncaring the US govt is towards real environmental issue. Politics is how to collude with big business. This seems to be common for democratic countries and undemocratic ones. People have to quickly dissociate from their govts (don't waste energy on trying to find "better politicians" - thru elections etc. - to solve problems) and try new ways to work together for SURVIVAL.


Beekeeping Industry 'Doomed' -- Might We See Destruction of Food Supply Before the End of This Decade?

Leak Found in Steel Tank for Contaminated Water at Fukushima


the first part of the forwarded mail (background part, written by Gordon Edwards) is very well written and should be translated into chinese to explain to people the current state of the Fukushima plants and the danger of nuclear accident.

anyone interested in doing that?

Si Wai

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gordon Edwards
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:11:06 -0400
Subject: Leak Found in Steel Tank for Contaminated Water at Fukushima

Background: June 6, 2013

[ See Akio Matsumura's excellent blog at http://tinyurl.com/m9rasxx . ]

Large volumes of radioactively contaminated water are being produced every day from the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Station in Japan. News reports tell of leaking underground tanks and the hasty construction of more and more storage tanks above ground. Here's why this is all happening, two years after the disastrous 2011 accident.

(1) When nuclear fuel is used in a nuclear reactor or an atomic bomb, the atoms in the fuel are “split” (or “fissioned”) to produce energy. The fission process is triggered by subatomic particles called neutrons. In a nuclear reactor, when the neutrons are stopped, the fission process also stops. This is called “shutting down the reactor”.

(2) But during the nuclear fission process, hundreds of new varieties of radioactive atoms are created that did not exist before. These unwanted radioactive byproducts accumulate in the irradiated nuclear fuel -- and they are, collectively, millions of times more radioactive than the original nuclear fuel.

(3) These newly created radioactive materials are classified as fission products, activation products, and transuranic elements. Fission products -- like iodine-131, cesium-137 and strontium-90 -- are the broken pieces of atoms that have been split. Activation products -- like hydrogen-3 ("tritium"), carbon-14 and cobalt-60 -- are the result of non-radioactive atoms being transformed into radioactive atoms after absorbing one or more stray neutrons. Transuranic elements -- like plutonium, neptunium, curium and americium -- are created by transmutation after a massive uranium atom absorbs one or more neutrons to become an even more massive atom (hence “transuranic”, meaning “beyond uranium”).

(4) Because of these intensely radioactive byproducts, irradiated nuclear fuel continues to generate heat for years after the fission process has stopped. This heat (“decay heat”) is caused by the ongoing atomic disintegration of the nuclear waste materials. No one knows how to slow down or shut off the radioactive disintegration of these atoms, so the decay heat is literally unstoppable. But decay heat does gradually diminish over time, becoming much less intense after about 10 years.

(5) However, in the early years following a reactor shutdown, unless decay heat is continually removed as quickly as it is being produced, the temperature of the irradiated fuel can rise to dangerous levels -- and radioactive gases, vapours and particles will be given off into the atmosphere at an unacceptable rate.

(6) The most common way to remove decay heat from irradiated fuel is to continually pour water on it. Tepco is doing this at the rate of about 400 tons a day. That water becomes contaminated with fission products, activation products and transuranic elements. Since these waste materials are radiotoxic and harmful to all living things, the water cannot be released to the environment as long as it is contaminated.

(7) Besides the 400 tons of water used daily by Tepco to cool the melted cores of the three crippled reactors, another 400 tons of ground water is pouring into the damaged reactor buildings every day. This water is also becoming radioactively contaminated, so it too must be stored pending decontamination.

(8) Tepco is using an "Advanced Liquid Processing System" (ALPS) that is able to remove 62 different varieties of radioactive materials from the contaminated water -- but the process is slow, removal is seldom 100 percent effective, and some varieties of radioactive materials are not removed at all.

(9) Tritium, for example, cannot be removed. Tritium is radioactive hydrogen, and when tritium atoms combine with oxygen atoms we get radioactive water molecules. No filtration system can remove the tritium from the water, because you can’t filter water from water. Released into the environment, tritium enters freely into all living things.

(10) Nuclear power is the ultimate example of the throwaway society. The irradiated fuel has to be sequestered from the environment of living things forever. The high-quality materials used to construct the core area of a nuclear reactor can never be recycled or reused but must be perpetually stored as radioactive waste. Malfunctioning reactors cannot be completely shut off because the decay heat continues long after shutdown. And efforts to cool a badly crippled reactor that has melted down result in enormous volumes of radioactively contaminated water that must be stored or dumped into the environment.

No wonder some have called nuclear power “the unforgiving technology”.

Gordon Edwards.







2. 羅漢果水及其他滋潤飲品:不少人試用羅漢果水對治化療後口腔沙漠化有效,周大師主張煲不超過20分鐘,但與其他如雪梨無花果、蘋果、蔗水、木瓜雪耳等都有太甜之弊,不能整天代替水來喝(但水真是愈喝愈渴,很難受),我僅在晚上起床時飲一兩次。白天飲什麼?周大師說綠茶或普洱,因這化療藥極傷胃,我不敢整天喝茶,便只能弄稀普洱來喝,非常違反我對普洱一向的飲用文化,不開心。


4. 氣功:仍練自發功,以之對治各种隨時在身體任何部份的大小不適及痛楚,有些效。但苦於中藥和化療影響下,有時動彈不得,不過也躺在床上慢慢一點一滴練,後來便能起床。半夜睡醒一回練一回,便可重新入睡。失眠人士可試試。


5. 靜:由於個病,加上化療等激化,身體「重災」之一是「麻」。不只手腳下身麻痺,還覺整個身體都不屬自己,東西吃進去感覺不到(除了不舒服則很感覺到),按摩甚麼的也全是隔靴搔癢----總覺這是誰的身體?這狀態下心裏便很不踏實,「失控」的感覺強烈,「心慌」由此加重。當被這心慌無緣無故包圍時,覺得連思想心情也不是自己(能控制)的----身、心都失去,我還在這裏做甚麼?便愈覺恐怖。這恐怖感隨時發生,發生時最好以「靜」對之。不知大學還是中庸說過:定而後能靜,靜而後能安,安而後能得。我定不了神,所以先取靜,發覺有幫助。要靜下來,練功也有幫助。


6. 在本身已是「弱雞」狀態下,先前在QM的一連串經驗對我來說竟製造了一大堆夢魘,時常冒出來嚇我一輪,現要一一驅魔。


7. 彈性:食睡痌的生理時鐘全不按大眾的本子行走,便唯有遷就自己這些irregularities----半夜大刷幾餐,隨時上廁,隨時睡倒,不知所謂......

Si Wai






我們那些都是不錯的書,不過倉庫不斷加租,而且現時中大有些大陸學生看書風氣還好,要送便快送,再遲一旦港化了不讀書(只讀notes, ppts),送就多餘了。


現時翻閱的"食"書中分三類:1. 嚴肅的食的社會文化史, 2. 食的社會文化史小品, 3. 食譜(古今中外)。食譜尤其難取決,明知不會自己一一照煮那麼瘋狂,還是想儲起來看,未免"貪婪"。大學生還不懂得生活滋味,也許先考慮送給愛煮的朋友吧。

這季節蚊多蠓多(其實是人噴藥過多的惡性循環), 外出練功只能在清晨,吸了樹氣山氣,滋養兼暖胃,也配合小斷食。


Si Wai




他說中醫 "早被西醫 「結合」得奄奄一息",說得真中。



Si Wai










Si Wai

NN news


For Your Info:

(1) 今次我們沒有連缐支援,可惜。

60,000 in Tokyo protest government plans to restart nuclear power
Posted on June 3, 2013 by Adam Westlake in Features, National

60,000 in Tokyo protest government plans to restart nuclear power Approximately 60,000 people rallied in Japan’s capital of Tokyo on Sunday, June 2nd in order to protest recent government plans to restart the country’s idled nuclear reactors. People gathered in Shiba Park and later marched towards the parliament building. Among the organizers was Kenzaburo Oe, a Nobel literature laureate, who called on the Japanese government to leave the nuclear power plants in suspension out of fears for safety.

The Japanese government has previously stated that it will most likely allow those reactors to return to power which have been approved by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), whose new safety guidelines are scheduled to be adopted in July. One of Japan’s largest-ever protests saw 170,000 people gather in a similar fashion in July 2012, around the same time that then-Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda decided on the first two reactor restarts since the March 2011 Fukushima disaster. As of now, the anti-nuclear protestors say they have collected over 8 million signatures of those opposed to reactor restarts.

As they marched through the streets, the protestors carried signs and banners that had messages such as “No Nukes! Unevolved Apes Want Nukes!” As of today, the two reactors that were restarted last summer, located in Oi, Fukui Prefecture, are the only ones out the country’s 50 that have returned to operation. While Sunday’s rally was organized between three different groups, Kyodo news reported that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department had put the number of protesters between 20,000 and 30,000.

(2) Can't Win? Change the Rules!
Posted On: Apr 24, 2013

The US and Japan are trying to raise acceptable radiation exposure limits. “If you can’t decrease the water level, you elevate the bridge,” says pediatrician and author Dr. Helen Caldicott. On today’s podcast, Arnie and Helen discuss the associated health risks of various types of radioactive releases, how regulators and the nuclear industry are downplaying those releases, and the current state of the Fukushima clean up. “The recovery of the site will go nowhere as long as Tokyo Electric is in charge,” says Arnie.

Podcast Transcript

Kevin Hurley: It is Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 and this is the Energy Education podcast. I’m Kevin Hurley. Today on the show we are joined by special guest and Nobel Prize Nominee, Dr. Helen Caldicott and Arnie Gundersen to discuss a multitude of issues, including various types of radioactive releases, their associated health risks, and how regulators in the nuclear industry are downplaying those releases. Radiation contamination is very difficult to clean up. And rather than working to lower radiation exposure to the public, government officials and industry promoters around the world are pushing to raise the standard of maximum allowable radiation concentration levels to the public. Finally, we will share some details about the Fukushima clean up and how the people of Japan will be best served if the Tokyo Electric Power Company is removed from oversight of the Fukushima clean up and an independent company replaces them to deal with the problem head on. Today I would like to welcome Dr. Helen Caldicott to the show. Dr. Caldicott, thanks for coming on.

Dr. Helen Caldicott: Pleasure.

KH: And of course, Arnie Gundersen. Thanks for joining us.

AG: Hey Kevin, thanks again for having me.

KH: Helen, the last time we spoke was before the New York City Symposium. How did that go?

HC: Yes, I was particularly pleased with how it went. It was really flawless. Everyone turned up. The papers were absolutely excellent and it was not boring at all. Each paper had a different aspect about nuclear power radiation and the damages to the environment and to health. And people were absolutely thrilled. We had about 300 people there. Not as much media as I wanted to because I put it on to educate the media. However, it is available online at the Helen Caldicott Foundation.org It is now being translated into Japanese because the Japanese really want to be able to access it. And also it is presently being transcribed to be published in a book by the New Press. I hope fairly shortly.

KH: In addition, there were 4,000 people connected on YouStream.

KH: That is right. And I think about 360 cities logged in to watch it, so it did get a fairly wide exposure. It was the latest in the science related to radiation, nuclear accidents and the like. And so it gives people ammunition who are fighting local reactors to take on bodies like the NRC, etc. because then they will know what they are talking about and will have lots of facts at their fingertips.

KH: Speaking about ammunition and fighting the government, the Environmental Protection Agency is now talking about raising the radiation limits, the maximum allowable radiation limits after a nuclear accident. To me, and probably many others, this really seems like just one more way of making the Fukushima Daiichi problem go away.

HC: That is right. If you cannot decrease the water level, you elevate the bridge. So the truth is that if there is a nuclear accident, it does not matter what your standard to exposure to radiation to human beings is. After a nuclear accident like Fukushima, the large contiguous areas become extremely radioactive and will be so for hundreds of years. So it is really just putting the icing on the cake so to speak. The cake is already there, and they are admitting that they can do nothing about it. It gave everyone a shock, but the truth is that once an area has been contaminated, that is it. And I suppose they are just coming to terms with reality. But it is very, very scary and it makes people understand what a nuclear accident would really mean.

AG: Now a nuclear plant releases a bunch of different types of radiation. In my report, I spent a lot of time talking about the nobel gasses that were released. Enormous concentrations for 5 or 6 days of nobel gasses came out of Fukushima Daiichi. Now they are inside the fuel and as soon as the fuel cracks, we do not need a meltdown, as soon as the fuel cracks, the gasses escape into the containment. But I think what Daiichi showed us is that the containments failed as well. So the last barrier of defense failed, releasing huge amounts of nobel gasses.

KH: Can you talk a little bit about some of the medical consequences?

HC: I think you said, Arnie, 3 times more nobel gasses were released at Fukushima than at Chernobyl, is that correct?

AG: Yes, that is right.

HC: Nobel gasses, or nobel elements, are those that do not combine chemically with anything in the body. They are sort of kind of neutral. Because carbon 14 actually combines with the DNA molecule, so does tritium and strontium as a calcium analog gets into the body, etc. But nobel gasses do not go specifically to anywhere in the body because of their chemical makeup. However, nobel gasses are very high energy gamma emitters, like X-rays. And so if you are immersed in a cloud of nobel gasses, you are going to get a big dose of radiation, external radiation, like an X-ray. However, if you inhale the nobel gasses, and they are xenon, krypton and argon, xenon being the worst, you inhale the gasses and, in fact, they readily pass through the alveoli, the little air sacs in the lungs, into the blood where they circulate. And they are fat soluble so they deposit in the fatty tissues of the body, which are the abdominal fat pad and the upper thighs where there is a lot of fat. And they there irradiate very important cells with gamma radiation: the ovaries and testicles. And so people who are immersed in a cloud of radioactive gasses, like at Fukushima and Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, get a hell of a dose of radiation, not just to the ovaries and testicles which are very important, but to other organs of the body. I used to use xenon 133 in my patients to estimate their lung function. Patients with cystic fibrosis have their lungs clogged up with mucus, very thick mucus. So areas of the lung become totally non-functional. So we would do ventilation fusion scans to see what areas of the lung are in truth being ventilated and what areas are being perfused by the blood. And we are now using xenon 133 to look at fatty tumors in the body, to isolate them because as I said, they are very fat soluble, these nobel gasses.

AG: Let me refer our listeners to the presentation I gave at the conference where I spent a large amount of time talking about the nobel gas releases. So if you want to learn more about the quantities that were released, and like I said, they are 3 times what was released after Chernobyl, go over to the Fairewinds website and there is a separate video on the presentation that I made through the Caldicott Foundation in New York City back in March.

HC: Arnie, I have got a question. Can you extrapolate from the fact that there were 3 times more nobel gasses released at Fukushima than Chernobyl, to other isotopes? Would you therefore say that most of the other isotopes will be 3 times the release at Chernobyl or not?

AG: Yes, I talk about that in the presentation. Some of the isotopes do plate out. I think the cesium concentration is going to be comparable to what was released at Chernobyl. There was some plate out in chemical reactions but I think the IAEA and the Japanese are grossly downplaying the cesium releases. If you go back to what Steve Wing said in Harrisburg 4 years ago, there were noticeable increases in lung cancer for the people that lived within 30 miles of Three Mile Island in the first 10 days of the accident. So 5 years after the accident, people began to get lung cancer. And that is the only thing Steve could measure, but I attribute that to breathing enormous amounts of nobel gasses.

HC: I think, yes, you might be right about that. In fact, I see that lung cancer starts to appear 2 years after Three Mile Island, which is extremely early. You would not expect lung cancers to arrive for probably 15 years, but they appeared very early which would indicate therefore that the people at Three Mile Island got a hell of a dose of gamma radiation to their lungs from the nobel gasses if they inhaled them. And so we would expect to see that around Fukushima now. We are just sitting on a powder keg of cancers.

AG: And where it goes in your body and what it does to your body.

HC: There are 3 isotopes: one is 137, 134 and I cannot remember the other one, Arnie? But cesium 137 has a half life of 30 years which you multiply by 10 to get its total radiological life, its total radioactive life and so that is 300 years. Some multiply it by 20 to say 600 years. It is a very high energy gamma emitter but also it emits beta radiation which is just an electron emitted from the unstable nucleus and it does not do any damage to you unless you get cesium inside your body. Now cesium lands on the soil and it is a potassium analog. It is very much like the element potassium and our bodies are very rich with potassium, all cells contain potassium. And therefore, the cesium lands on the soil and concentrates by orders of magnitude ten to hundreds of thousands of times of each step of the food chain: the grass, the meat, the milk, and then into our bodies or into wheat or into rice or into vegetables or into green tea or into fish. And it really concentrates in fish because they are various levels: there are algae, then crustaceans, then little fish, then big fish. So the bio-concentration in the food chain and the sea is pretty high. Now when you eat food with cesium in it, you cannot taste it, you cannot smell it and you cannot see it. It is invisible to our senses and it is absorbed from the bowel because the body thinks it is potassium. And it goes to many organs in the body, like the brain where it can cause brain cancer. It is concentrated in muscles because they are rich in potassium, where it can form a very rare form of cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma. And that is a very nasty cancer that spreads incredibly fast. And in fact, I lived on Long Island near the Brookhaven National Labs where there had been a meltdown some years before and there were 19 children at the time who developed rhabdomyosarcoma. And over time, that is just extremely rare and would indicate that the area was contaminated with cesium 137. It also can concentrate in the ovaries and the testicles where it can damage the eggs and the sperm, causing genetic disease in future generations, and it concentrates in heart muscle and it can cause gross abnormalities in the conduction system of the heart causing sudden death or cardiac irregularities, and it also concentrates in the endocrine system, in the thyroid, and in the pancreas where insulin is produced. So it is a very nasty poison and will remain active in the food around Fukushima for hundreds of years.

AG: I think you said something really important there. We worry about radiation and cancer, but in fact there are non-cancer problems associated with cesium as well.

HC: Yes. If you read the reports from Chernobyl published by the New York Academy of Sciences which was put together by Alexei Yablokov from Russia. There are many diseases caused by exposure to radiation. One is cataracts of the lenses so people can go relatively blind. One is premature aging of children, that is called Progeria; they age very fast. Diabetes is virtually an epidemic around Chernobyl now. Thyroid abnormalities, hypothyroidism where the thyroid does not pump out enough hormones so you get what is called Myxedema, very slow, you put on weight, your hair falls out, your mental capacities decline and your appetite goes away and your periods stop. And that is a nasty disease. Also of course, it causes thyroid cancer and lots of other abnormalities. Babies who were in utero at the time of the accident were exposed to radiation which damages the developing nervous system. So in Sweden, they have done a survey of babies who were in utero at the time of Chernobyl and they have lower than normal IQ’s. There are towns around Chernobyl full of the most grossly deformed children because they were damaged in the first 3 months of intrauterine life where limbs grow and brain grows and heart grows and so radiation can damage the cell that is going to form the left half of the brain for instance or the right arm, like Thalidomide did. We have never seen so many grossly deformed children as you see in those towns in Chernobyl. There is a film made about it called “Chernobyl Heart”. If you read that book from the New York Academy of Sciences, it is called Chernobyl, it is I think the most alarming medical survey that I have ever read in my medical existence. Radiation can just do a whole lot of just dreadful things.

AG: We seem to focus on the cesium concentrations, but scientifically, the cesium is easy to detect. So everyone is saying so the cesium concentration is, but it does not mean that cesium is the only isotope out there. It is just sort of the canary in the mine shaft if you will. I am sure that there is strontium, which is very difficult to detect, and that is a problem because that goes to the bone.

HC: Yes. Strontium 90, it has a half life of 28 years, so it is around for 300 years as well in the food. And it is a calcium analog. It is a beta emitter, so it is very hard to . . . you cannot detect it really with a geiger counter. And it gets into the food, concentrates, as I said, especially in milk and cheese and yogurt and the like. When it gets into the gut, the body says, oh, calcium, and so it is transported through the blood to the bone and the teeth where it is laid down. And the beta particle can damage a regulatory gene in the bone cell and the bone sits quietly for incubation times cancer, anytime from 5 to 80 years. And one day that cell divides in an unregulated way and that is a bone cancer, osteogenic sarcoma. Senator Kennedy’s son had that and had his leg amputated. Little Edward. It also causes leukemia because the white blood cells are made in the bone marrows. So if you radiate a white blood cell and the regulatory gene is damaged, the white blood cell begins to proliferate in the trillions. Leukemia means white blood and the blood fills up with immature white blood cells which cannot fight infection and the bone marrow gets packed with white blood cells so there is no room for platelets to grow which cause clotting. So patients with leukemia die either of massive hemorrhage and/or massive infection, a bit like the way AIDS patients die.

AG: Here in the United States when we detect strontium in fish, the nuclear industry’s position, well it is in the bone and nobody eats the bone. We always eat the meat. But the problem in Japan is that frequently there are a lot of fish stews created. And when you boil the fish bone, the strontium does not stay in the bone, again, it goes into the stew and can be re-ingested by the people that eat the fish stew.

HC: That is right. And also a lot of Japanese eat the bones of the fish if the fish are small and the bones are small.

KH: So moving along now. Let’s talk a little bit about iodine.

HC: O.K. There are 2 iodine isotopes. One is iodine 131 which has a half life of 8 days, meaning it lasts only for about 10 weeks before it decays away to nothing. It is a very high energy gamma emitter like that X-ray that I talked about, and also a beta emitter, the electrons. And iodine only goes to one gland in the body which is the thyroid gland which sucks it up. But particularly in children, their thyroids are like a little sponge and they suck up iodine, particularly in areas where iodine is sparse in the environment, like around Chernobyl. So they have low iodine levels and so the thyroid particularly concentrates it. And so the iodine can change a regulatory gene in the thyroid gland, in a cell and cause cancer. Now already in Fukushima we have seen about 10 thyroid cancers developing in children. That is extremely rare because it took 5 years for thyroid cancers to start manifesting after Chernobyl. So this is very early, it is only 2 years, indicating to me as a pediatrician that these children got a hell of a dose of radioactive iodine. But also, they got a big dose of everything else. And as Arnie knows, nuclear reactors contain several hundred of these poisons. Some only last seconds but some last millions of years. So there is a whole cocktail of radioactive elements that people will have inhaled and eaten. The other iodine is iodine 129 which has a half life of 17 million years. It is around forever. It is not as potently radioactive as iodine 131, but it is still carcinogenic and that is around forever.

KH: We have talked a little bit about potassium iodine pills in the past and how they might be helpful to people in a nuclear accident. How exactly do they work? My understanding is that they go to the thyroid and somehow protect the thyroid from radiation exposure.

HC: Potassium iodine is just an inert substance. It is not radioactive. But there is a catch. You have to take your potassium iodine tablets before the radioactive cloud reaches you, before you inhale the iodine which is absorbed from the lung. And mostly, well, in the major accidents, Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, people did not know about it till days after the accidents occurred because the authorities do not let them know whereby and by which time they have already inhaled radioactive iodine. That is too late. You have to take it before the cloud of radioactive iodine reaches you. What it does is saturate the thyroid with normal iodine so the thyroid will reject it. I think 70% of the radioactive iodine, but I think 30% still gets incorporated into the thyroid. The other thing is of course, radioactive iodine is concentrated readily in food and particularly in milk. So children drinking milk that comes from cows or goats or sheep that have been contaminated from the reactor accident, are drinking radioactive iodine. So you might have potassium iodine tablets in your medicine cabinet if you live near a reactor or far from a reactor, in fact, but you probably will not know in time to take the iodine anyway. And it only protects the thyroid, not totally as I have said 70% not 100% and it does not protect any other organs.

KH: So clearly potassium iodine pills or tablets can help people in the event of a nuclear accident if they are dispensed quickly. However we see during the Three Mile Island accident and now the Fukushima accident, that they were withheld, they were not dispensed quickly. Why is that?

HC: Yes, that is right. They do not want to give it a bad name. So if the health authorities say look you have got to have these tablets in case there is a meltdown, everyone gets very panicked and so you do not want to create panic. The Japanese government in fact stated that. They did not tell the people where the very highly radioactive cloud was moving across the country northwest because they did not want to create panic and the people evacuated right into the path of that radioactive plume. That is obscene. So it is the government officials in fact protecting, and a part of, the nuclear industry. They are not there to protect the people although we elect them and we pay for them.

AG: All these isotopes indicate a couple of things to me. They indicate that nuclear fuel failed. And we know that. There is a meltdown and a melt through of the nuclear reactor vessels. But that would not be enough unless the containment failed too. The containment is that last line of defense. That we are seeing cesium in the environment and that we are seeing heavy isotopes like plutonium out at 20 and 30 kilometers. So when you see these transuranics, these things that are heavier than uranium out there, all these are signs of gross containment failure.

KH: Let’s shift gears now and talk about the one isotope that has probably been ignored more than any other by the nuclear industry. And that is tritium. Helen, can you tell us a bit about tritium?

HC: Tritium is radioactive hydrogen; instead of being H2 it is H3. And tritium cannot be contained in anything except gold. So you cannot operate a nuclear reactor without it continuously releasing the air and the water that is used to cool the tritium. Tritium, it is a tiny, tiny, tiny particle and if you are enveloped and it combines with oxygen to form tritiating water, H3O. So if you are near a reactor and there is an inversion system and there is fog and you go outside and the fog lands on your skin and the tritium can get right through the skin. Now the skin lets nothing through. It is the most important organ in the body which is why it is so serious if you get bad 3rd degree burns on your body. You lose your integument. Tritium gets through. Tritium also concentrates in food and it is in the water and it combines in the DNA molecule which is the gene. It is incredibly carcinogenic. And although the nuclear industry pooh-poohs anyone who worries about it, if you look at the Journal of Health Physics, there is a huge number of articles about the toxicity of tritium. And there has been testing on mice and rats for years and years and years. And so it induces brain tumors, muscle tumors, all sorts of cancers all over the body and mind you, every cancer can be caused by radiation. Every cancer we describe in medicine can be induced by radiation. It also causes very gross fetal abnormalities and birth deformities. So tritium is a very, very scary element. It is used in exit signs and of course it is leaking out of them. It is used on watch dials and it leaks out of the watches, it leaks out of everything you put it into. And I think the Germans did a study to look at children under the age of 5 years living within 2 miles of 16 reactors and found that those children had double the incidence of leukemia and a high incidence of solid cancers. And the French verified that study by doing a study of their own around their reactors. So it is very dangerous to live near a reactor and children are 10 – 20 times more sensitive to radiation than adults. They get cancer much more readily. And fetuses are thousands of times more so. So no women of childbearing age or children should live near a reactor. That is never talked about and it is partly because of the tritium that gets in. It also gets into the leaves and transpires through the leaves with water that comes down at night and lands on the ground, etc. The one thing though we have not talked about Arnie, is the toxicity of plutonium. And I would like to talk about that.

Plutonium is an alpha emitter, so it is like an electron emitted from a nucleus, only it is bigger, much bigger. And if it hits a gene, bang, it usually destroys the cell but if it does not, the cell is damaged and almost certainly later you will get cancer. So plutonium, named after Pluto, is so toxic that a millionth of a gram, if inhaled into the lung will give you lung cancer. Each reactor makes 250 kilograms of plutonium a year. Kilograms. You need only 5 kilograms to make yourself an atomic bomb. Plutonium has a half life of 24,400 years, so it is around and toxic for a quarter of a million years. The body thinks that plutonium is iron so it can cause lung cancer, it goes to the bone where the hemoglobin is made where it can cause bone cancer or leukemia or multiple myeloma or other such cancers. It is stored in the liver where it can cause liver cancer. It crosses the placenta. The placenta lets nothing through to protect the fetus. But plutonium gets through because it is an iron analog where it can kill a cell that’s is going to form the left half of the brain or the right arm. That is called teratogenesis, damage of a genetically chromosomally normal fetus. It also has a predilection to testicles and tends to concentrate in the testicles next to the cells that are forming the sperm. So it can produce genetic mutations in the sperm to induce genetic diseases passed on generation to generation for the rest of time and there are 2,600 genetic diseases now described like diabetes and cystic fibrosis and hemophilia and many, many others. So plutonium is nasty but there is something nastier. And that is americium 241 which is a decay product, I think, of plutonium 241 which has a fairly short half life. So americium 241 is a potent gamma emitter as well as an alpha emitter. They are extremely worried in Europe because 40% of Europe is contaminated with fallout from Chernobyl and will remain so for hundreds of years. But the americium is now starting to build up as the plutonium 241 decays, and it is very, very toxic and radioactive. So it seems it is going to get worse in Europe over time, not better. And that is described vividly in the book, “On Chernoby” by the New York Academy of Sciences.

AG: Wow Helen, I do not know how you go to sleep at night.

HC: Well, I go to sleep by doing this work which makes me feel more comfortable and that I might make a difference. But in truth, Arnie, we are not making a lot of difference, are we?

AG: I think we are in Japan. I think the Japanese are listening to people like you and the people that went to the symposium more and more and listening to their own government and Tokyo Electric less and less.

HC: Yes, but you know that I just woke up this morning reading more about Fukushima. It is an absolute mess. A total disaster mess. And they will never clean it up. Never. I mean the I.A.E.A. says it will take 40 or 50 years, but they will never clean it up. Let’s be frank. They will not. It is an unmitigated disaster which will remain in perpetuity for the rest of time and a lot of the Japanese may become more and more aware of this situation. There is nothing anyone can do about it. Human beings cannot cope with such an atomic nuclear accident.

AG: I talked about the recovery of Fukushima Daiichi when I was over in Japan at the end of August. And I was at the Independent Press Association and the video is up on the site. But the recovery of the site will go nowhere as long as Tokyo Electric is in charge. The solution to begin improving the condition of the site is to get Tokyo Electric out of the management of the clean-up and put a competent engineering organization reporting right to Japan. The nation of Japan, being funded by the nation of Japan and being overseen by independent experts, as opposed to the closed little club that Tokyo Electric likes to keep the site. Until we do that, that site is going to continue to have leaks and rats eating wires and on and on and on. We have got to get TEPCO out of the picture if we ever expect to make improvements.

HC: Think of the number of people. There are 3,000 men there all the time I think. And they bring homeless men in from Tokyo. Yakuza, who was a Japanese mafia, are subcontracted to provide a lot of the workers. How many people are going to die? You know, being exposed to very high levels of radiation externally, but also inhaling and ingesting radioactive materials. I mean the figures are just . . . a medical disaster beyond compare.

KH: Dr. Caldicott, thanks for coming on the show.

HC: That is a pleasure.

KH: And Arnie, as always.

AG: Thanks again, Kevin.

KH: That about does it for this week’s edition of the Energy Education podcast. You can catch us back here next Wednesday and every Wednesday for more on what is happening in the world of nuclear news and more technical nuclear discussion. Also, don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. For Fairewinds Energy Education, I am Kevin Hurley. Thanks for listening.









Si Wai



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還有漫長化療,針炙那針得咁多?都是跟那中醫指出的穴位 (阿是穴和足少陰腎經的穴位),選一些自己按按好了。






Si Wai






我覺得靜心聽自已身體(練自發功是我聆聽的方式) ,才會得到最誠實而無誤的身体訊息,打自己都打得準打得妙打到呱呱叫。

另:黃TK師傅曾教導在額至太陽穴位置向兩邊拉,和由眉向上雙手按摩),可令人進入深度呼吸狀態,都幾有效,對我夜與日不時出現的panic attacks有幫助。其實這黃師傅訓示是從Lily處聽到的,他教授之時正值我在半昏迷狀態-----那時的事現今已無從記憶。

未知是否最近留意一下Snowden的消息,gmail a/c持續被attacked。之前搞反核時也出現這情況,電話收發也疑被竊聽,但當時大家多認為我是過敏症,以為反核好巴閉咩,邊個理你。其實個世界早就因e通訊而落入極權勢力控制,不用監控思想都死火啦----單是將大眾行為訓練到冇e通訊唔得,那么某一天Big Brother shut down d系統,8-9成人都立時發曬癲。咁都夠 ”皮” 啦-----到時社會大亂,Big Brother叫你點你都制(經歷過panic attack就更知人的心理脆弱性)。


Si Wai

Re: 燈泡的迷思 (more)


This one provides some visual images for understanding the "ionsphere heater" program.

There is no conclusive proof that HAARP is being used as a weather weapon but there is no doubt that HAARP arrays located all over the world, working in tandem could profoundly influence weather anywhere on Earth - and ultimately cause food riots and depopulation. http://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/HAARP-and-Weather-Modification-and-Weather-Warfare/

Increase in Parkinson's disease


........ related to Toxicity of Neonicotinoid Pesticides?


Ecosystem and Food Supply Threatened by Gross Underestimate of Toxicity of Neonicotinoid Pesticides
By Dr. Mercola

Research has shown that many pesticides are neurotoxic and can cause disruptions to your neurological system and your brain. The reason why neurotoxins still enjoy widespread use on our food supply is really more about the bottom line for farming operations than it is about the science of human health.

Research has clearly and consistently linked pesticide exposure to Parkinson’s disease. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also considers 30 percent of insecticides to be carcinogenic.

All of these toxic chemicals are permitted on farms growing conventional and genetically engineered crops, and a large number of them can end up on your plate when you purchase conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables and/or processed foods.

But pesticides also have a dramatic impact on the health of our ecosystem. Neonicotinoids, such as Imidacloprid and Clothianidin, kill insects by attacking their nervous systems. These are known to get into pollen and nectar, and can damage beneficial insects such as bees.

These toxic chemicals have been implicated as one of the primary culprits in the mass die-offs of bees, and have subsequently been banned in some countries. The United States, however, is not among these countries...

But the effects of neonicotinoids do not end there. According to recent research by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC), the use of neonicotinoids in seed treatments is also responsible for the death of birds, terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates and other wildlife.

Ecosystem Threatened by ‘Gross Underestimate’ of Toxicity of Neonicotinoids

Nicotine-related compounds called nicotinoids were initially introduced as a new form of pesticide in the 1990s, as widespread pest resistance rendered many older pesticides useless. Many seeds are now “pre-treated” with neonicotinoids, which are water-soluble and break down slowly in the environment.

Today, they are the most widely-used pesticides in the world. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a pesticide that does not contain at least one neonicotinoid insecticide. In California alone, there are nearly 300 registered neonicotinoid products available.

The American Bird Conservancy (ABC), one of the leading bird conservation organizations in the US, is now calling for a ban on the use of neonicotinoids as seed treatments, and wants all pending applications for neonicotinoid products to be suspended pending an independent review of the products’ effects on birds, terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, and other wildlife.

As reported by the American Bird Conservancy1:

“It is clear that these chemicals have the potential to affect entire food chains. The environmental persistence of the neonicotinoids, their propensity for runoff and for groundwater infiltration, and their cumulative and largely irreversible mode of action in invertebrates raise significant environmental concerns...”

ABC commissioned the world renowned environmental toxicologist Dr. Pierre Mineau to conduct the research, which resulted in a 100-page report2 titled The Impact of the Nation’s Most Widely Used Insecticides on Birds. Mineau’s report reviews 200 studies on neonicotinoids, including industry research obtained through the US Freedom of Information Act.

The report concludes that neonicotinoids “are lethal to birds and to the aquatic systems on which they depend.” Even more disturbing, contamination levels in both surface and ground water around the world are already beyond the threshold found to kill many aquatic invertebrates. According to this shocking toxicology assessment:

•A single kernel of corn treated with this type of pesticide can kill a songbird
•A single grain of wheat or canola treated with the neonicotinoids Imidacloprid can be fatal to a bird
•As little as 1/10th of a neonicotinoid-coated corn seed per day during egg-laying season can affect a bird’s reproductive capability

EPA Accused of Failing to Adequately Assess Environmental Risks

Disturbingly, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not adequately assessed the toxicity of neonicotinoids. Part of the problem, according to the featured report, is that the EPA is “using scientifically unsound, outdated methodology that has more to do with a game of chance than with a rigorous scientific process.” This has led the agency to grossly underestimate the toxicity of these chemicals. Furthermore3:

“The report also charges that there is no readily available biomarker for neonicotinoids as there is for cholinesterase inhibitors such as the organophosphorous pesticides.

‘It is astonishing that EPA would allow a pesticide to be used in hundreds of products without ever requiring the registrant to develop the tools needed to diagnose poisoned wildlife. It would be relatively simple to create a binding assay for the neural receptor which is affected by this class of insecticides,’ said Dr. Mineau.”

Dr. Mineau urges the EPA to require pesticide registrants to also provide the diagnostic tools necessary to diagnose cases of wildlife poisonings. So far, neonicotinoids have garnered the most attention and criticism for their role in bee die-offs—a worldwide phenomenon that took off once these newer pesticides became widely used. As stated by ABC4:

“The serious risk to bees should not be understated, as one-third of the US diet depends on these insect pollinators. The ABC assessment makes clear, however, that the potential environmental impacts of neonicotinoids go well beyond bees.”

Link Between Neonicotinoids and Bee Die-Off is ‘Crystal Clear,’ Lawsuit Maintains

A general consensus among beekeepers is that the bee die-offs are most definitely related to toxic chemicals, and neonicotinoids in particular. The disappearance of bee colonies began accelerating in the United States shortly after the EPA allowed these new insecticides on the market in the mid-2000s. In May, beekeepers and environmental groups filed a lawsuit against the agency over its failure to protect bees from these toxic pesticides.

Meanwhile, France has banned Imidacloprid for use on corn and sunflowers after reporting large losses of bees after exposure to it. They also rejected Bayer´s application for Clothianidin, and other countries, such as Italy, have banned certain neonicotinoids as well.

Neonicotinoids are used on most of American crops, especially corn. As mentioned earlier, these chemicals are typically applied to seeds before planting, allowing the pesticide to be taken up through the plant’s vascular system as it grows. As a result, the chemical is expressed in the pollen and nectar of the plant, and hence the danger to bees and other pollinating insects... Needless to say, since the chemical is taken up systemically through the plant, it could also pose potential health risks to anyone eating the plant since it cannot be rinsed off.

Neonicotinoids affect insects' central nervous systems in ways that are cumulative and irreversible. Even minute amounts can have profound effects over time. One of the observed effects of these insecticides is weakening of the bee's immune system. Forager bees bring pesticide-laden pollen back to the hive, where it's consumed by all of the bees. Six months later, their immune systems fail, and they fall prey to secondary, seemingly "natural" bee infections, such as parasites, mites, viruses, fungi and bacteria.

The EPA5 acknowledges that “pesticide poisoning” may be one factor leading to colony collapse disorder, yet they have been slow to act to protect bees from this threat. The current lawsuit may help spur them toward more urgent action, which is desperately needed as the food supply hangs in the balance.

In March, the EPA sent Jim Jones, overseer of the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, to talk to California almond growers and beekeepers, as mass die-offs of bees were seriously threatening this year’s almond crop. But although beekeepers said Jones got the message that bees are in serious trouble, they were dismayed by the fact that he seemed more interested in finding new places for bees to forage rather than addressing the issue of toxic pesticides...

As usual, at the core of the problem is big industry, which is blinded by greed and enabled by a corrupt governmental system that permits the profit-driven sacrifice of our environment. Unfortunately, this motivation reflects an extreme shortsightedness about the long-term survival of the human race, as well as of our planet. Clearly, if the goal of pesticides is to increase food yield to more easily feed 7 billion human beings, this goal falls flat on its face if it leads to the collapse of our food chain.

Pesticides Again Tied to Parkinson's Disease

A recent meta-analysis published in the journal Neurology6, examined data from 104 studies published between 1975 and 2011, in search for a potential link between pesticides and Parkinson's disease. As many previous studies, it found one... Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder in which neurons in a region within your brain responsible for normal movement begin to die, causing the telltale shaking and rigidity associated with the disease. There’s currently no known cure, which makes preventing the disease all the more important. Mounting evidence suggests avoiding pesticides is an important part of prevention. As reported by Reuters7:

“In 2011, a study of US farm workers from National Institutes of Health found some pesticides that are known to interfere with cell function were linked to the development of Parkinson's disease. Another study that was published in 2012 also reported that people with Parkinson's disease were more likely to report exposure to pesticides, compared to people without the condition.”

In this latest analysis, exposure to pesticides was linked to a 58 percent increased risk of developing Parkinson’s. Some pesticides were clearly worse than others. Paraquat (a non-selective plant killer) and two fungicides, maneb and mancozeb, were found to double your risk. One of the study’s authors told Reuters that8:

“[T]he study's results suggest that people should avoid contact with pesticides or - at least - wear proper protection when handling the chemicals. The use of protective equipment and compliance with suggested, or even recommended, preventive practices should be emphasized in high-risk working categories (such as farming)."

How Modern Farming Methods Have Led to Toxic Food Supplies

Chlorinated hydrocarbons, or organochlorines like DDT were developed after World War II and remained widely used in agriculture for pest and weed control until Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring was published in 1962. That book is credited with beginning the modern environmental movement, and through the involvement of scientists and ordinary concerned citizens many of the organochlorines were later phased out of use, according to the conditions of the Stockholm Convention of 19819. Since then, these chemicals have been replaced by a slew of new herbicides, pesticides and fungicides designed to kill the things that threaten a farmer's bottom line.

These include not just neonicotinoids, but also glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup.

Roundup was designed to be used in conjunction with Monsanto's genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” seeds, which in turn have been genetically altered to withstand otherwise lethal doses of the chemical. This way, only the non-modified weeds die while the crop survives the indiscriminate sprayings. In theory, genetically engineered seeds were supposed to reduce the use of agricultural chemicals. It didn’t work out that way. Today, resistant “superweeds” are taking over large swaths of farm land, and in an effort to stay on top of increasing weed resistance, farmers using Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) seeds have progressively started using more and more Roundup.

The increased pesticide residue remains in the foods that wind up on your dinner table, as glyphosate is taken up systemically throughout the plant and cannot be washed off.

About 90 percent of the corn produced in the US is genetically engineered, and GE soybeans account for almost 95 percent of US production. In other words, if you're eating non-organic corn or soybeans in the United States, you're eating a genetically engineered crop that's been repeatedly and thoroughly drenched in glyphosate. The same applies to eating meats from animals raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), as they’re typically fed GE grains.

The danger to you and your children is very real, according to the latest research. While Monsanto insists that Roundup is safe and “minimally toxic” to humans, a recent report published in the journal Entropy10 argues that glyphosate residues, found in most commonly consumed foods in the Western diet courtesy of GE sugar, corn, and soy, “enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease.” According to the authors:

"Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.”

The main finding of the report is that glyphosate inhibits cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, a large and diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of organic substances. This, the authors state, is “an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals.” One of the functions of CYP enzymes is to detoxify xenobiotics—chemical compounds found in a living organism that are not normally produced or consumed by the organism in question. By limiting the ability of these enzymes to detoxify foreign chemical compounds, glyphosate enhances the damaging effects of those chemicals and environmental toxins you may be exposed to—including other pesticides.

How You Can Avoid Toxic Pesticide Exposure

First and foremost, to limit your exposure to the most common agricultural chemicals, such as neonicotinoids and glyphosate, you want to buy as much fresh organic produce as possible, as synthetic chemicals are not allowed on organic crops. For a good guide to which conventionally grown produce carry the lowest pesticide residues, and which you’re best off buying organic due to their heavy pesticide load, see my recent article, How to Find the Healthiest Fare in Meat and Produce Aisles.

Since years' worth of these toxins now pollute our soils and waterways, including the sources of most if not all human drinking water, I also recommend investing in a good water filtration system for your home or apartment to ensure you are drinking the purest water possible. Also consider a shower filter, as they may actually cause more damage to your body through your skin than from drinking unfiltered water. Additional recommendations to limit your exposure to toxic pesticides and herbicides include:

1. Grow your own food. While this may be a challenge for many, nearly everyone, even those with a studio apartment or a dorm room can easily grow sprouts that can serve as a large percentage of the organic vegetables that you eat.

2. Detoxify your lawn. If you have a lawn care service, make sure they are not using the organophosphate pesticide trichlorfon. Also, avoid using Roundup to control weeds around your home.

3. Clean out your shed. The pesticide diazinon (sold under the brand names Diazinon or Spectracide) has been banned from residential, but there might be some left in your old garden shed.

4. Use natural cures for a lice infection. Malathion is used for treatment of head lice. Don’t put a neurotoxin on your child's head.

5. Check your school's pest control policy. If they have not already done so, encourage your school district to move to Integrated Pest Management, which uses less toxic alternatives.

Not NN news, but very important







2. 白血球數目大跌化療做不成,趁機趕去周大師處續做 "中藥化療"。周說: "白血球低是因它們吞噬了IgM等垃圾,毋妨的。"

QM替我注射白血球針,今午到東涌加一針。問QM血科替我注射的姑娘是否有副作用(之前問過醫生說冇但我不信她),姑娘說 "有1,2成機會導致全身骨頭劇痛,機會小唔怕啦 ",10-20%是機會少?(但上次我在半昏迷時被打過此針,估計今次亦冇事)

護士又在百忙中替自己order了拉麵和大可樂做午飯,我話 "可樂 好冇益喎",她說:"每天必飲,d氣令人舒服,有精力。"



3. 現中藥與西藥一般「重」,服後十分鐘內全身不適,要躺下,半小時內心悸,整個世界亦轉暗而窒息,數小時後瀉,然後再跌watt至不能活動。有前輩服用周大師的藥曾說過「非常辛苦,但終有療效」。 遂提早採Fion建議飲 "米水" 讓口腔舒緩方菜(本為化療期間用但中藥好像也有同樣副作用),又有益又不甜,good stuff。

4. 自發功積極處理個胃時又處理情況差了很多個月的麻痺左腳 (找出相關穴位),此功「自療」不懼直搗痛處,很radical,令人歎服。

5. 又想起吳清忠的忠告----鍛鍊後的癌腫增大是自療的過程,因為是將垃圾掃在一起清理,千萬別去「打救、打散」之。這幾個星期我有些淋巴勁增大,大概也是垃圾堆積而成,望它們能成功排出體外----以各種方法(呵欠?出汗?大小二便?練功排氣?噯氣?)


6. 我的藥渣及其他廚餘傾倒在後山大獲欣賞,詳情請見Lily拍攝的生命/腐朽圖(照片)。

Si Wai


收件人: msw







收件人: hrx

那苦茶油是有益的油 (千萬勿用芥花籽油粟米油,都是美國基改原料做),中國南方從前遍地苦茶樹,本是常用的油,現今倒要買台灣貨。




















O,資料有誤,華南常見的 (也是我家一株獨瘦----真是很瘦----的) 木本的茉莉來自波斯而非印度;波斯,伊拉克等 Mesopotamia地區一樣引發想象,令人神往,多少文明.......當然不下於印度,卻分分鐘在當代儘毀於美國軍力下---------用無良的武器depleted uranium之類,致其代代殘病於輻射後遺,生態再不超生。

Si Wai



講講my favorate topic 醫食住行,會悶壞的請及時delete。

1. 醫 ------ 當年QM血科我的主診醫主向我正式講出 "根據世衛定義" 我究竟患了何病時,我請他將病名寫在我的筆記簿上,並問了幾個問題,包括這病是先天還是環境因素使然,他說是環境,但之後他和血科及整個院方都無人追查過我生活過的環境,好讓他人避免重蹈覆轍。我唯有自己亂猜,請Lily致電租了我們之前書店鋪位的新租客,請她到樓下診所看看有無X-光機,又警告到我勞動的田裡的朋友小心隔籬噴農藥及其他污染... what else??

我好奇於香港醫學界對本地癌症 (及其他病症?)的流行病學研究那麼興趣乏乏,一句都不聞不問,令人懷疑其research是否只為藥廠而做 !!


2. 食 ------ 因為不能吃任何有「補」成份的安神食品,所以除豬心外(個心太硬,不能吃太多),又想想有沒有其他方案。顧小培及其他人都提過臨睡前喝杯蕃茄汁可助安眠,昨晚飯後飲半杯幾乎馬上睡倒,整晚也相對地睡得久一點才醒來,可見有效。顧小培說如果是心理不安導致的失眠則茄汁無效,自己想辦法搞掂d掛慮好了,我飲了能改善睡眠(因而減少panics)可見主要是生理失調,但這又最不在我控制之內,全在中、西藥或個病情手上,奈何﹗茄汁救我﹗豬心救我﹗

3. 住 + 行 ------ 有朋友建議我們搬回市區,睇病方便。一來我希望頻頻要睇病只是這一年半載的特殊情況,二來D Bay這種空間較多的環境,以我能負擔的價位亦只有在D Bay找到----這在兩三年前通港九新界搵屋時已了然於胸。當時都知交通費會非常厲害。


4. 醫食住行之外當然有條件(i.e.體力)就翻翻書,尤其現在對音、影媒界非常過敏,稍為「猛烈」的就令我慌張,故自己選書看最保證心神安定。這就是黃金屋顏如玉之外書的實際好處了。



5. 又是茉莉 --------


說了這些,是治療現時我不能喝濃茶所生之 "鄉愁" 的自我分散注意技倆而已。日後應有更多這類拙技登場,敬請留意。

Si Wai












當然永遠都有先天條件或年齡、狀態之別,對環境反應不一,但不能因此破壞環境,話淘汰d唔 "合格"既人算了。

Calcium supplement linked to heart attack


Calcium supplement linked to heart attack - eat more organic green leaf veggie instead. Details:


Eat more leafy greens, kale, spinach, collard greens, kelp, broccoli and soybeans. While dairy products are extremely high in calcium there is much controversy over whether or not the pasturization and homgenization process renders the calcium more difficult to digest.

Amount of Calcium in Foods ◾Collard Greens: 1cup = 266 mg.
◾Spinach: 1cup = 245 mg.
◾Blackstrap Molasses: 1 Tbsp = 137 mg.
◾Kelp: 1 cup = 136 mg.
◾Tahini: 2 Tbsp = 126 mg.
◾Broccoli: 2 cups = 124 mg.
◾Swiss Chard: 1 cup = 102 mg.
◾Kale: 1 cup = 94 mg.
◾Brazil Nuts: 12 nuts = 90 mg.
◾Celery: 2 cups = 81 mg.
◾Almonds: 23 nuts = 75 mg.
◾Papaya: 1 papaya (med) = 73 mg.
◾Flax Seeds: 2 Tbsp = 52 mg.
◾Oranges: 1 orange (med) = 52 mg.

ray of hope再生能源滿足全義用電


Lily found this piece of news, which contains certain comforting elements, which is such a rare phenomenon today. Of course we know that the so-called renewables are not totally environmentally friendly - use a lot of contruction materials to produce wind mills, solar penals etc., but at least there is a path we can walk on while trying to improve it. 有得批評下,好過講都哂氣------一如對住中電港燈。

不過我認為義大利有此成績,文化根柢很重要-------至少先要建立個 "慢食"風氣,每餐不慌不忙進食數小時,人生快樂就不用在狂亂消費中尋找........

創歷史 再生能源滿足全義用電

Si Wai



近談起 "一命二運三風水四積陰功五讀書" 之智慧觀察,今夕只談風水(既是命、運,本就無甚可說,除非我玩星座紫微...),集中睇少少DBay風水,因與我養病有關,然家居小風水亦反映大風水-------香港自恃福地今時尚可居否?


不過這一帶山中的河谷草木仍可觀,因水頭算足,動物也可到來解渴,我家後山便久不久聞黃麂(音gang)吠叫,黃麂是barking deer,有鹿鳴呦呦意趣。

有時比如昨晚大雨便會令大廈旁的高山流(下的小河)水變成連串大瀑,尤其接近大廈平台處------流水淹過兩旁植被,形成覆蓋面極寬的猛烈水"帳",壯哉斯瀑。可惜難以近看,非關人、瀑距離遠,事實上近在咫尺,只是 "景點" 旁是垃圾房,加上滿地是狗主與菲傭懶情使然的狗屎狗尿(有味道,亦有實物),煞了風景。Lily昨天還見一媽媽帶仔在一旁溺尿----而彼等均為大廈的住客啊!! 奇觀不限於瀑布。

問此水何來。應是背後陡峭的虎頭山下來。這虎頭山亦無大樹但有鬱鬱蔥蔥河谷,終年不會有絕對乾涸之日,估計有地下水"資助"。不過港人不喜"虎"音或怕老虎多於苛政,如昔日老虎岩早成了樂富,這一帶如炒旺了也許要變 "富有山"、"褲頭山"?




算起來全世界可能以香港最變態----因為對一切生態災難人民都不會動口去投訴,也不會動手去自力救濟(如趕退噴蚊隊),甚至"根本睇唔到"----是我們學校的工作紙、公開試past papers更好睇?還是電視節目網上遊戲太精彩?如此眼界,恐怕佔了中,戴著民主光環也難免愚民為實。






Si Wai







如果NN要講 "錢",就可質詢中電預留了幾多錢日後讓大亞灣廠房退役-------不管是發生了意外或夠鐘關門,而錢又從何所出?這些天文數字令今日同佢計電費成了濕濕碎........更恐怖的事,為了賺多些賠少些根本就不停用,40年(約)期滿又搞多20年,這些先例不少。早前綠色和平張小姐提過預大核run 60年,GP與中電經常開會,想怕60年是 "共識"。驚冇?




怎樣才能反核?(Fwd: Uranium Project Nixed: GOOD NEWS from Quebec)



義大利人有"慢食"的文化修養,故能有走向再生能源而bye bye nukes的今天,德國人當年可以放棄一路只追GNP步步高來搞統一,出現廢核也不出奇,各地原住民不受金錢邏輯迷惑是NN的最穩固基礎。反國教也好NN也好,離不開鄉土與文化之愛的歷史深度的回歸。

以下一則關於原住民企硬的 encouraging news。

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gordon Edwards Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:19:13 -0400
Subject: Uranium Project Nixed: GOOD NEWS from Quebec

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

The Government of Quebec has announced that it will not give its approval for an "Advanced Uranium Exploration" project in the sacred Otish mountains located in the Cree Territory of Eeyou-Istchee (Northern Quebec). This decision is intended to be final; although a future government could conceivably reverse it, the chances of that are rather slim.

This is a stunning announcement, coming as it does two full months before the start of a Generic Environmental Assessment on the Impacts of uranium mining in Quebec, to begin in September, under the aegis of the BAPE = Bureau des audiences publiques sur l'environnement.

Strateco Corporation had already been given a "green light" for the project from an environmental assessment process, and had obtained a licence from CNSC (the Canadian nuclear regulatory agency); all that was lacking was the go-ahead from Quebec. The Minister of Natural Resources, Madame Ouelet, said that the project was not approved because it was not socially acceptable.

Quebecers have become increasingly mobilized against uranium mining in the province in recent years. Although there has never been a uranium mine in Quebec, there have been a great many exploration activities taking place in many parts of the province. Of all these project, the one that was by far the most advanced, and with the richest ore body, was the "Matoush Project" of Strateco.

But the Grand Council of the Cree Nations declared a permanent moratorium on uranium mining in Cree Territory, saying that uranium mining is incompatible with traditional Cree values. This stance was supported by Quebec NGOs throughout the province and by over 400 non-aboriginal Quebec municipalities who passed resolutions against uranium mining in Quebec.

Meanwhile medical doctors and citizen activists in Sept-Iles, Quebec, on the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, have been actively lobbying for a ban on uranium mining in their region and throughout the province. Almost two dozen physicians signed a letter to the previous Quebec government saying that they would resign their positions at the Sept-Iles Hospital and leave the region -- maybe even leave the province -- unless the Quebec Government agreed to ban uranium mining.

Similar activism from the Hautes Laurentides region -- in the Laurentian Mountain range North of Montreal -- put added pressure of the Quebec Government to follow the example of two other provinces, British Columbia and Nova Scotia, by imposing a permanent ban on uranium mining and even uranium exploration.

Opposition to uranium mining is based not only on the harmful medical effects of uranium byproducts such as radon gas, radium and polonium, but also on the end uses of uranium -- to provide explosive materials for nuclear bombs and to provide fuel for nuclear reactors, thereby generating high-level radioactive waste.

Since Quebec decided last year to phase out of nuclear power completely by shutting down the province's sole operational nuclear power reactor, and since Quebec's researchers have been in the forefront of developing cyclotron technology to provide medical isotopes without the use of uranium or nuclear reactors, the opposition to uranium mining has been made all the easier.

NGOs and First Nations in Quebec, as well as hundreds of Quebec municipalities, are feeling optimistic that a ban on uranium mining may not be too far in the future.

But the struggle goes on, and it will intensify this fall when the BAPE hearings begin.

Gordon Edwards.



首先多謝2K, mandy, 芳, hester, SY等一直買/煮/運(食送)菜餵養我,和Lily mud都去試去搞的食療,大家一番努力下,今天的血色素上升至9了。這在我睡得很差、化療減低胃口、中藥引導不斷腹瀉和身体各種不適下,相信是很大的成果;我又給自己練功兩三分--------總之,我們雖不迷信數字,但現時能夠在不輸血的情況自已造血,那管造出來的血仍充斥著壞細胞而壞細胞又繼續產生IgM這些垃圾,但百種壞消息中有一宗好的而且涉及"自救"的,到底令人耳目一新。

關鍵目標是一定要造比較好的血。中西藥都只是 "打",而造好的血則要改善骨髓,這點只能靠藥物之外的 "奇妙"因素-----是甚麼呢?


正在思考這骨髓問題之際,見今天醫院的覆診水牌中有 "骨髓發育不良科" 和"痛症科"兩項。好奇。櫃檯的職員也好像剛想找人說句話,便主動解釋: "係新設的,近年愈來愈多人患骨髓發育不良呀"。我問:"是小朋友嗎?" "不,是大人呢"。我和Lily立刻想到核意外中產生的輻射物Strontium-90 (港府不檢驗食物是否有含量),及核廠平日"合法"排放的tritium--------都是傷骨髓的大元兇。大亞灣運作22年,"成果"來了?﹗




Si Wai




哈哈!agree agree, KK美食無價的啦!(真係好好味!!!!)


題外話 -- “痛症科”:

正巧上星期旁聽寶姨的生死學課是請來謝建泉醫生(在香港推動寧養服務),他退休前是腫瘤科的,而他其中一個專長正是痛症(舒緩痛楚),聽他說大概主要是用嗎啡、鎮靜劑等,讓病人減輕痛楚(尤其末期或彌留之際)。他提到醫院後來有開痛症科,就是專門為病人舒緩各種疾病產生的痛楚而設的,通常會由麻醉科醫生、腫瘤科醫生、臨床心理醫生等組成。謝醫生也提到,現在大醫院通常會設這科的,而腫瘤科通常至少有一位醫生懂痛症的處理。他也提到其實癌症的身體痛苦在他看來是較容易舒緩的(用藥物,有時要輔以一些心理支持),其他一些病更複雜難搞。 (因為現場有同學講起自己一位親人在醫院彌留時很痛苦要大叫,就想了解這方面多點,謝醫生就講得詳細d)

痛症科是專門針對其他各科轉介病人幫忙處理痛症,但不是醫治病本身。 聽謝醫生講,好像和麻醉科很有關~~








五年幾前他來QM探我,教我問主診醫生我的病是curable or only treatable----其實答案當然是後者,如果西醫的treatment可被視為treatment的話。但問這問題並不能回應當時我考慮的做不做化療的問題,他到底都是QM癌科做到退休的醫生﹗他介紹了一個專攻舒緩醫學的後輩給我,我找他,他覺得我未死得住,也沒提議甚麼舒緩,只安排我做標靶治療,而且是私家,很貴的,沒再找他。








根據謝醫生講的痛症科,可能以麻醉科的用藥為主來舒緩痛楚(這方面可能需要多點麻醉科專業),或心理上的問題就交給心理醫生…… 而舒緩醫學的那些應該是指善終服務?







張的自殺與很多食西藥anti-depressant的cases相類,詳情當然不會公開----anti-depresssant 是當世藥廠最大收入來源。






我的"忽忽下"狀態下苦了Lily,負擔了全部家務(她本來的最弱項),兼要听我不斷"呻"。這幾天還連煮13,14餐(她的最最弱項)------還不計預備我的宵夜和化解化療口渴飲品),尚有煲藥、製果汁、購食材、安排交通往覆診和化療......我和她在此情境下都忘記了她的牛一(那天還忙著看中醫)的確唔出奇 (但唉!!!!!!!!)





Si Wai



前幾天又過了一個我的生日,等死的人,又近了一步,實在沒啥可賀的。 活在當下最好了,看看愛看的,聽聽愛聽的,吃吃要吃的,誰也不知自己的末日在何時,好象有人掌管似的。









蒙古大草原也有蠓? 秋天應入佳境,香港的氣功團專門去採氣的。
























Si Wai










(1) http://news.mingpao.com/20130629/taa1h.htm

國防要員 涉放料《紐時》


63歲的卡特賴特(James Cartwright)2004至2007年間曾任戰略司令部長,將科技與戰略結合,2007至2011年間任美軍參謀長聯席會議副主席,於2011年8月退役時是海軍四星上將。他是總統國防顧問的核心成員,被視為對總統奧巴馬國防政策深具影響的人物。在前總統小布殊及現任總統奧巴馬任內,卡特賴特曾參與策動網絡攻擊計劃「Olympic Games」,是計劃骨幹人物。惟政府消息透露,卡特賴特早前接獲司法部通知,指其涉嫌泄露關於美國以電腦病毒Stuxnet攻擊伊朗核設施的機密資料,已成當局調查「目標」。






(2) http://news.mingpao.com/20130629/taa2.htm











另一本即興參考的是李熾昌的<<古經解讀>>。之前看過他的<<五小卷>>覺得好,這一本寫得較精簡(意猶未盡)但解"舊約聖經-猶太史-鄰近文明"十分清晰而態度坦誠開放----包括聖經說"上帝懲罰猶太子民,因他們沒有殺盡迦南地區的其它民族" 應怎樣詮釋?而所謂"上帝選民"之猶太人其實又有很多種族的血統的呢.........

李熾昌十分鍾情舊約,說基督教(即更正教)徒常常不肯好好讀舊約,沒有舊約的對律法(ethical principles and practice)的領悟而單看(新約的)恩典論便是膚淺-----令我想起小出反核時引述甘地批評宗教徒信奉著"沒有犧牲精神的宗教"!





Si Wai














選擇祈禱生活(而非宣教生活)的修女如Wendy嬤嬤,每天集體生活(崇拜)2小時,獨自禱告7小時,2小時作其它活動如閱讀,晚上8時上床,3時起床。日復日年復年。Wendy嬤嬤說她選擇這樣生活因自己低能處理不來各事務及人際,"祈禱修女"的生活反而讓她更好地關顧這世間-------禱告是介入,不是為了避世搞掂自己。 果然--------得了好靈感,寫了好書(之前做了BBC節目)。



Lily"騙"了人家寄(送)一本書來我看,吳念真的<<這些人,那些事>>,大字體,無矯飾文字,化療後臥床時間長些,便看完了。一向喜愛吳念真清純如野店、如舊村,最難 忘其劇本的是戀戀風塵,連悲情城市相較之下也覺"旁騖了"(可能梁朝偉的港味星味國際味使然?).......

多年來並無重溫過他(和侯孝賢)這些合作片,只覺像自己的痛疤,不能揭------雖然那是台灣我在香港,卻是"同時代"的人,那時候,感情都是樸素不過的,做的事"無謂"得要命,從沒 想過某些"激情"、"運動"可以作換取"上位"的入場券。





Si Wai

parcel from Fukushima - update



(1) 30張輻射分佈圖 (2012八月)-----今年三月野口來演講時帶來了一疊,給我們義賣籌點款;

(2) 3A的小禮物-----電話繩6條;

(3) 信一封------見附檔。













- 早晚口腔拔油
- 羅漢果水、米水......不斷

- 雪耳
- 報紙上說蒜醋令某神父被化療摧毀了的胃口恢復,但我個胃感覺太差不敢飲醋,會試Winnie用琴姐種的蒜頭製造的黑蒜。
- 儘量日夜臥床不起,避免起來令反胃加倍。不過這樣就非常缺乏運動。

- 綠豆薏米水
- 按摩師傅從每節骨中間擠出毒素;自己練功時某些自"搣"自拍手法。

- 找適當的書看,解決了之前藥力令人24小時昏睡。





所以人生之「力」也不是說有便能常有的,有時還得葬點花,或像蘇坡叔般卸下一點力----在荔枝、桂花酒、雞泡魚、芋頭羹、製墨丸(不是墨魚丸)等瑣事上,及去寫他那些令人發悶的說(佛)理詩 ﹗




Si Wai









thank you. the book is darker in color than i expected, perhaps due to the illustrations and design - but that fits the theme.

am trying very hard to get better. Lily is the best 食療 doctor. the certified doctors are only sales/wo/men for the BIG Pharma's but they have all the resources - therefore having a hard time in the struggle to minimize their impacts.

my regards to you and Auntie Bear.

Si Wai




i have the same feeling when i first received the book---dark n grey. a second thought---the whole thing is just like that.

i have the same problem with the doctor dealing with my blood pressure these days.

The only thing he has asked me to do is to go for one examination after another. I found out later that he is a business patrner of the lab.

i have given up on that guy and resort to personal instinct and herbal wisdom. now it's getting better!!!

looking forward to seeing you a healthy being again!

hung jai





近日被化療毒藥玩殘,覺心身衰弱,動彈不得,所以勉強而起(不然再起不來了,至少也生褥瘡吧)-------練氣功、執南美書。之前在陳皮村拍紙簿某一期講過南美文學鱗爪(其實鱗爪也無,皮毛也不是,只摸到幾本書皮上的塵埃),之後將一些書留在身邊,其它入倉,如今想再"清減"一些故又拿出來檢閱,竟然發現催情食譜外還有一本食譜,以南美14國為題材--------Nirmala Narine 之旅行與食經。N女士10歲前住英屬圭亞拿(1966年獨立),祖父來自印度,是自然藥師(與印度教牧師),下鄉行醫,所以她對香草、香料很有感覺。



當然我最想知的是南美各印第安族群的食譜,不過要瞭解這個又必須深入瞭解當地食材,而偌大一個南美單是薯仔就種了6000年,我斷估都有600個品種,而N女士到底只是過客,所知不會多。(她10歲時與一心要脫貧--脫農--的家人移民去了大蘋果NYCity,現今是Nirmala's Kitchen食品集團老細,自稱corporate America 之一員,自全球第三世界採購香料,聽上去生意性質似Body Shop那一型)

所以她的南美14國食譜是美國用(即全球化用)的食譜。煮香腸菜式時是用supermarket的熱狗香腸;味味菜式都用健康又瘦身的olive oil; 用薯仔代yucca(大家可還記得美國Nevada有個Yucca Mountain是美政府幾十年來都想把全部核廢料往那裏運的"被遺忘"土地);烹調法則用焗爐(華氏幾多度)而不是南美鄉下個大灶;而為免嚇壞歐美愛護動物人士,也不會煮guinea pig、大駱馬這些原汁原味地道肉感菜,而以雞、牛、羊代之。還有N女士自己家鄉流行的"一品窩"本是是窮人菜,菲洲奴隸更用這種Arawak Indians的煮食法來把奴隸主吃剩的雞頭餸尾共冶一窩----但這本菜譜中的一品窩材料則是美國West India Supermarket買得到的香料加一磅牛short ribs及1.5磅豬梅花肉。

剩下來,書中能吸引我的就是那些種類如山數量如沙不能數的蔬果場面----迷人彩色圖片,而這些蔬果(也都是美國West India Supermarket買到的)在書中多數是作配料用,或做歐美風情的飲品、salads、果凍、調酒佐料、雪糕之類種種甜食......






# # # # # #


p.s.我們的南美收藏還有Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera的傳記,讀了令人難過,寫出來也是,待日後超好心情時再談。

Si Wai



看文物/文化書,如Cecilia Lindqvist的《古琴》、揚之水及王世襄等文章、或Sister Wendy的畫評,是令人大為著迷的經驗,但難以寫出來與人分享,因為作者已和我分享了,難道還要抄書?最好是每人自己享受作者的分享。











疑問題:香港禁的中藥包括穿山甲,那就令中藥醫唔到免疫力攻擊自體的重病,治癌"毒藥"也禁......... 這些係唔係好進步呢????

Si Wai





Love to read your commentaries on a wide range of books. I'm on a tour in Atlantic Canada -- an endless stretch of land w sparse populations. The sense of space, actual and abstract, is v different from that in HK.





i visited the Atlantic provinces during the first summer in Canada (1980). went all the way to PEI but didn't go to Newfoundland. thought it really is a change of landscape after staying for a few months in the "flat" Ontario lake area. The cities there were quite heavily polluted however. (industrial pollution) Things must have improved considerably by now.

Went to Newfoundland in the summer of 2005 - flew in from Iceland. That was the "last" trip i made before being taken ill. The strongest impression St Johns left on me was the obesity of the citizens there.

Hope you'll have a relaxing and interesting trip.

Si Wai




---------- Forwarded message ----------



  我得洗凈這一百年沾染的污穢回家。 我沒有「登泰山而小天下」之感,只在自己的小天地裏過平靜的生活。細想至此,我心靜如水,我該平和地迎接每一天,準備回家。

  在這物欲橫流的人世間,人生一世實在是夠苦。你存心做一個與世無爭的老實人吧,人家就利用你欺侮你。你稍有才德品貌,人家就嫉妒你排擠你。 你大度退讓,人家就侵犯你損害你。你要不與人爭,就得與世無求,同時還要維持實力準備鬥爭。你要和別人和平共處,就先得和他們週旋,還得準備隨時吃虧。


















縱使國家不用分,但文、理分不分?---- 探討「從科學而言」,Nabokov對蝴蝶學(鱗翅目學,Lepidoptera)的貢獻有多大的<>,應否與N的小說並放?這倒考起我了,不能決定,遂拿本書出來閱讀一下。(與此同時把他的自傳(英文版)也拿出來併著看,順便清理了那譯得不太好的自傳中譯本。老實講,我之前其實不太熱衷看N的書,大熱<>被Random House選為世紀十大英文小說的第四名,但我卻看不下去,他著名的學術著作<>也是借給別人看自己沒看。)

N的科學研究昔日令他的小說fans對蝴蝶(學)忽然也熱衷起來,於是他的傳記作者、記者、專欄作者便追著「業界」人士問:他到底是否真有蝴蝶學學術貢獻?他對Blues(灰蝶)發表的八篇在嚴格學術期刊出版的文章到底堅定流???結果各科班出身的大教授大部份稱他為amateur,做了那一代富家公子愛做的收集、整理(做標本)又用顯微鏡仔細觀察蝴蝶的工作.......大教授所用言語聽上去都有點酸溜溜;亦可能專家們對從來沒有興趣蝴蝶學的媒體與世人的忽然興奮覺得不自在吧。當然,亦有說他的貢獻不小的,但那是他轉向全心寫小說與教文學之前在Harvard的Museum of Comparative Zoology做part-time時的好友(日後是大教授)的評語。最重要的是,這些「受訪」的生物學家,通通不是蝴蝶學者,至少不是他所專精的Blues這一瓣的。


這本Nabokov's Blues就是替他平反----90年代有「後輩」不知有Nabokov其人及其灰蝶學,卻做灰蝶研究,其中有兩人往南美沿整個西岸研究灰蝶,自稱已搜得當地95%的灰蝶;然而,當這些「後輩」回頭發掘到Nabokov的研究時,都認為他的框架絕對可安然屹立於這些「最新發現」之中,Nabokov's Blues兩個作者之一就是曾涉足南美的兩科學家之一。




精神眼力稍遲緩時繼續看Sister Wendy,這次看她講聖像畫(八卦地也想從中窺探一下她的宗教觀)。聖像圖全選自1998-99佛羅倫斯Medicea Laurenziana 圖書館的展覽品,每個圖配她一短篇對該聖人作介紹及就畫面再演繹一下,間中流露一點自己的體會;由於選材所限,她說她喜愛的聖人未必能現身,例如St. Andrew。我又八卦地再找出另一本聖像圖書看看有沒有St. Andrew尊容,果然有,但這本書另有來頭,又是「一段古」。

話說十四世紀波希米亞皇朝最著名的皇帝被教宗委任登基,就是那個CharlesIV。他享有財力物力權力,以「天子」(神在這皇朝土地上的代表)自居,建St. Vitus 教堂、收藏聖物,並且請名家Master Theodoricus 在 Karlstejn Castle內的Chapel of the Holy Cross裏畫出許多聖像。Theodoricus 的作風唯美中帶寫實(比起佛羅倫斯那些展品中所見的樸拙畫風來說:那邊的St. Francis後面那隻哨牙狼很傻,用來遮蓋St. Mark 條屍偷運離場的野豬(屍)也很好笑,連聖人看起來有時也很殘,例如想得太深的St. Augustine和St. Anthony Abbot及Paul the Hermit 在沙漠中修行無糧無水又被魔鬼搞----當然不會很漂亮光鮮)。Theodoricus的聖像經重修後在1998年於布拉格一間小型國家美術館展出,那陣我剛在遊逛知道其事便找了一輪找到了那場地。據當日現場的說明是該批作品展完就會運返Karlstejn Castle從此對外永久封閉,以作保存。


捷克版本的聖像中有一個黑人(St. Maurus),不比佛羅倫斯展出那些是全白的,算是難得。他的膚色甚黑,但面目、輪廓清楚顯示是一個十分傳神寫真下的黑人,也很漂亮。但沒有說明背景,故不知他的身世。

回頭說句Sister Wendy怎樣看宗教,精句如下: - 除非能分享神聖的智慧,否則我們所講的「愛」,便可以是shamefully weak的 (唔識譯---「微弱得可笑」?) - Christianity不是一個輕易的選擇,不是一種逃避。它全方位地直面現實,當然是背靠上帝而面對的。


今、明天都去瑪麗,今天等抽血時見輪候取藥的人山人海中,嘩人人一大袋,藥廠股你買左未? 如不去買股還能怎樣直面現實--------而不是向每個park 藥病人多派一劑可笑的「愛」而已?

Si Wai








Si Wai















Si Wai

Dr Mecola on防蚊


1. 防蚊(殺蟲)藥通常有DEET or permethrin

DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is used in more than 230 different products

會導致Memory loss Headache Muscle weakness and fatigue Shortness of breath Muscle and joint pain Tremors permethrin

This chemical is a member of the synthetic pyrethroid family, all of which are neurotoxins. The EPA has even deemed this chemical carcinogenic, capable of causing lung tumors, liver tumors, immune system problems, and chromosomal abnormalities. Permethrin is also damaging to the environment, and it is particularly toxic to bees and aquatic life. It should also be noted that permethrin is highly toxic to cats.

2. 天然防蚊

- Cinnamon leaf oil (one study found it was more effective at killing mosquitoes than DEET)
- Clear liquid vanilla extract mixed with olive oil
- Wash with citronella soap, and then put some 100% pure citronella essential oil on your skin. Java Citronella is considered the highest quality citronella on the market
- Catnip oil (according to one study, this oil is 10 times more effective than DEET)8

3. 讓蝙蝠自由飛翔,就可食曬d蚊


Si Wai



人類向生態作的孽。Chernobyl and Fukushima

基因變異中的物種亦說明了"低劑量輻射"的殺戳力(可能比高劑量更)強-------不馬上殺死生物,卻讓其導致的基因變異令物種的生存適應力代代下降直至滅亡,大概像現時人類患癌及其它免疫系統病症大幅增多的痛苦軌跡吧(按:像美國,1900年cancer rate是1/8000,現在是一生人中機會為1/2,香港是1/3以上)。這是一篇充實的好文章-----旁邊那box也不錯。


Both the Chernobyl and Fukushima power plants were located in small cities surrounded by farms and woodlands. When the disasters struck, radioactive fallout hit trees, shrubs, and grasses. In Chernobyl as much as 70 percent of the radionuclides fell on forests. Over time rain and snow washed plutonium, radiocesium, and other radioactive particles onto the forest floor. Plants and fungi soon began taking up these particles and passing them on to the leaves, berries, and pollen that insects and other animals eat. Traveling the very same biological pathways that normally bring sustaining nutrients to forest life, the radionuclides permeated entire ecosystems.

The prospect of a permanently altered ecosystem is even more disturbing because of the decades – perhaps centuries – these nuclear forests will remain dangerous. Still beautiful in spite of the contamination, they stare us in the face with the uncomfortable truth that when our human adventures in high technology go awry and crash through the natural world, we are utterly unable to control the consequences. Nuclear forests may be the ultimate Anthropocene environment.

Si Wai





但前天他在家鄉附近海裡游泳至今未返........ 我們雙方卻有未完的承諾-----去年福島小朋友來港前,我寫了短信請他來做註營翻譯,並和小朋友外出玩時,趁機看一些之前過港未有機會看的山水吧,他說他有興趣但應承了日本那邊做一份短工,明年才來吧;今年-----我們無力再搞,來年也未必有能力,而他.....亦不會來了嗎?




Si Wai



主旨:a few words

炯霖的朋友開了個gmail a/c,請大家寄語、寄意去,讓炯霖的家人更了解他做過些什么事,代反核之眾草了幾句send去。



















收拾到明祟禎時的計成所寫的《園冶》,閱到日後降清的阮大鋮所寫的序。阮當時已講自己為雙親、為貢獻社稷不能率性歸隱blah blah,故享受(人造)園林之樂便是兩存其美blah blah。誠然如是,但大隱隱於市,也所費不菲呢﹗

尤其是在拚命發展的地方,誰可買地造林建花園?就算你發了(如中了Mark Six頭獎),造了建了園林,明天旁邊也會建一列屏風樓,或Spa酒店,或地鐵站再來上蓋豪宅兼商場,或索性請田生買起你同你個園林。除非你是黃永玉。






人老了,要設計的事往往愈來愈多。一半是逼於無奈----如食譜、養生作息時間都不可不加思索,但一半則因怕失去----不再受注意、不再是talking point,故此,「大」搞作會特別多。






Si Wai



(1) Plutonium from Sellafield in all children's teeth

Sellafield前身是Windscale(再提鍊廠),英女皇主持開幕一年後(1957)就出意外,大量alpha particles外泄,包括1/4噸Plutonium漏到愛爾蘭海,之後該廠恢復"生產",直到去年才關門,但遺害世代兒童....... (該地兒童血癌數字特高,但政府及其專家一向都說與該場意外及平日排放無關)


(2) Plan to ship [Canadian] radioactive material to Sweden for recycling cancelled
By Joshua Learn, The Canadian Press July 27, 2013


反核(just say no to nukes)是可以成功的-------核廢料"再造"為日常用品十分危險,必須反反反。只有全面廢核才可停止核廢料繼續被散佈到全球人民的生活空間。


A plan to ship 16 radioactive steam generators through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River for recycling in Sweden has been cancelled after delays caused by public opposition.

An agreement was reached in 2009 between Bruce Power in Tiverton, Ont., and Swedish company Studsvik but company president Duncan Hawthorne said they delayed the plans to allow further discussion with First Nations, Metis and other groups

........But the idea of blending man-made nuclear waste materials into scrap metal for general commercial use, without even any labelling to indicate that the "recycled"metal contains nuclear waste, was another powerful motivator driving many to oppose the Bruce Power plan.

Increasingly, the nuclear industry is seeking permission from governments to be allowed to freely release radioactive waste materials into the environment and into commercial products. Citizens from all walks of life must be alert to this dangerous trend which will result in irreversible contamination of unregulated sites and manufactured goods.

(3) 舊聞一則





... 另外,大亞灣核電廠於03及04年,為兩個核電機組更換壓力容器頂蓋,但沒向外公布。電廠港方股東港核投昨強調,更換頂蓋不涉及任何事故或安全問題,故當時無將有關資料上載至網站。保安局副局長黎棟國表示,更換頂蓋屬正常維修,毋須特別通報,港府當年透過港核投董事局知悉事件,看不到日後有需要通報維修事項,而中電未來會對公眾加強核電安全的認識,包括成立核電教育展覽中心。




Aiya! Brainwashing education?

題目: 食物與輻射

講者: 翁忠海先生 (香港天文台學術主任)
摘要: 你吃了多少輻射?本講座會簡單介紹輻射的各種來源及食物如何受到放射性物質的污染,讓大家了解各種食物含輻射的概況及如何減少當中的輻射。
日期: 2013年8月3日﹙星期六﹚
時間: 下午2時至3時30分
地點: 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道134號A
香港天文台總部 百週年紀念大樓會議廳

~ 免費入場。座位有限,先到先得。 ~












Si Wai





- [引陳寅恪]------「決不可倚學問以謀生」,做學問必須「另求謀生之道」;「做官以及做教員等,決不能用我所學,只能隨人敷衍,自儕於高等流氓,誤人誤己,問心不安。」

- [陳]考證錢(牧齋)柳(如是)因緣..........則完全是業餘研究,若不如此,而是先列規劃,編預算,討經費,搭班子,請那位書記來領導,選那個女生當助理,三卷本的《柳如是別傳》只怕未必能成。











1. 已成功讓一株從種子培育的(大)蕉樹新生命發芽------這對豐富(大)蕉的基因庫有些微貢獻,長大一點後誰會收容讓它成叢呀?以前曾作這樣培育的一株,已長成一大叢現應還在大埔林村。

2. 文化歷史也要在表達多樣性之下發芽、展露、發酵、繁殖,將會看這樣味道的一本作品《故宮的風花雪月》,下回報告。

Si Wai



(A) 單以美國為例,近期決定收檔的Nuclear reactors 有四個,情況包括關了機要維修太貴決定不重開;又有供電其實過盛無須核電......... 其中續了期的也一樣照關。經濟考慮是重要,但其民間(包括它們的環境團體)努力爭取也是事實。(大亞灣表面沒有為消費者製造貴電,但這沒有計算為後代及鄰近人民製造的生命與健康代價)

- San Onofre (2 reactors) in California http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Onofre_Nuclear_Generating_Station#2012_shutdown_and_subsequent_closure

- Kewaunee in Wisconsin http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/19/utilities-dominion-kewaunee-idUSL1N0BJ9CF20130219

- Crystal River in Florida http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-02-05/news/sns-rt-utilities-dukecrystalriver-update-2l1n0b53zt-20130205_1_nuclear-plant-nuclear-reactors-containment-structure

更有Institute for Energy and the Environment, Vermont Law School 的Cooper 預測三打reactors會提前關門。

(B) 亦有放棄新nuclear reactors project (包括已投資的) ---- Prairie Island in Minnesota, LaSalle (2 reactors) in Illinois, and Limerick (2 reactors) in Pennsylvania.

最新消息是Levy nuclear reactor project in Florida也放棄了。

(A) + (B) 告訴我們三項要求完全不是唱高調,不去要求是自己先站到對方立場去打擊己方(運動)所致,即是自己是對方最大助力,是可憐的,也是可恥的。

Si Wai




Chance of nuclear leaks 'very slim', expert says

City University head and nuclear specialist says coal burning creates more radioactive pollution







有中學教科書唔教radiation pollution,卻教風能發電有visual pollution。

高中考試思考題問:香港可持續發展有甚麼問題?其一model answer係失業;甚麼思考?點解釋外國社區風能發電可以製造千計就業機會?點解高中學生個腦可以比人咁搞?























另外才發現您這個回覆沒有按回覆所有人,其他人看不到,您再send多次吧 :)























熟口熟面嗎?真是唉呀呀 ﹗


"十二美人圖"那一章,和圖所涉及的那時期的史料,都算得上頗熟悉(後者透過讀史景遷Jonathan Spence的一系列著作總會有點心領神會),但祝勇對雍正與美人圖合起來作的心理分析還是有趣的;最後作結更以M.Bakhtin"內心自我感受"與"外在形象"之間插入的一個"透明的螢幕"作為審美上的需要(一個他/她者的需要)之說,解釋美人圖正是雍正的"透明的螢幕"。這令我想起許多藝術家的作品-------不是其"本行作品",而是她/他們的自傳﹗剛搜出大堆電影藏書,包括一堆導演的自傳,沒有一一看過,但看過的--------波蘭斯基的"透明的螢幕"太明顯了,他太需要他/她者了,以致我對於參與其事(閱讀此書)略覺尷尬、壓迫。Kieślowski的自傳看不下去,因為他這螢幕顯示了與捷克的Ivan Klima一小說(的螢幕)中的某專政政權下一名道德存疑的導演角色非常酷似,雖然我其實了解到1989前波蘭與捷克社會的藝術界生態本就不同,很難以一套標準衡量另一套。伊地卡山的自傳更不敢看,因為他怎樣豎起他的"透明的螢幕",去讓當日他所"出賣"的那些遭麥卡錫迫害的荷里活同儕的事跡穿透?確不忍睹。還有是黑澤明,他的好看,結合其多年或多部片合作的場務野上照代及編劇橋本忍的自傳來看,就更精彩-------螢幕與螢幕互相參"照","照"得幻影幢幢,耐人尋味良久。還有還有......

[BTW這些導演書歡迎借閱。不過要留意那些都是我輩人成長時追的經典導演,最新只到Almodovar及Derek Jarman,之後我的狂熱漸減,或,讓我狂熱的導演/影片漸減,乃至消散......]




Si Wai



說過想輯「好」文章,「好」是有品味之外還要刺激common sense成長+文化修養的。但有此刺激性的文章有些可能以此時此地觀點看為錯謬百出,起碼極富爭議,但這沒問題,沒有錯謬與爭議,那得有思考?雖然此構想係發下夢(因為實際問題太多,包括版權--------縱使只放上網),也有時會嚴肅地為此思索一番。


一個構想是將文章放上網,讓有興趣於此道者先來討論一下,然後將有啟發性的討論簡撮起來,權作「導師」。或云,如此隔膜地「導」缺乏了親身從旁鼓勵,不太「正常」吧,算啦,就讓世上多點不正常吧;反正學習過程每人不一樣,最正常的狀態(即:在學校對著過度疲倦或過份熱心推銷的老師,在家吃飯時接收電視宣傳的意識,其餘時間對著whats app messages)也不見得有甚麼好學習可言。我自己少年時「親身」遇見的好老師兩個,但都是我自己決定喜歡看書之後才碰到的(同學大多不覺得他/她們有甚麼好),由此卻可說明:有幸「自摸」到「好」書,不用導引也是可以有強烈回應的。




想遠了,回頭看基本問題:何謂common sense與文化修養。Common sense是現代教育勤於扼殺的人類自主生存基本元素---------- 扼殺方法是透過令人分神的分科分類分等思想桎梏,操控學習者令其在生活上成為侏儒,所以,亂世用重藥,要用有濃烈生活氣息的材料來對治。至於文化修養,可參考陳寅恪發揮王國維之「二重證據法」為三方面而說明--------

(1) 取地下實物與紙上遺文互釋證
(2) 取異族古書與本國舊籍互補證
(3) 取外來觀念與固有材料互參證

確是較全面的認知法,據之學習者可望達致一定的修為(尚有玄思--------這是陳大師所卑厭但我認為不應放棄的)。循此方向,則地下實物、異族古書、本國舊籍、外來觀念都是必要的選材,另加玄學、文學,和地上實物、實情。ho ho ho,不得了。




Hester代買了《錦灰二堆》、《三堆》,有一些王世襄感謝溫家寶的文字,因為他就所緊張的「在天安門放養觀賞鴿」而寫的建議書獲溫某覆信;又他在論証中國養觀賞鴿有悠長傳統的長文(前半截寫得邏輯與趣味性很強,可做一級教材有餘)中,竟在後半截包括了講周恩來、宋慶玲也好觀賞鴿這一套文字........那到底是怎樣的一回事?我認為如果要選這一篇,可只選前部份,又甚至可選全篇(除非因太長)-------因為可以引發思索、探討在受了一個多世紀帝國主義的氣,特別再加上親身經歷日本侵略,那一輩知識份子的「國家」觀念特重的問題,尤其像王世襄這些選擇1949留在大陸(王自小讀"international school",1949前甚至後都有為學術交流出國的經歷),他/她們當然有其對在廢墟中「建國」的情意因素-------也不能貿貿然稱為情意「結」,因為這好像我們自己沒有結似的;也不能輕易嘲弄,因這涉及(殘酷的)歷史現實,嘲弄就是一種迴避。而這些,恰恰是我看香港目前由我那一代人加碼煽動「城邦思維」之下引發的鄙視大陸的一切,何以略覺不妥之故。I mean,our generation should know better。沒有對前人、他人的「蔽 」的sympathetic understanding,對自己的「蔽」或將會產生的「蔽」,也不會有警惕。


至於「來生不做中國人」之語,實在講來無謂----------來生做甚麼人都「唔惦」,不生在中華人民共和國之「王土」(包括香港)又如何?我看香港的外籍人活得比我們還老搏,在超市購物未見自備購物袋,買junk food一大堆-------膠樽飲品鋁罐飲品像個山,製造垃圾量絕不低於任何華人家庭。來生若為他/她們的「同胞」,要祈求他/她們不要返老家。

若真有來生,香港住不得,大陸住不得,那些外籍人的原籍地不見得住得--------或者當地的寺廟、修道院是例外(*)。Pollan 講到Connecticut一修院的修女勤做傳統歐洲芝士,更派修女某唸個microbiology的PhD去對付官僚系統以衛生之名打壓raw milk、傳統造芝士的木工具等等,結果修院贏得漂亮。好吧,來生,若有來生(最好冇啦),看來像只有寺廟、修道院一路可走。

(*)本地寺廟、修道院看來也住不得----------月前到附近山上的「神樂院 」,那是之前養牛、製十字牌鮮奶之現場,現已多年不生產,但附近仍有不少果樹,雖已無人打理,但有教友義工長途至此幫忙打掃庭院順便收成,剛有一名中年講純正香港粵語的神父(神樂院始創的眾大陸南來神父如尚健在現年應100歲左右了)走出來,他看見水果好像連辨認都有困難,更奇怪義工怎會懂得去採摘,是典型香港人吧........

希望輯了「好 」文章,可以些微有助於未來的本地神父修女師姑和尚道姑道士拜火教修行者等等等保留過較像樣的自足生活的傳統,也算今生能做的丁點功德。

Si Wai






Si Wai









尾二收拾的是我的捷克+蘇東波革命書籍,沒有「清理」掉多少,捨不得,只棄掉兩三本卡夫卡的評介書吧。以捷克暨幾個中、東歐國家為表表者的上世紀末期革命,當然至今日仍吸引我的是:革命的基本力量來自文化-------即,動力在追尋過道德生活(而不是說謊成習)的尊嚴。極權統治或任何壞政府的恐怖特色,正是令「人民」(包括反對者) 的品質氣質向它等齊;「革命」必須起自人民自覺地要超越那低水平。


何況廿多年後的中、東歐國家本身,以道德力量鼓勵民眾的上一代知識份子或(in the case of波蘭)工人這批領導者,亦早已不合時宜---------選民(普選啊親愛的普選)情願選擇昔日的共黨份子轉眼變身過來成為跨國大財團代辦的「財經專業」,而「新秀」之vulgarity絕不遜色於任何世上政壇人物。


之前未看過的一本1990出版《Without Force or Lie》文集拿出來看,竟然看來看去還是沙哈洛夫與哈維爾的經典文章最耐看。這本書很怪,有些甚麼西德(西方)工業家在那裏介紹未來前東歐國家內大有商機之類,又以哈維爾在美國國會之演講作結---------大概書是代表西方(當日)對這塊新鮮肥肉的垂涎三尺,也印證了一個悲涼的千古定律:革命後(這裏是指1989後)一切都不是那種味道了。還有篇Gunter Grass說德國絕不可統一的文章,說統一必是富者(西德)欺凌窮者(東德)的局面,看來也頗有預見。不過道德文章及作者其人的關係往往很詭異,Grass後來又被爆(少年時,噢當然是少年時)曾接近納粹..........

比較令人高興的是讀到沙哈諾夫partner Elena Bonner的《Mothers and Daughters》,寫她與河婆阿媽三人的事----------當然是在那大(荒誕)時代裡發生的。也許我難免隱約把自己經歷投射其中(看書很難不如此,所以陳寅恪不研清史,只寫一本自撰年譜性質的《寒柳堂記夢》涉及晚清),覺此書情深義重。阿婆(in my case 阿公的角色重些)傳遞前革命氣色(包括文化、藝術與家務);阿媽是十分投入的蘇共擁護者;自己是離心份子--------成長時受阿婆育養的影響較大。但Elena阿媽1937年終在史太林清黨時坐牢三年,後來母女感情亦佳---------1987年Elena 陪伴她安靜地慢慢地在家離世(Elena是醫生但不把母親送到醫院等死),細節讀來感人;而書的第一句就是

"My mother died and created and emptiness so awful I thought my heart would burst."

真是刻骨之誌。11年前我媽走了,griefing period中之超強烈感受就是如此,且該段時期超乎事前所料地長。當日我把中大圖書館所有griefing的書都借回家看都無補於事,只有留待time heals。現時還頗有些關於失去親人的藏書,都是之後開始陸續購入的。用書來解憂縱然做不到(也不應是看書的主要動機吧),但像Elena那樣,馬上動筆寫下三代女子的事,則對我們大有補助。在可怖的政治現實廢墟中,出現一個永恆的課題-------母與女關係的張力(對此男士們可能永不了解),回憶起來那得不加倍神傷?



另一冊是集合捷境內館藏的動物畫作雕塑等的一個展覽所出版的圖集,由古到今,由當地到外國作品都有。出自本人偏心偏愛,捷克的藝術作品常特別覺好-------有帶著憂愁的黑色幽默。這批展品中(按圖來看)最喜歡的是一隻中國2-1B.C.的熊雕像、一對西藏的大象圖(果然因古典得非常好玩故被捷人收藏?),另有多種捷人的近/當代作品也抵死中帶淡淡哀情,如一青蛙陶塑,有似空洞仍帶深情的眼睛,你能忽視牠嗎?一般來說,捷克本身的古典作品常有現代性的衝擊(如之前談到14世紀Master Theodoricus筆下的聖像,在相對光鮮的眾聖人之中,出現了一個堪稱一副倒霉相貌的耶穌,此外如有些鮮藍斑爛的小鳥令人開懷......總之看了感覺絕不僅是虔敬。至於捷克的modern art極多抽象作品,對我這不特別嗜好抽象作品或裝置藝術的行外人看來,又覺很喜愛,甚至曾在其Contemporary Art Museum 內流連忘返,看來是作品繼承了其揉合亙古以來的無厘頭與時代的哀愁之傳統,所以令我特有感應。


當然,豬肉是引子,引出來的可大了--------友人Olga Lomova最近出版了她譯作捷克文的《史記》(她之前的研究領域包括賦、王維詩等等等等);她說當年投身漢學是要以一個遙遠時空的文化來拉開眼前政治、社會的黑暗,讓生命美善還可展現。她絕不是個逃兵,曾落足工夫爭取捷克自由,然後失望,然後加入綠黨........不斷請大陸dissident作家訪捷,每年在布拉格紀念六四----------因為在可怕的權力(即常規政治:不論是共產或非共產政治的版本)面前,中、捷人民也是難姊難妹。我自己十幾年前自覺地墮進捷克的「文學-政治-理想」世界,何嘗不是尋找遙遠時空的文化所提示的希望?不過我譯不出半本捷克經典來,沒有生產和貢獻。



Si Wai




一位朋友的丈夫突然離世。朋友幾近崩潰,帶著眼淚不斷的唸《地藏經》。一直唸一直唸,她說真的不可思議,心竟然慢慢定下來,從崩潰的邊緣回來,雖然griefing 到現在(5、6年後)還沒有停止。





星期六不能赴會,看來和你家中的藏書欠了點緣份,如果有機會,就幫我留一些吧,(前)東歐的,自傳,文學類吧,還是那句:人生流離,書是故鄉!This applies to me. 想必你另有懷抱吧!保重!




a) 未有最癲, 只有更癲;餘此類推。

b) 這個時候,就想再看Plato's Republic

c) 張力之於母女, 還是母子,孰強孰更強,猶如說獅子老虎,邊個好打?看看Sons and Lovers, Paul Morel (= D H Lawrence) 的說法,恐怕也令許多大男人難以終卷吧。

d) 「劏豬」的場面,小時在新界西貢“聽” 過,年長在鄉下劏豬及屠狗場“見”過,眾生都是“傻”乎乎者也。不過,傻呆比癲狂,好似好D。

e) 《史記》翻譯? 周不時在港島徑龍脊行所謂“山”,對有人扎扎實實登珠穆朗瑪峰,有如夏蟲想像吃紅豆冰吧?

f) 祝長長氣氣,惠我筆記。




reply to (c) -----不單大男人,小女子亦鬱悶至深,难以终卷。DH Lawrence寫任何人的關係都是可怖而sexualized,寫人與自己、人與自然的關係也是可怖(de-sexualized之下又活不下去),我看過的只有一篇短篇Rocking Horse Winner寫虐待小孩,震撼但與其他的不同,有強烈同情心之故吧。

reply to (d) 「劏豬」甚至「劏狗」也許都可做得人道,一副副去了毛的白皮屍體與人也差不多..........工業「養豬」、「養雞」.....的場面可以更殘酷,1980s早期行「山」經粉嶺某雞屋已出現擠擁不能動及只准終日、夜啄食場面,遂幾個月不能食雞。






are you ok?




Hello K,

Lily found out that you had a serious road accident and undergone some operation. How are you now? Anything friends can help? Hope you are recovering well and do not suffer from much pain now.

I have been in a dreadful position of cancer relapse since beginning of this year, leading to being forced by hospital doctors to undergo chemotherapy (they said unless i comply i won't be given the life-saving blood transfusions). Currently i am suffering from various side effects of the chemo's, including the most recent 生蛇 onslaught。

Life has so many unpredictable twists and turns, but the lessons seem almost certainly to include the one which instructs us to treasure each day - by doing what should be done on that day, i.e. not to do too little but certainly not too much, so that there is always time to relax and feel the fine details of the good moments.


Si Wai





是的,七月中旬被車撞到頭部, 卻奇蹟地至今沒何異樣。左臂骨斷裂,做了手術, 現在体內有長長的金屬條和一些螺絲釘。復康也是個歸零重建的過程,推掉很多工作(真好,連帶本要作卻不想作的也可借傷不作了!) ,生活被各種治療佔據了(針灸、物療、職療…)。以現代人"進展"的角度看, 我的狀況當是停滯不前,但我又覺自己有很多別的體悟,所以生命者不該單是勇往直前的。


你也要多加保重,養身養心, 別動輒動肝火呀! 你的問候來得有點意外, 卻叫我眼泛淚光呢!

前兩天聽了個哈維爾的講座,他可有甚麼著作你覺得很精彩的? (其實近來很易累的,對知識還有點貪婪,不過總是力不從心!!)






aiya, EVERYthing written by Havel moves me. How about reading his plays first. A bit dark but bearable.

His best, in my opinion, is his Letters to Olga獄中書簡, but avoid the chinese translation version of Taiwan, which skips all the most "metaphysical" letters. the english version is very good.

when we get better and we'll talk more about Havel and (former) east european literature and politics.

yes, i think i can understand 生活被各種治療佔據了.... and 狀況當是停滯不前,但又覺自己有很多別的体悟....... i am learning quite a lot in being very ill recently too.

Si Wai





Si Wai



新招陸續有來........... 現代女生到底接收甚麼"通識"?


New 3D Mammograms May Triple Your Radiation Exposure
By Dr. Mercola

Breast cancer has become big business, and routine mammography is one of its primary profit centers. While mammograms are touted as the best way to prevent breast cancer death, studies suggest otherwise.

The fact that you are reading this article gives you an enormous advantage, as most women are unaware of the mounting research indicating routine mammograms harm far more women than they save.

Despite the facts, the industry is fighting tooth and nail to keep mammography alive by downplaying or outright ignoring its significant risks.

One of industry’s latest tactics is introducing a “new and improved” type of mammogram called 3D tomosynthesis, which is basically a CT scan for your breasts. Tomosynthesis is a clever re-branding of the status quo.

The multi-millions of dollars spent on creating these invasive machines could have been better utilized for educating women about cancer prevention; developing less dangerous technologies, such as ultrasound and infrared imaging; and inventing completely new and safer technologies.

3D Tomosynthesis: Three Steps Down on the Ladder of Progress

Two of the greatest mammogram risks are high radiation exposure and compression of breast tissue, which potentially causes cancer cells to spread. 3D tomosynthesis does not reduce or eliminate either of these risks!

In fact, with this “new and improved” technology, your radiation exposure is even greater than from standard mammograms—and by a significant margin. This is disturbing, as we know that all levels of ionizing radiation can cause cancer.

According to one study,1 annual screening using digital or screen-film mammography on women aged 40–80 years is associated with an induced cancer incidence and fatal breast cancer rate of 20–25 cases per 100,000 mammograms. Meaning, annual mammograms cause 20-25 cases of fatal cancer for every 100,000 women getting the test.

The 3D mammogram requires multiple views in order to achieve three-dimensionality, so it stands to reason your total radiation exposure would be considerably higher than from a standard 2D mammogram.

With mammography, each breast is X-rayed at least twice—once from top to bottom and once diagonally from the outside in. With tomosynthesis, the X-ray tube rotates around the breast. Twenty-five exposures are taken, with up to two pictures per second. Multiple images result in higher radiation exposure. But the picture gets even worse...

3D mammography is not a stand-alone diagnostic test—it’s typically an add-on to the standard mammogram. So, not only do these 3D images prolong your exposure to radiation, but if you’ve already had a regular mammogram, they further compound your risk. This is certainly NOT progress—it’s a huge step backward, making breast cancer screening even more dangerous than before.

3D Mammograms May Actually TRIPLE Your Radiation Dose

Just how much more radiation are you getting with these new 3D mammograms? There are different estimates in circulation, partly because some folks are not including the radiation exposure from the standard mammogram into the total. When you add the 2D and 3D scans together, utilizing tomosynthesis at least doubles your radiation exposure, and some estimates have your exposure tripling, such as this 2011 study published in Radiology Today,2 which states that:

"Because the digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) exam requires two additional exposures over a standard mammogram, the total radiation dose from the combined 2D and tomosynthesis examination is three times that of a standard mammogram."

The authors note that both scans (2D and 3D) are required because studies done prior to FDA approval failed to conclusively show better sensitivity of 3D alone, compared to 2D imaging.3 They also state that it’s too early to know how useful this new breast imaging technology will be. Some insurance companies—Aetna4 for one—have rejected it, citing “insufficient evidence of its effectiveness.”

The bottom line is, the industry reports tomosynthesis has 1.5 to 2 times the radiation dose. The FDA reports it has double the dose. And the radiologists, who are looking at total exposure, report triple the dose over conventional mammograms. You can see this comparison in a chart on page 8 of an FDA Executive Summary, “Average Glandular Dose per Breast.”5

Tomosynthesis is being touted by the industry as being particularly helpful for identifying cancer in women with dense breast tissue. However, these women already have a four to six times greater risk of developing breast cancer. Knowing that ionizing radiation is a direct cause of cancer, how can a test that triples your radiation exposure be of any benefit if you have potentially cancer-prone breasts to begin with?

Smarter CT Scanning of Kids Would Prevent Over 3,000 Childhood Cancers Each Year

Women are not the only ones being excessively irradiated with unnecessary medical scans. Children are receiving more CT scans than ever, and CTs expose them to much more radiation than standard X-rays. The average American child gets seven radiation scans by the age of 18. One CT scan exposes your child to 100 to 500 times more ionizing radiation than a standard X-ray. Your child’s growing body is even more sensitive to radiation than yours, being more likely to develop radiation-induced cancers, such as leukemia and cancers of the brain, lungs, thyroid and colon.

Previous studies have estimated that at least one-third of CT scans in children are medically unnecessary. How many children could be saved from cancer if these unnecessary CTs were eliminated and replaced with safer diagnostic tests? A team of researchers actually set out to answer this question. They calculated that smarter CT scanning of kids would prevent 3,020 children from developing radiation-induced cancers each year.6

Did You Know That 30 Percent of Breast Tumors Go Away on Their Own?

Getting back to breast cancer, it is important to realize that, if your immune system is healthy and strong, it’s capable of ridding your body of tumors—even cancerous ones. According to breast surgeon Susan Love of UCLA, at least 30 percent of tumors found on mammograms would go away if you did absolutely nothing.7 These tumors appear to be destined to stop growing on their own, shrink, and even go away completely. Nearly everyone has cancerous and pre-cancerous cells in their bodies by middle age, but not everyone develops cancer. The better you take care of your immune system, the better it will take care of you.

One way to strengthen your immune system is to minimize your exposure to mammograms and other sources of ionizing radiation, especially mega sources such as these new 3D scans and CTs. But you can also build up your immune system DAILY by making good diet and lifestyle choices.

Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies

Cancer screening does NOT equate to cancer prevention. Although early detection is important, using a screening method that in and of itself increases your risk of cancer is simply not good medicine. Preventing breast cancer is far more important and powerful than simply trying to detect it after it has already formed, which is why I want to share my top tips on how to help prevent this disease. The American Institute of Cancer Research estimated that about 40 percent of US breast cancer cases could be prevented if people made wiser lifestyle choices, and I believe that estimate is far too conservative.8, 9 Below are my top breast cancer prevention strategies.

Avoid sugar, especially fructose. All forms of sugar are detrimental to health in general and promote cancer. Fructose, however, is clearly one of the most harmful and should be avoided as much as possible.

Optimize your vitamin D Levels. Vitamin D influences virtually every cell in your body and is one of nature's most potent cancer fighters. Vitamin D is actually able to enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis (cell death). If you have cancer, your vitamin D level should probably be between 70 and 100 ng/ml. Vitamin D works synergistically with every cancer treatment I'm aware of, with no adverse effects. I suggest you try watching my one-hour free lecture on vitamin D to learn more.

Please consider joining one of GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action vitamin D studies to stay on top of your vitamin D performance. For more information, see my previous article "How Vitamin D Performance Testing Can Help You Optimize Your Health."

Get Vitamin K2. Remember that if you opt for oral vitamin D3 supplements, you also need to increase your vitamin K2 intake, as vitamin D increases the need for K2 to function properly. See my previous article "What You Need to Know About Vitamin K2, D and Calcium" for more information.

Get plenty of natural vitamin A. There is evidence vitamin A also plays a role in helping prevent breast cancer. It's best to obtain it from vitamin A-rich foods, rather than a supplement. Your best sources are organic egg yolks, raw butter, raw whole milk, and beef or chicken liver.

Lymphatic breast massage can help enhance your body’s natural ability to eliminate cancerous toxins. This can be performed by a licensed therapist, or you can learn to do it yourself. Avoid charring your meats. Charcoal or flame-broiled meat is linked with increased breast cancer risk. Acrylamide—a carcinogen created when starchy foods are baked, roasted or fried—has been found to increase breast cancer risk as well.

Avoid unfermented soy products. Unfermented soy is high in plant estrogens, or phytoestrogens, also known as isoflavones. In some studies, soy appears to work in concert with human estrogen to increase breast cell proliferation, which increases the chances for mutations and cancerous cells.

Improve your insulin receptor sensitivity. The best way to do this is by avoiding sugar and grains and making sure you are exercising, especially with Peak Fitness.

Maintain a healthy body weight. This will come naturally when you optimize your diet and exercise. It's important to lose excess body fat because fat produces estrogen. One of the most effective strategies I’ve found for this is intermittent fasting.

Drink a half to whole quart of organic green vegetable juice daily. Please review my juicing instructions for more detailed information.

Get plenty of high-quality animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil. Omega-3 deficiency is a common underlying factor for cancer.

Curcumin. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin in high concentrations shows immense therapeutic potential in preventing breast cancer metastasis.

Avoid drinking alcohol, or at least limit your alcoholic drinks to one per day.

Breastfeed exclusively for up to six months. Research shows breastfeeding can reduce your breast cancer risk.

Avoid wearing underwire bras. There is a good deal of data that metal underwire bras can increase your breast cancer risk.

Avoid electromagnetic fields as much as possible. Even electric blankets can increase your cancer risk.

Avoid synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Breast cancer is an estrogen-related cancer, and according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer rates for women dropped in tandem with decreased use of hormone replacement therapy. (There are similar risks for younger women who use oral contraceptives. Birth control pills, which are also comprised of synthetic hormones, have been linked to cervical and breast cancers.)

If you are experiencing excessive menopausal symptoms, you may want to consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy instead, which uses hormones that are molecularly identical to the ones your body produces and do not wreak havoc on your system. This is a much safer alternative.

Avoid BPA, phthalates, and other xenoestrogens. These are estrogen-like compounds that have been linked to breast cancer. An alarming new study about glyphosate (the active chemical in Roundup weed killer) found it to be highly estrogenic, driving breast cancer cell proliferation at extremely low exposures—in the parts-per-trillion range.10

Make sure you're not iodine deficient, as there's compelling evidence linking iodine deficiency with breast cancer.

Get enough sleep: Proper sleep is essential for optimal health, and it helps metabolize stress hormones better than any other known entity.

Epsom salt baths (20 minutes, three times per week) are a simple, inexpensive way to get magnesium into your body.

Take Control of Your Health to Avoid Becoming a Statistic

Most women are unaware of the mounting research indicating routine mammograms harm far more women than they save. Many also don’t realize the “new and improved” 3D tomosynthesis mammogram actually ends up exposing them to more cancer-causing radiation than the older version.

Please understand that there are other screening options, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and you have a right to utilize them all. Also remember that in order to truly avoid breast cancer, you need to focus your attention on truly preventative strategies, which may necessitate your making some lifestyle changes.

Educating yourself is a major part of being proactive with your health. Peter C. Gotzche, MD of the Nordic Cochrane Centre recently published a groundbreaking book, Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy.11 It offers a comprehensive take on the evidence, and a critical look at the scientific disputes and the information provided to women by governments and cancer charities. It also explains why mammography screening is unlikely to be effective today.




It's difficult to tell whether a medical procedure is really justified or not. Only testing on humans for a long period of time may tell...




our generation all grew up without injection against measles. with traditional wisdom of drinking 芫茜, carrot drink etc. and appropriate sanitation measures, who is afraid of measles? on the other hand , the wide spread of 濕疹is attributed to suppression of the once in a life time measles attack. the long history of how measles has been handled is the best "experiment" - no need for further human experimentation. i know of at least one friend who does not let her daughter be injected. the child is fine.








Si Wai




1. 記得小時生過, 不知是誰讓"香"給我燒過蛇頭就好了, 希望你也可以如此走運

2. 我跌親頭, 努力做氣功, 其實是深呼吸而已, 好像很有效, 兩高樓已日漸消散, 目前, 尚有少許腫而已, 意志加氣功, 好像是最有效的藥物

3. 反核的簽名信能否再傳給我, 我可發給各友好 ?

4. 甚麼時候合適送上Shirley 的曲奇餅 ?

5. 訂菜支票剛寄出, 抱歉遲了, 謝謝眾方因緣, 謝謝農夫的辛勞, 謝謝Lily及您的後勤安排, 感激感恩......





the snakes seem like spiders or squid. some subside while some emerging. very painful. start a 10 day acupuncture treatment today. hope will get better.

the see fu asks me to 戒口,暫與cookies 無緣,will tell you when i get better.



























what's in our water?


the world has come to know quite a while ago that fluoridation of water was a policy implemented because the chemical industry did not want to be punished for discarding its cancer-causing byproduct - fluoride, and governments came to their assistance. it was and is still a scandal.

what i don't know is early in the 1970s in Holland, 100,000 people took to the streets and had fluoride removed from their drinking supply immediately.

as greenpeace people in HK claim that they are 90% against coal-fired plants and 10% against nuclear, why don't they shift the 10% effort to work against fluoridation? it will make life easier for those who do a genuine no nukes campaign, and may be 100,000 will follow their lead to have fluoride removed from our drinking supply immediately........ Who knows?

---------- Forwarded message ----------

This interview was recorded live in Holland in the 1970s, and as a result of it being broadcast, 100,000 people took to the streets and had fluoride removed from their drinking supply immediately.

In Dr. Dean Burk's own words; "This amounts to public murder on a grand scale, it is a public crime, it would be, to put fluoride in the drinking water of people".

Video (about 5 and a half mins):














<>以每日每小時事件簿式紀錄1968蘇軍入侵布拉格,太苦,不看(更令人想起日後自焚的學生Jan Palach,苦苦苦啊)。<>由蘇東波到西單民主牆都講,太一般性,又似甚麼西方(自由電台)的趣味,不看。<>是在捷克買的(Samizdat直譯是非官方出版物,其實是反對者的刊物,該字源自蘇聯),選捷克Samizdat的一些文章,共分三部份:(1)文學,(2)社科,(3)哲學,便拿來細翻。



其中一篇是哈維爾的弟弟Ivan寫的,他是個數學家,當然也寫地下文章,他有興趣的是科學哲學。事實上,短文中有不少會自稱是科學哲學探討--------這批捷克民間哲者喜歡探討「客觀」科學之外的形而上/「主觀」/價值世界,認為讀書人有responsibility to metaphysics。

Ivan在乃兄死後在Charles University(而非官方)的紀念會上致了辭,據說演辭甚正,是講科學哲學的,有人為我留了該晚的programme,可惜尚未到手。



【過場語】「捷克書」中還有好一些二戰時捷克Terezin集中營的紀錄。被囚Terezin的猶太人下一步就被送往波蘭Auschwitz,再從那裏被分成兩路:絕大部份走進gas爐然後消失在焚化爐,極小部份留得殘命為納粹做苦工。有本<>是四個有命回「家」(?)的女人的故事,看得無限景仰,有智慧、有勇氣之餘,還要體格壯健--------如能做最厭惡的照顧者工作和具有可冒充廚子的餓不瘦的「個頭」,都是活命板斧。此外,這些閱讀又令人憶起Rosalie Bertell在她那本<>的前言中所講:大家接受極不正常(殘酷﹗)的事物為正常,並持續參與其中,就是大禍到來的理性程序。Bertell引用歐戰中猶太人的事跡,要講的卻是有關核能的故事。


之前講過母女關係,KY有回郵講起母子比母女關係之難搞,難分伯仲,他以獅和虎孰更兇猛喻之,並共以DH Lawrence <>為例。[DH Lawrence在母子關係之外,亦令所有關係都在sexualized的框架下難搞度大增,而de-sexualized之下-------如人重歸自然------又被他認為不可能(見"The Man Who Loved Islands",最後竟死之可也)。羅素認為Lawrence此公是法西斯,不無點道理,暫不論。]




a說:人生流離,書是故鄉。我添足引申:人生苦樂皆短暫,偶然回首每多無味或只教人莞爾而已,唯連繫到更高、遠處,如文化,如大地,如海天、夜半星空外的無數(?)星雲,苦與樂才得到深味之依據--------過客身份既明顯不過,珍重、珍惜、欣賞、不搞破壞之情念,方有所歸趨,有所確定。[Hundertwasser說:You are a guest of Naure, behave! ] 書,當然是此中的引子;沒有書,若先天稟賦高-------能特敏銳地體驗-------亦可能做到。

於我看,這是讀書識字的唯一因由,所有教育機構的missions and visions或hidden agenda、大部份家長的期盼,都是讓讀書讀入邪路而已。



但今次竟看到他以「永恆」(在他而言是與自然和合的藝術)為「現時已一直壞下去無得救的世界」在大崩壞之後,做好準備----------那時,人們就可用其留下的ideas,理解他的作品,從中得到養份。這真是一個令人絕望稍減的好建議。就像當年看Iron Cross那套好戲,末了仗也打完了,老一輩的德軍長官某,告訴他欣賞的一名有良心的年青手下,要好好珍惜條命,在那一切都崩潰(包括道德)的德國中,建一個較好的未來。同理,Hundertwasser指出,即使無命睇咁遠,也有好的東西留著,讓後人他日可用。




翻查若干捷克藝術書,有本<>,是之前說過「捷克文化乃黑色幽默X悲愴情懷」的antithesis,是雕刻家處於捷克身份被囚而追求解放的19至20世紀交叉的緣故?是那些密度甚高、生來就要承載的金屬或木頭媒體所致?<>中,由一個小孩到一個民族icon的形象都要沉重得小鳥和天空都塌下來;即使欲飛升的形象,也不過像俯伏在布拉格墳場裏的哀傷天使,為人間傷心不已。真箇是登天無路,在地為艱的時代產物。Wenceles Square那個旁邊經常躺坐著大量疲累遊客的John Hus雕像,是最好的說明(John Hus因宗教改革理念被焚殉道,是捷克的三個良心icons之一)。該像沉重在天地間之餘,又有典型Art Nouveau作品的「不完整狀」,令沉重與撕裂一起湧現。


至於前面講到那些集中營九死一生的猶太裔捷克人(重要的離心作家Ivan Klima也是其中一員),她/他們留得殘生從集中營步進戰後的捷克,因自己活著這麼多人死去下半生定要活得真實的意念驅使,在共產政權統治之日,不甘屈從.........這些人,現今又如何了?(Klima 1989後只見出過一本小說,大大不同於之前以Samizdat形式的極多產,那本「新」書灰到盡,講年青人吸毒........)

Si Wai




On “歪傳”

1. "哲學方面更有趣。捷克小國也...", 孔子魯人,魯亦小國也。

2. Responsibility to metaphysics, 跟 elimination of metaphysics,孰對孰錯,唉!真真慚愧。

3. 易乃蔔筮之書,經孔子而形上化,惠我文化,內內外外,前前後後,左左右右。所謂:“練拳唔練功,到老一場空”者,不才也。

星期日開工,聊作 acknowledgement of receipt, 不敢說 echo 也。













Many thanks for sharing your not so random thoughts w us. It's esp touching to know how Hundertwasser made efforts to make the world a less discouraging one, and to see how even w a frail physical body you insist on your pursuits to make HK a little more hopeful.

Take good care of yourself, and I hope to see you soon.





寫得出咁長的讀後感, 都重係正常既你…..





關鍵係佢呢句 ...........這些時候若有半滴精力搾得出來看書,我便會看-------





對啊, 讀書養氣, 也可算是練氣功, 遙祝越練越進步 !!!!!!















好可怕! 值得省思 the story of Man



Dear all,

This is only a cartoon but there is a lot of validity behind it.






thanks. really 好可怕。






另外《Safe Conduct》也是1989-90作品,內容捷克為主,也有匈牙利,雖在那個時刻,卻不見大時代革命主題。哈維爾為這書寫了序,說官方政治框框下的作品從來不是藝術,不因其政治理念錯誤,而是作品虛假,同理,反對政治為題的作品也不一定是好東西,非政治題材的反而大有成為藝術之作的空間----關鍵都是一句:真心。真心之作,見諸《Safe Conduct》的農村景色:一驢、多羊、大堆田間揾食架生,也見諸工人在車間(革命後一樣要開工嘛----不過眉宇間好像頗見寬懷)……

《Josef Koudelka》是大師攝影系列之一。Josef Koudelka 1970離開捷克,1968蘇軍入侵時曾有震驚世界的攝作,但他的藝術/人生「主題」不限於此,更沒有從此在西方大賣1968慘案。他的吉卜賽人系列、在世界各地流浪所得的chaos系列,都是心到意到,蕩入靈魂之作;劇場系列(好獨特的對捷克「風格化劇場」的捕捉)如夢幻、如驚醒。



媚俗(cliché,可譯作陳腔濫調,媚俗是韓少功的譯法),據我理解是offering simple solution to complex problem,不但求其滾過去,更以高度熱情/煽情掩飾那求其,和擁抱這simple solution,從而理直氣壯地取代真理的追求。


還有一本捷克(還是斯洛伐克?)攝影集是一位叫Dagmar Hochova的女攝影師作品,街童相簿,可愛到極,但絕非cute cute地可愛。孩子玩鐵欄,玩衝跑上牆,自製滑板,在棄置建材之中攀爬;有時會扮野----如站高做指揮,有時自由自若地無特別野要搞----如東張西望,勾肩搭背。是窮國家的衣著寒酸孩子,穿插在破破舊舊之中,但看真,他/她們是在大雕像堆裏,在大型掛畫叢中,在有個掛著自製鞦韆爬滿攀藤的亭子裏來而復往,搗蛋結聚。孩童不會成為攝影機/攝影師之外的怯生生的spectator,或被攝的客體目標,他/她們一直與鏡頭齊齊玩,與攝影師同為actors,甚至可當Augusto Boal所講的spect-actor----自覺地玩這個玩。這令局外的我們也不甘作spectator,起碼看照片集看到七情上面。


沒有特別細看的是《Czech and Slovak Photography of the 1980s and 1990s》,一來因為至此本人軀體已極殘破,二來是所選照片不見得特別。書首幾篇文章探討捷克vis-à-vis斯洛伐克在1980 vis-à-vis 1990年代(分裂前後)的攝影風格異同。命題下之展覽,選擇標準是要找出與命題相干的齊全人腳(攝影者)以便表達命題,但不保證作品之感動。





Si Wai




每次看你的電郵, 每回都是驚心而暗喜, 今回喜的是又跨過削壁千仞, 劇痛退, 可以下山了吧, 驚的是你平靜的道來, 當中苦楚原是不足為外人道,

想到你的反核是為生民憂, 生病卻又儼如代萬民痛, 真苦也!

期待上天予圓月, 颶風, 帶來好的氣場, 令你得感應, 長功力, 用自發功制伏蛇魔病魔!

如我所願 !

(謝告之"拼命送"原是狗尾, 難怪每次聽到此三字都感礙耳, 唐滌生終可昭雪了......)






不知道cliché原來還有媚俗的意味,我以為kitsch/kitschy 才叫媚俗。








Si Wai



終於看完Michael Pollan講做麵包的政治經濟營養技術問題,其實只餘幾頁,不過因痛拖了許久。

如果我們不全採用華南人適合吃其水土所最宜種之穀物----稻米,並因而認為吃小麥對我們來說有點「寒濕」,又或者我們已無可救藥地上了吃自製麵包、饅頭的癮,而(全)rye、pumpernickel麵包還未進入一般的廚藝和食譜,那麼,營養豐富的whole grain小麥麵粉便是我們追求的目標了。但有以下事項必須深究:

(一)買麵粉對soft 100% whole wheat一類宣傳字眼要小心,因為追求soft的whole grain有根本的矛盾,這種麵粉看清楚label中成份應是普通的白麵粉為主,再加回一些bran和germ,但那些bran也不一定是小麥的bran,而germ經打磨掉又放回去,已受破壞因此沒有發芽的潛質,這就等於是完全失去吃whole grain(而得到germ的高度營養價值)的原意。當然這樣的死germ正合大麵粉集團長期保存的商業需要,卻與麵粉本來就要吃社區內農民種出、磨坊即磨的那個傳統不符。

(二)保留germ不受破壞的麵粉打磨法,stone milled是其中的可靠者,故可用”stone milled whole grain”為購買指標。但即使如此,也要check清楚這種stone milled麵粉是否該包麵粉的主要成份﹗

(三)但全以(真正)whole grain麵粉自製的麵包,不容易「發」得好,這顯示要做此種麵包必須有準備自做酸種來好好地「發」之。

(四)但這仍出現麵包形狀有點塌塌的----即外殼不夠堅、脆從而讓空氣好好地被包在裏面----將酸種中的菌/香氣好好發揮。Michael Pollan就此有兩對策:(A)預先浸濕麵粉----讓內裏的sugars、amino acids等更「出」,有助形成麵包之高脹外殼。(B)篩出麵粉中較粗的bran成份(約10%),待麵種成形後,加在其濕的外皮上,這樣也有助形成高脹「脆皮」云。

總之,大把實驗可試,或可翻查傳統技術(還是已失傳了?),不過這些事宜絕對不合control freak這類人士來做。要追尋受全面控制麵包、人及農作物等等,還是買市面的白麵粉麵包來吃,和接受全面的基因改造工程吧。






Si Wai























又,由於打利利清理CD、DVD櫃所騰出的空間的主意,想用來放字帖,故趁今時痛到不知所謂,便煲幾隻碟以定碟之去留;至今有三套小品可推介:(1)[日]給親愛的你;(2)[伊朗]繼父;(3)[英]愛情洗剪吹。一向喜愛伊朗及英國小品,有同情冇濫情,既可發下癲,又癲而不謔,寬大為懷。剛巧(1)和(3)都觸及死亡的題材----態度嚴肅,但matter of fact而釋放。

講開寬大為懷的電影,我有三套是暫時能記起來的首選:(1)Jean Renoir的《大河》;(2)艾慕道華的《論盡我阿媽》;(3)宮崎駿的《千與千尋》。大家有何心水?

煲碟是日間活動,夜闌人靜(除了間中被本人狂痛之下的狂叫聲劃破)就看飲食書,這次看飲的---《醉話酒文化》,作者何滿子(不知何許人也?),好像也為這個商務的中國人的生活藝術系列寫其他的;知道有這類作家能暢說出歷史故事來呈現文化知識,真是佩服兼安慰。講起穿插在歷史故事之間的侃侃而談,很難不憶起我的中學中文老師,及那代人(我老師還加了點對戲劇的興趣,邊說邊演) 那種揮灑談笑。思憶老師(死去廿幾三十年了),神經再痛也狠狠地繼續看這本《醉話酒文化》,兼在三更半夜記起老師講《西廂記》的艷句----比教性教育的老師那種怎樣都說不出所以然,好聽多了。


Si Wai






最近上映的《字裡人間》,對文字的熱愛與堅持,也是心頭好! 哎,好戲太多,時間太少。




> 說到以死亡為題,豁達而淡然的電影,想起的只有韓片《八月照相館》,導演許秦豪是唸哲學的,果然氣質不凡。他的《傷逝》講失戀後的成長,替那小夥子感欣慰(女角就是大長今)。


> 看過宮崎駿的《幽靈公主》沒有?史詩般的氣魄。《哈爾移動城堡》那個因魔法而變成八九十歲的老婆婆,生猛豁達強烈又本真,叫人心動。


> 最近上映的《字裡人間》,對文字的熱愛與堅持,也是心頭好! > 哎,好戲太多,時間太少。


Si Wai








thank you very very much!

relaxing music



dear KM,

got the Celtic music CD. really relaxing - thank you for your kind help in making pain-ridden daily life more bearable for me.

Si Wai




Dear Si Wai,

Glad to know that it eventually arrived, as it was ordered some two weeks ago, but only dispatched a week later. I can't say I understand the physical pain you have to endure daily, and I only wish anything that could distract you from it would make your life a bit easier. Hope these Celtic melodies could take your spirit to the grand landscape, the wide ocean and the high sky for an outing from time to time.

My college will soon be merged with two other to form a new one in a month time, and things are suddenly moving very fast after the summer. Not much change to us the teaching staff at the moment or in this academic year as we are delivering the courses as before. Now is time for "earthquake" at the management level where administrative posts will be reduced to fit into the new structure after merger - to be finished before end of October. Changes will come to teaching staff of different departments before next summer.

Sunday Chinese language school has begun, so weekends are busy time for me as well. Just want to have some more time to talk to LH as he is at a stage of rebellion, honest to say, causing troubles at home everyday -- fortunately, he is smart (or timid) enough not to cause troubles at school!

Well, take good care of yourself and find enjoyment in small things as much as you can! Missing you.

With best wishes,
Ka Ming




I saw a documentary about Taiwan underwater volcano and write this. No need to reply if you are busy.

2013/9/28 台灣核電







ABOUT Radioactive Bananas:

While it is true that the element "potassium" (K) has a primordial radioactive isotope called potassium-40 (K-40) that gives off its disintegration energy in both beta particles (89%) and gamma rays (11%), and it is also true that an average banana will contain about 1/2 a gram of potassium from which the K-40 will contribute about 15 becquerels of radioactivity, NEVERTHELESS eating a banana does not add to the annual radiation dose of a human being.

That's because the body already has a lot of "natural" potassium (including K-40) [which is unavoidable], and any new "natural" potassium ingested is balanced by eliminating a comparable amount of "natural" potassium to maintain the "homeostasis" of the body. In other the words the body's own mechanisms will not allow for a net increase in potassium levels and therefore will not allow for an increase in K-40 content in the body.


This is from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities' website:



"The human body maintains relatively tight homeostatic control over potassium levels. This means that the consumption of foods containing large amounts of potassium will not increase the body’s potassium content. As such, eating foods like bananas does not increase your annual radiation dose. If someone ingested potassium that had been enriched in K-40, that would be another story."


The same bodily homeostasis mechanism does not work for radioactive cesium, which does not exist in nature at all. Consequently any foodstuffs or beverages containing radioactive cesium are automatically enriched (from 0 percent up to x percent) and so ingesting these materials does represent an additional dose of ionizing radiation to the person so exposed.

Gordon Edwards.




Dear SW:

Glad to hear from you. Even enriched K40 is not very harmful because it has a very long half-live, but not Cs from radioactive sources which may replace K40 in our body. I am slowly losing my ability to walk without knowing the cause,besides this everything is fine. I write poems for fun to kill time. Someone asks me how I write. This is my answer.

2013/9/29 譜詩





this poem of yours explaining how you compose poetry is surely very touching. add oil!

i am currently hardly able to walk because of the excruciating pain created by an earlier onslaught of 生蛇,this is (hopefully) temporary but it makes me recognize how much enjoyment a daily casual stroll in the neighborhood can bring. i think you can try all sorts of ways in the mean time to revert your conditions EVEN WITHOUT KNOWING THE CAUSE OF YOUR CONDITIONS. Or, we can say that there are other kinds of "cause" besides the modern scientific interpretation of it as the state which when subjected to some physical mechanism leads to another state ("effect"). So, why not try some kinds of "curing methods" which may not provide one with any "sound" cause. In other words, you may try the "pragmatic approach" which will take whatever "works" as "hitting on the 'right' cause".

just my wild suggestion - but i have been taking that kind of approach in handling my complicated illness(es). Earlier i tried 燒蛇眼to handle生蛇, it wasn't effective but i would still give this traditional method benefit of the doubt - such as i went to the "see fu" not at the appropriate time (too late, when the 蛇 is already well formed) or, it at least has stopped a new 蛇 from forming in another part of my body...... Besides, i would think it is quite possible that the shock created by the 燒 impact could really bear positive result on the nervous system. after all, 生蛇 is a virus attack on the nerves.

so on and so forth. many interesting things to try - and you might like to write poems on those off beat topics too?




I am glad to find out that you can give a long reply in the mail. My ailment is nothing when compared to yours. I always adore you and your courage. I am having acupuncture treatment but it does not seem to help. I learn to write fun poems because I read poems to kill time and I fall asleep when reciting poems in bed time. I am not used to write long paragraphs. Wan chi match my poems with pictures and photos. She is really a wonderful person.

A Letter to All Young Athletes from Hirose




Winnie: 不用心焦,要來的總要來,同樣,不來的也急不來。台灣七成人反核(4),有人指主要是劉黎兒個人努力與人脈勁(她10月又回台再搞起來了),當然也有團體適時的配合(綠盟、主婦聯盟...),但還是搞不出公投來,政黨利益還是先行。德國的反核已幾十年,還不是福島核災令它修成正果?(之前"就近"的Chernobyl也沒能讓它核時代結束)......可見核利益輸送面之廣,反核幾乎就是"與世界為敵"(枷道理在中港"民間"的影響就深不可測,各國皆有這類情況)。此外,這個mailing list中好些是我的個人朋友,並無團體關係,我讓大家溝通反核訊息,有搞作時就互相支援,並不是請她們像團體般去搞動員。至於反核之眾的團體,不少是你個人努力在11年lur回來的,動員於反核實不容易,當時如此,現亦相同。總之,自己估量一下,希望投入多少就自己儘做吧。

Si Wai






食書雖盡力看,卻以不滿意的居多,<<來自廚房的明信片>>講各地風土一二事配以食譜,生硬無情,雖是澳洲名廚之作,亦中途棄之。<< 瑞草之國 >> 講茶事茶史,資料頗多但有為數不少的以下一類的陳腔濫調,難頂,亦棄之。[廢話如:"惟有那三卷七千字的<<茶經>>,使他(陸羽)進入聖人行列。他一生固然沒有子嗣,但他有茶相伴終身。他使茶香溢人間,而茶,也使他萬古流芳。"]

在此心煩意燥容忍力不高(忍痛已忍到滿額) 時刻,只能看與重看最好的,於是又閱一次 <<東京昆蟲物語>>。不是想吃日式燒昆蟲,而是這書的繪圖和文字都濃淡得宜,可迴味再四。當然,那個"昆蟲東京"都是過去式了------像那由泥地、蹲廁組成而無盥洗設備的日式廁所就不再存在,常駐那種場所的灶馬(一種長腳昆蟲)便消失了,那種廁所京都還有,所以灶馬可能還在,與如廁者打招呼。還有與從前東京家庭會種的無花果樹為伍的黃星天牛,當然亦隨樹一起莎喲啦啦於新派的東京城啦。




Si Wai




























Don't know if the following is of any use.

From CU library

Title: Huo zhen liao fa. [videorecording] / bian dao Li Xu
Author: 李旭 ; Xu Li
Subjects: Acupuncture ; Acupuncture Therapy Description: 火針療法視中醫針灸的一種特殊針法。是提高針灸療效、治療多種疑難病證的重要、有效的針灸方法之一。本片介紹了火針療法的常用針具,火針的功效及適應證,火針臨床操作方法,使用火針療法的注意事項等,並詳細介紹了帶狀皰疹及帶狀皰疹後神經痛、網球肘、腰痛、痛風(痛風性關節炎)、肩周炎、痤瘡、難治性面癱、雞眼等8種疾病的火針治療方法.
Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Series: 中醫治療系列. Zhong yi zhi liao xi lie.
Publisher: 北京市 : 解放軍衛生音像出版社; Beijing Shi : Jie fang jun wei sheng yin xiang chu ban she
Publication Date: 2007
Description: 1 videodisc (26 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in..

From Baptist U library - a sample of several online journal articles, of course the quality is questionable. (if interested, need someone from BU to access it)

by 王粵湘 張秀華 黃瑾明
廣西中醫學院學報, ISSN 1008-7486, 2010, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 60 - 61
帶狀皰疹後遺神經痛是指患帶狀皰疹後,皮疹消退,但局部有明顯神經痛的一種病症[1]。據研究,10%~15%的帶狀皰疹患者易留後遺神經痛,這種疼痛短則數月,長者達十餘年,給患者帶來很大痛苦,並造成一定的精神壓力。近十年來, 後遺神經痛, 帶狀皰疹, 中醫外治

by 賈高增
中國民間療法, ISSN 1007-5798, 2012, Volume 20, Issue 9, p. 23
帶狀皰疹後遺神經痛是指由水痘~帶狀皰疹病毒感染後導致的相應節段神經系統損傷,引起疼痛,是困擾中老年人群的頑固痛症之一,其疼痛持續時間數月至數年。由於患者長期忍受疼痛折磨而苦不堪言,治療效果卻不盡如人意,嚴重影響患者的工作和日常生活品質。筆者用TDP特定電磁波理療、針刺、拔罐、擦藥的方法治療本病168例,療效顯著,現報導... 治療效果, 疼痛部位, 帶狀皰疹後遺神經痛, 神經系統損傷, 中老年人群




seems like different packages of curing methods. shall i interpret each package as "try different means to see which one helps"?

actually i've tried and am trying acupuncture (and massage too) and i have this feeling that local "healers" are not very aware of the seriousness of the after effect of this illness. so i doubt whether they can really help. Dr chow understands but he admitted that he may not be able to help.

it's said on the web that people spent up to $1,000,000 and still cannot find the cure.




Among all the ailments that acupuncture claims to heal, the strongest evidence (by western style research) is pain relief. This emphasis seems to be less noticed in local healers - can you ask around for those focus on pain relief?

The Science of Acupuncture _ BBC Documentary _ Traditional Chinese





could not have agreed with you more. but have yet to find the right acupuncturist. sigh!

i guess given my dismal condition i need at least 30, 40 sessions but still have to find the right one to perform it.









舒緩神經疼痛 運動可減促進因子




















Dear R,

As acupuncture therapy in general needs quite a long while and it takes much trouble (actually painful) for Si Wai to travel, we need to assess whether it is worthwhile to do it, pls try to find out more information from Dr. Tsui. Below is the condition of Si Wai -



many thx!




昨天徐醫師的針灸ok嗎?思慧老師加油啊!有什麼方面可幫手的就告訴我啦 :)





應有用的,約了星期四。 ___

update on GMOs


Please read the following update on GMOs. 奇怪香港連個爭取GMO標籤的持續而像樣的運動都沒有。


Toxicology Expert Speaks Out About Roundup and GMOs
October 06, 2013 | 12,564 views
By Dr. Mercola

Dr. Don Huber is likely the leading GMO expert in the world. He is an award-winning, internationally recognized scientist, and professor emeritus of plant pathology at Purdue University for the past 35 years.

His agriculture research is focused on the epidemiology and control of soil-borne plant pathogens, with specific emphasis on microbial ecology, cultural and biological controls, and the physiology of host-parasite relationships.

His research over the past few decades has led him to become very outspoken against genetically modified organisms (GMO) and genetically engineered (GE) foods and the use of Roundup in agriculture in general.

He’s really one of the best scientists we have in the GMO movement for documenting the dangers of genetically engineered foods.

“I appreciate the opportunity to share a little bit of my research and the research of many other scientists who are expressing concern; recognizing that we’ve missed the boat in much of this discussion and much of the process, because it’s really a food and health safety issue that we’re dealing with here,” he says.

Three Things You Need to Know About GMOs

There’s a lot of confusion about the basic validity of concerns about genetically engineered (GE) foods. Many have been deceived into thinking that there’s really no difference between GE foods and conventional fare, and all these worries are just paranoid fear-mongering.

According to Dr. Huber, the following three facts are some of the most important that everyone needs to understand about GMOs:

1. Despite what the media and so-called “experts” proclaim, there are NO peer-reviewed scientific papers establishing the safety of GMO crops.

According to Dr. Huber, so far, no one has been able to establish that there’s a safety factor to either the genetically engineered proteins (i.e. the foreign proteins produced by the genetically modified plant) or the chemicals we’re consuming in ever larger quantities as a result of the genetic engineering process.

There are, however, both clinical and peer-reviewed scientific papers showing the hazards of GMO crops, including harmful secondary effects.

“A group of us met with top USDA administrators. They assured us that they based all their decisions on peer-reviewed science. When we asked them if they would share any of that, they were unable to produce any,” he says.

2. Epidemiological patterns show there’s an identical rise in over 30 human diseases correlated with our increased usage of glyphosate and the increased prevalence of genetically engineered proteins in our food.

3. Genetically engineered foods, as well as conventional crops that are heavily sprayed with glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup), have lower nutrient density than organic foods. They also contain high amounts of pesticides with documented harmful health effects, along with novel, highly allergenic, proteins.

Little-Known Facts About Glyphosate

You can’t really discuss genetic engineering without also addressing the chemicals these plants are engineered to tolerate. About 85 percent of all genetically engineered plants are herbicide-tolerant—designed to tolerate very high levels of herbicides, glyphosate in particular. These are the so-called Roundup Ready crops.

It’s important to realize that glyphosate is not “just” an herbicide. As explained by Dr. Huber, it was first patented as a mineral chelator. It immobilizes nutrients, so they’re not physiologically available for your body.

“You may have the mineral [in the plant], but if it’s chelated with glyphosate, it’s not going to be available physiologically for you to use, so you’re just eating a piece of gravel,” Dr. Huber says.

Naturally, health effects are bound to occur if you’re consistently eating foods from which your body cannot extract critical nutrients and minerals. Mineral deficiencies can lead to developmental and mental health issues, for example. Glyphosate is also patented as an antibiotic—and a very effective one at that— against a large number of beneficial organisms. Unfortunately, like all antibiotics, it also kills vitally important beneficial soil bacteria and human gut bacteria.

“Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus faecalis—these are organisms that keep you healthy either by providing accessibility to the minerals in your food or producing many of the vitamins that you need for life. They’re also the natural biological defenses to keep Clostridium, Salmonella, and E.coli from developing in your system,” Dr. Huber explains.

“When you take the good bacteria out, then the bad bacteria fill that void, because there aren’t any voids in nature. We have all of these gut-related problems, whether it’s autism, leaky gut, C. difficile diarrhea, gluten intolerance, or any of the other problems. All of these diseases are an expression of disruption of that intestinal microflora that keeps you healthy.”

Glyphosate was first patented as a chelator in 1964 by Stauffer Chemical Co. It was patented by Monsanto and introduced as an herbicide in 1974. And then in 1996, Roundup Ready crops hit the market. There’s been a steep increase in the usage of Roundup since then, because you can apply it multiple times without damaging your crop. Making matters worse, they’re now also using glyphosate as a ripening agent—even for non-GMO crops. It’s applied right before harvest time to ripen off the crop.

“We have about a five-fold increase in glyphosate usage on many of our GMO crops. With the Roundup Ready-resistant weeds, we see that rate going up exponentially,” he says.

Did You Know? EPA Just Increased Allowable Limits of Glyphosate in Your Food

Despite well-understood health risks, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is repeatedly approached by agricultural and biotech companies asking for increased limits of this pernicious toxin in your food.

“The companies say we have to increase the amount of glyphosate that we can have in your food, so we can have a ‘safe’ product – not based on science but based on how much chemical is actually in our food!” Dr.Huber says.

On May 1, the EPA went ahead and doubled the amount of glyphosate allowed in food... Soybean oil may now contain as much as 40 parts per million (ppm) of glyphosate. Meanwhile, research by Dr. Monika Krueger at Leipzig University shows that a tenth of a part per million is all that it takes to kill your Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Enterococcus faecalis! So soybean oil is now allowed to contain a whopping 4,000 times the known limit at which it can impact your health.

Can GMOs Coexist with Conventional Crops?

On September 20, agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the Department of Agriculture (USDA) will soon publish a notice in the Federal Register asking for public comments on how agricultural coexistence in the US might be strengthened. At the time of this writing, the USDA has not yet published that notice, but you can search the Federal Register for the latest notices here.1

According to the media release:2

“The Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture recommended that USDA support agricultural coexistence by strengthening education and outreach on this vital issue... In response, with this notice, we are asking all those with a vested interest in coexistence to help us learn more about what coexistence means to them, how they are already contributing to it, and what more is needed to achieve coexistence. With this input, we can continue the dialogue begun by the AC21 group3 and find practical solutions that will help all sectors of American agriculture be successful.

... Coexistence is defined as the concurrent cultivation of crops produced through diverse agricultural systems including traditionally produced, organic, identity preserved, and genetically engineered crops. USDA supports all forms of agriculture and wants each sector to be as successful as possible providing products to markets in the United States and abroad.”

Vilsack wants comments... How about we start with the suggestion that “Biotech Government of the Year shouldn’t be running the show.” He says the USDA supports ALL agriculture, yet the USDA primarily subsidizes junk food crops—corn and soy—and cave in to the multi-million dollar lobbying of the biotech industry. Meanwhile, the USDA has all but wiped out raw milk, heritage hogs, and most small farmers. So, really, the only agriculture the USDA support is the chemical variety. When asked whether he believes that it’s ever appropriate or possible for GMOs to coexist with conventional and organic crops, Dr. Huber replies:

“We know how to get these genes in; we don’t know how to remove them,” he says. “I don’t see any opportunity for coexistence with the current technology that we have because of that promiscuous nature of the genes. If you have a gene that is spread by pollen, like Roundup Ready alfalfa, it’s just a matter of time before bees or the wind is going to transfer that particular pollen to every alfalfa crop that you’re going to grow. There’s a very high probability that you’re going to see that genetic component in it.”

The StarLink Case—Proof Positive GMOs Can’t ‘Coexist’ with Natural Plants

According to Dr. Huber, our knowledge of what we’re doing in the genetic engineering process is extremely limited. Contrary to popular belief, we’re still only in the initial stages of understanding what we’re doing in that whole process:

“We do know that it’s more like a virus infection than it is a breeding program. In other words, you’re throwing genes in, but you’re not moving all of the regulatory and control mechanisms with those genes so that they’re only going to function at a time when the plant needs it or under conditions when it needs it. It’s a flawed science to think that you have one gene or one little group of genes and it’s going to do this particular function and not the other things.”

Clearly, that’s not the general perception. Most people are still under the illusion that genetic engineering is a very precise approach. That’s certainly what the industry wants you to believe. But as Dr. Huber points out, we learned some very important facts from sequencing of the human genome: There aren’t nearly enough genes to do all of the things we know are done within the human body.

This is related to the profoundly important relationships that epigenetics controls. We found out that a gene actually functions in relation to the environment and its relationship to other genes or other genetic components in that code. When you disrupt those relationships and the integrity of the genetic code, you end up with mutations and epigenetic effects that we’ve yet to explore.

“We know they occur because for every one of those successful expressions that you get from genetic engineering, you have over a million other things that take place that are negative,” he says. “We also have potentially negative [effects] with the one that succeeded in expressing a particular protein that you want for genetic engineering. But nobody even looks for all of those other epigenetic effects that occur.

One of the things that we do know, since we don’t have the regulatory genes that would normally be part of those components from a regular breeding program, is that the genes that are being inserted are extremely promiscuous. They’re not stable. They may stay in and be transferred through a regular breeding program after they’re introduced. But we know that they can be transferred to soil microorganisms when the stubble or the grain is digested and decomposed in the soil—or in your gut.”

In the latter case, your gut flora can then pick up those same genes, and can start producing those foreign proteins, which are extremely allergenic. A perfect example of this was the StarLink corn, which produced a protein that turned out to be very toxic to humans. StarLink was grown 10 years ago for a pharmaceutical process. It was pulled off the market when they realized it had escaped from its confines and had the ability to contaminate corn destined for food production.

We know that GE crops decimate agricultural variety—countless varieties have been wiped out in order to foster a few monocultures. Now, if GMOs are removed, will there really be less food variety?

This ridiculous concept was recently brought forth by Scientific American.4 The erroneous and illogical claims made in the editorial mirrors claims made by Monsanto—such as the idea that GMO labels could destroy the market for genetically engineered foods in a country where 70 percent of processed foods already contain them. This, they want you to believe, would result in “less variety and higher costs.” Look, we’re primarily talking about ingredients like corn syrup and soy! And food companies do not appear to have any major problems supplying Europe, where GMOs have to be labeled, with products that do not contain genetically engineered corn and soy.

It’s funny how times have changed at Scientific American, as they now tow the biotech line like a well greased PR firm. It wasn’t all that long ago that they had the right idea, questioning the logic and safety of restricting GE crop research to the seed companies that make them.5

Could YOU Be Altering Your OWN Genes When You Eat GMOs?

As discussed by Dr. Huber, research clearly shows that the novel proteins created in genetically engineered plants are highly allergenic, with the capability to promote diseases like cancer and liver or kidney failure. But Dr. Huber points out that there are other factors involved as well, which have some scientists concerned about the spread of those genes into the human gut... Not only do GMOs alter your intestinal microflora, but research shows that human cells are also able to transfer those novel genes, thereby affecting the human genome.

“Especially with generation two genetic engineering, called gene silencing—that section of the nucleic acid can actually be picked up or attached to your own genes, and then start shutting down your own physiology in that process... It’s well-documented in the scientific literature.”

Indeed, last year, University of Canterbury Professor Jack Heinemann released results from genetic research he conducted on this type of GE wheat, which showed without “any doubt” that molecules created in the wheat, which are intended to silence wheat genes to change its carbohydrate content, may match human genes and potentially silence them. If that’s not a concern, I don’t know what is! University Professor Judy Carman agreed with Heinemann's analysis, stating in Digital Journal:6

"If this silences the same gene in us that it silences in the wheat -- well, children who are born with this enzyme not working tend to die by the age of about five.”

Heinemann reported that his research revealed over 770 pages of potential matches between two GM genes in the wheat and the human genome. Over a dozen matches were “extensive and identical and sufficient to cause silencing in experimental systems,” he said. Experts warned that eating the wheat could lead to significant changes in the way glucose and carbohydrates are stored in the human body, which could be potentially deadly for children and lead to serious illness in adults.

Glyphosate—Another Culprit in Bee Die-Offs?

Glyphosate may also play a role in bee colony collapse disorder. As stated by Dr. Huber, there are three established characteristics of colony collapse disorder that suggests glyphosate may be (at least in part) responsible:

1. The bees are mineral-deficient, especially in micronutrients

2. There’s plenty of food present but they’re not able to utilize it or to digest it

3. Dead bees are devoid of the Lactobacillus and the Bifidobacterium, which are components of their digestive system

The bees also become disoriented, suggesting endocrine hormone disruption. Neonicotinoid insecticides, which are endocrine hormone disruptors, have been demonstrated to make a bee disoriented and unable to find its way back to the hive. Glyphosate is also a very strong endocrine hormone disruptor.

Dr. Huber cites a study on glyphosate in drinking water at levels that are commonly found in US water systems, showing a 30 percent mortality in bees exposed to it. And that’s just from common levels of glyphosate in drinking water...

Glyphosate Is a Cumulative Chronic Toxin

Americans are in a tough spot right now, as there’s no telling which foods might contain genetically engineered ingredients tainted with high amounts of Roundup. Labeling would at least tell you that much, and give you the freedom to choose another product.

“A consumer needs to be very concerned. They need to be active in the labeling aspects,” Dr. Huber says. “They also need to be active in the requirement for safety studies. These haven’t been done. When the EPA employed the term ‘substantially equivalent,’ it gave the chemical companies essentially a waiver on doing any of the safety tests. The only thing that they’ve ever tested for is acute toxicity.

Well, we know that glyphosate, for instance, isn’t an acute toxin. It’s a serious chronic toxin. That’s been well-established in peer-reviewed scientific articles. We have more of those coming along all the time. There is no question that it’s a chronic toxin.”

According to Dr. Huber, glyphosate at a mere 0.5 ppm is toxic to your endocrine hormone system, which includes your pituitary, thyroid, and reproductive hormones. Ten ppm is cytotoxic to kidney cells; one ppm is toxic to your liver, and 0.1-10 ppm are toxic to a whole series of human cellular functions or cells directly. Dr. Huber has even likened glyphosate to DDT in terms of toxicity. Consider that, and then consider that we are currently using some 880 million pounds—that’s nearly ONE BILLION pounds—of glyphosate annually on crops grown worldwide.

As Dr. Seneff and Samsel reveal in a recent study conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, glyphosate is probably the most harmful chronic toxin we’ve ever encountered, both in our environment and on our dinner plates. Their findings show that two of the key problems caused by glyphosate in the diet are nutritional deficiencies, and systemic toxicity.

“It’s just that you don’t get killed or die today from it; you have to suffer through the process of gluten intolerance, leaky gut, Crohn’s, Alzheimer’s, autism, or any of those diseases that are related to the health of your gut, which we’re seeing now on an epidemic scale in our society,” he says.

Why Is the USDA Ignoring This Health Threat?

Two years ago, in 2011, Dr. Huber wrote a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, informing him of many of the safety concerns surrounding genetically engineered crops, along with yet another groundbreaking finding that could spell absolute disaster for your entire food supply. He warned Vilsack about the emergence of a brand new electron microscope-sized organism associated with something called Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in soy.

It's also found in a large variety of livestock given GE feed who experience both spontaneous abortions and infertility. This includes cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, and poultry. Might it affect humans in the same way? Dr. Huber urged the USDA to investigate the matter and suspend approval of GE alfalfa until proper studies have been completed.

“We know that all herbicides are chelators, mineral chelators. That’s how they compromise the plant’s physiology: they tie up a particular nutrient and shut down a physiologic pathway,” he says. “This wasn’t new from that standpoint. But the thing that was different [with glyphosate] was its biocidal effect. It’s not only a chelator, but it’s also a strong antibiotic to beneficial microorganisms. How do you compensate for that? How do you restore biological activities?

Much of my research, which was focused on glyphosate, was focused on the biology and restoration of those mineral nutrients. I served on the National Plant Disease Recovery Program. I was chairman at that time and also for the USDA. I’ve also served for 40 years on our various threat pathogens committees and recognized what the potential problems were with Roundup Ready alfalfa.”

The American Stock Growers’ Association also testified before Congress, saying that infertility was threatening the animal industry. Dr. Huber saw how all of these issues were connected—via genetically engineered crops and the application of glyphosate. He felt an obligation to alert the USDA secretary and to ask for his help in getting the research done before further jeopardizing not only our fourth most important crop, but also our entire animal production because of the prevalence of this new abortogenic entity, found in high concentrations in GE or high-glyphosate intense growth conditions.

His warnings were ignored, and GE alfalfa was deregulated that same year. Why is the USDA ignoring warnings from a scientist with 50 years of experience with plant pathology, soil-borne diseases, microbial ecology, and host-parasite relationships?

“A group of us met with the top administrators. I’ve never met with the secretary personally. But we did have the privilege of meeting and sharing our concerns and 130 or so peer-reviewed scientific articles that support our position with top administrators in USDA and some of the other agencies. They assured us that if we could do the work, they would be willing to look at it.

Well, they haven’t looked at any of the other peer-reviewed science... And the USDA scientists, who have a tremendous amount of knowledge on the impact of glyphosate, have all been muzzled. They’re not permitted to say anything about it. I got a phone call from one a few weeks ago. He said, ‘I’ll be retiring fairly soon. I plan on moving off and sharing that stage with you because I have a lot that I want to say. I just can’t say it right now.’”

GMOs Are Not the Solution to Feed a Burgeoning Population

There is simply no question and there is irrefutable evidence that genetic engineering is not the solution to feed a growing world population. Rather, it actually increases disease susceptibility of plants by impairing their immune response. It also reduces, not increases, yield potential. There’s never been a genetically engineered plant that increases the intrinsic yield of a plant. Improved plant yield is accomplished through traditional breeding programs that promote improved gene expression.

“We’re only expressing 25 or 30 percent of the genetic potential for yield in any of our crops now,” Dr. Huber says. “There’s tremendous potential there. It’s a matter of using that traditional breeding as we’ve done for many years and getting better expression – not throwing in additional genes to act like a virus and disrupt the integrity of the whole process that’s required for yield and quality.

We can increase all of the nutrient density with traditional breeding. In fact, the Brazilians are doing that. They’ve just released new varieties of soybean with higher vitamin A, and corn with higher vitamin A and vitamin C. We can do all of that with traditional breeding. We’ve been doing it for years. You don’t need to disrupt the genetic integrity and introduce all the collateral damage with its long-term effects.”

I can personally attest to this fact as well. High-performance agriculture is one of my new passions, so much so it’s turning into something of a second career—to learn and understand how to optimize plant growth and the environment. I’ve been applying what I’ve learned in my own garden for a few months now, and I’ve been able to personally witness the maximization of genetic potential that is possible. For example, by using compost tea and mineral amendments, the leaves on some plants, like my lime trees and oleanders, are literally 300 to 400 percent bigger than the typical leaf of these plants. It’s truly extraordinary! You wouldn’t even imagine that plants could grow that big.

Part of the problem is that we’ve gotten used to less than mediocrity, when it comes to plant performance. According to John Kempf,7 an Amish farmer and one of the leaders in the field of high-performance agriculture, farmers and food producers routinely harvest only about 10 to 15 percent of the inherent genetic capacity of any given crop. In a nutshell, the foundation of health – whether we’re talking about plants, soils, animals, or people – it really boils down to two things:

Having adequate mineral nutrition, and

Having that nutrition, in the case of plants, be supplied by an active soil microbial community, or having a strong soil biology

Genetically engineered crops decimate both. How could it possibly be the answer to rising food demands?









祝 一切順心、如意。







1. 幾十年來核武和核電雙雙蹂躪全球,核電為核武化妝和遮掩,核武令核電成為「廉價」能源,當中的醜惡故事似遠還近,我們要認識和反對核電,不能忽略這段歷史。

2. 受災的人民慘被滅聲,我們既然有幸(?)聽得到,就讓更多人聽到吧。



















Si Wai





Si Wai



祝F君生日快樂,身體健康,順順利利,繼續自由自在自得 :)

















枇杷葉溫灸熱敷:枇杷樹是古印度佛教的大藥王樹. 枇杷葉煮茶喝可提昇類胡蘿蔔素的含量.其溫灸熱敷的鎮痛效果比美碼啡,是一個非常好用的醫用果樹. http://www.naturopathic.com.tw/ShowGoods.asp?category_id=94&parent_id=0


枇杷樹早在3000年前的印度佛經就記載為”大藥王樹” , 它的葉子煮茶像紅茶, 可提高體內類胡籮蔔素的含量, 熱敷的止痛效果比瑪啡好, 鎮靜安寧的效果有”無憂扇”的美譽, 消炎的功效媲美第三代廣效抗生素. 枇杷子有人用在癌末病人, 效果良好.

熱敷: 最好用艾草棒點火熱敷或將海鹽及砂石用火炒熱使用. http://www.naturopathic.com.tw/ShowGoods.asp?category_id=95&parent_id=0

枇杷葉還有一些新的藥用功能﹕一、治療各種疼痛﹕枇杷葉的有效成分之一苦杏仁經人體吸收後,可分解為具有抗癌作用的物質和一種類似阿斯匹林的物質,能發揮很強的鎮痛作用。 http://www.aptcm.com/aptcm/medinfo.nsf/ByUNID/B50D0A5E6DE9B2B948256D2600164499?opendocument









看Bertell的書,講書馬紹爾群島遭核試危害時,提及島民糖尿病率世界之最,但從當時研究進度看來好像和輻射被曝劑量的多少不太相關,當時也還沒有找到具體原因。(No Immediate Danger, 72頁)

今早找到一位研究者Seiji Yamada http://ome.hawaii.edu/bio.yamada.htm,有些文章正是講當地的疾病問題,提及糖尿病時,嘗試從生理+社會文化經濟結構去解釋成因。如島民的被殖民歷史、遭受核試不公對待、生活飲食習慣結構和生存環境被迫改變、失去獨立生存能力,從捕魚到被迫接受美國的(垃圾)食品,社經地位低下得不到優質的食物,受壓迫階層的心理壓力,等




Yamada S. “Militarism and the social production of disease”. In Fort M, Mercer MA, Gish O (Eds.). Sickness and wealth: the corporate assault on global health. South End Press, 2004.











(1) Ontario唔添核廠,加拿大再無新訂單。


(2) 自由平等博愛的法國在前殖民地做的事------


(google translate) " The population has inherited 50 million tons of radioactive waste stored at Arlit and Areva continues to pump free 20 million cubic meters of water per year while the population dying of thirst ," reported Mr. Mamane .

According to him, " the streets and homes of Arlit are built with radioactive waste and wastewater and contaminated groundwater dries by Areva's fault."

" The worst is that Areva continues to deny all this," he said.

(3) 福島核廠清理者----------一部寫不完的日本犯罪小說

Help wanted in Fukushima: low pay, high risks and gangsters http://www.hindustantimes.com/world/help-wanted-in-fukushima-low-pay-high-risks-and-gangsters/story-MF9qkvVJuC48RhH5awWzFO.html



Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai


Si Wai